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Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

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Lol an Iranian talking about military propaganda. The embarrassment :)

As far as I know one of the claims of the author was refuted by sinan. Flight computer.

If you're really like to see military propaganda here's a nice link :)


Showing a box with TAI on it is not a proof.
Especially if the box is unveiled over night.
Especially if several sources say otherwise.

I will be back with more comments on this assembled drone. I am busy now.

Anka is just assembled in turkey, yet cannot fly and crashes in the tests.
Turkish propaganda :disagree:

Either prove thess points wrong factually or sit down and be nice little girl and stop replying with trash.

6- The “all-Turkish” ANKA boasts a foreign engine, foreign automatic take-off and landing system, foreign landing gear, foreign flight data computer, foreign radio, foreign sensor and may even feature a foreign targeting pod soon

A vast majority of this UAV is foreign.:azn:

Look brainless troll, as you are the accuser. ( Quoting from a random writer) You should back your accusations.

How about I call you "A big assed persian slut", Do you have to prove me wrong ?

adam yerine koyupda cevap vermeyin bu fasolara

Arkadaşlar bunu bana çok söyleyen oldu bugüne kadar. Niye adamların, bizim ürünümüze bok atarak, konudan haberdar olmayanları yanlış yönlendirmelerine izin verelim ?
By the way you assembled 5 anka, god knows how many of them are not crashed yet. What do you want to sell Egypt? The wreck?
Look brainless troll, as you are the accuser. ( Quoting from a random writer) You should back your accusations.

How about I call you "A big assed persian slut", Do you have to prove me wrong ?

Arkadaşlar bunu bana çok söyleyen oldu bugüne kadar. Niye adamların, bizim ürünümüze bok atarak, konudan haberdar olmayanları yanlış yönlendirmelerine izin verelim ?

No source, no evidence, no facts... You are just talking from your @ss. (As always)

Both farag and other Iranian embarrassment.
Main stream Turkish news is a source.
Fan boy offense is not a proof.

Okay genius, what if Two news-sites says opposite claims to eachother, which will you believe ? (The one that suits you the best for you).

Burak Bekdil is a Turkish columnist writing currently for the daily Hürriyet.

James Cuno, art historian and President of the J. Paul Getty Trust, describes Bekdil as "a frequent critic of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

in 2002, he received an eighteen month suspended sentence for "insulting the judiciary".
You're wasting your time with these braindead credulous Turk fanboys.
It's clear the article is true and Anka is mostly non-Turk. Let them keep day dream over their propaganda.

6- The “all-Turkish” ANKA boasts a foreign engine, foreign automatic take-off and landing system, foreign landing gear, foreign flight data computer, foreign radio, foreign sensor and may even feature a foreign targeting pod soon
You're wasting your time with these braindead credulous Turk fanboys.
It's clear the article is true and Anka is mostly non-Turk. Let them keep day dream over their propaganda.

6- The “all-Turkish” ANKA boasts a foreign engine, foreign automatic take-off and landing system, foreign landing gear, foreign flight data computer, foreign radio, foreign sensor and may even feature a foreign targeting pod soon

Btw, here is their so called Turkish helicopter

T-129 (so called "Turkish" made helicopter:

Italian A-129:

They renames the Italian A-129 and just assemble it in Turkey and their braindead fan boys fall for their propagnda.

F-313 is mockup and the title suggests and an Iranian mockup, will be ready 2018, 100% Iranian.
Stick to your so called "Turkish" which is at least 90% non Turkish.
I don't think if Egypt would actually sign any new contracts with Turkey, not after Erdogan started showing support for Morsi!

I created a thread in relation to Erdgoan increasing isolationist foreign policy, and turns out I was actually right.
Btw, here is their so called Turkish helicopter

T-129 (so called "Turkish" made helicopter:

Italian A-129:

They renames the Italian A-129 and just assemble it in Turkey and their braindead fan boys fall for their propagnda.

F-313 is mockup and the title suggests and an Iranian mockup, will be ready 2018, 100% Iranian.
Stick to your so called "Turkish" which is at least 90% non Turkish.

Read the thread Idiot. Everyone clearly states that they introduced it at first as "the thing" . After the humiliation they changed it to "a mock up " hahahah.

BTW, as far as I know both the pictures of the choppers you put are both t129 :)
Read the thread Idiot. Everyone clearly states that they introduced it at first as "the thing" . After the humiliation they changed it to "a mock up " hahahah.

BTW, as far as I know both the pictures of the choppers you put are both t129 :)

Qaher-313 has been said to be a mockup by the Defence minister of Iran, what some brain dead Turks say is irrelevent I think ;)

Italian A-129


The so called Turkish Italian Altay tank is also based on yhe south Korean K-2 tank :laughcry:
iranli i.neler bi bitmediniz, kesin ceza alacagim sizin yüzünüzden. isiniz hep fitne hep pustluk.

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