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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

God I left this thread 8 hours ago with just 4 pages look now almost 70 page!!! too many loosers and bored people around.
Persians, even a time in history you have to fight with the Crusaders. You have to always be on the road co-operation against the Muslims ... are now the same.
if you want to knew we are the only muslim country that managed to make an European power fight for us and destroy another European power in the region. When you managed to do that then start to talk about crusaders.
I quoted NTV news Türkiye, they are serious TV news channel; we will see


"Based on the above matches it is possible to confirm" no serious information - belligcat-

This video definitely shows that the pilot is dead. It could be that the second pilot has been rescued.

The pictures circulating may be from old chopper Russian chopper crashed in Syria. May be.

The crew for the chopper that crashed was safely evacuated. Most likely, the pilot belongs to the SU24.
This video definitely shows that the pilot is dead. It could be that the second pilot has been rescued.

The crew for the chopper that crashed was safely evacuated. Most likely, the pilot belongs to the SU24.
As per the previous video parachute deployed successfully, in that case may be they killed by the captors
We are with Turkey and support them.

There are better ways to fight Daesh than to violate sovereign borders

Russia should coordinate better with Turkey and avoid such type of incursions

The silver lining is that there was no loss of life , the two Russian pilots who ejected are accounted for

Escalation from Russia towards Turkey will be very foolish
as a pakistani its hard for me to see Chinese and Turkish comment fight over pdf :ph34r:

Pakistanis are supporting Turkey while Chinese are supporting Russia. During the WW I when Brititish Empire was fighting Turkish Ottoman Empire even then the colonial troops from future Pakistani regions defected to Ottomans. We have long and deep friendship with the Turks.
Tomorrow watch the show, Good Night ~!
6 saniye kaldı diyorum Türk hava sahasında anlamıyor musun? Ucuz delikanlılık yapmayın. Dünyada 6 saniye için kimse uçak düşürmez. Düşürülseydi bugün 50 kere 3. Dünya Savaşı çıkardı. Bu senin yaptığın komşun gürültü yaptı diye ona bıçak çekmeye benzer. Altında başka bir konu veya niyet yoksa yapılan şeye aşırı tepki vermek denir. Bu bıçağı sen bir kere çekersin, iki kere çekersin, üçüncüde elinden alıp artık gerekeni yaparlar sana.

Bir şeyleri göze almadan kimse boş yere rüzgar yapmayacak. Bugün olan olayda da ortada rüzgar yapılacak bir mevzu yok. Ruslar IŞİD'i vuruyor diye bizim halife bozuldu Rus uçağını düşürttürdü. Olan olay bundan farklı değil. Senin ülkenin geleceği orada iki tane arap eşikyası yüzünden heba ediliyor sen burada sevinç çığlıkları atıyorsun. Pes gerçekten pes.

Bas git lan, adamlar pic etmisler hava sahamizi sen halen siyaset yap.

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