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Turkey-Serbia-BosniaHerzegovina Trilateral Summit Underway in Ankara


Jul 28, 2010
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Bringing together the leaders of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, President Abdullah Gül underlined that the regional leaders have adopted such a visionary attitude that would leave the bitter memories behind.

The leaders invited businessmen to make more investments in the Balkan region, as President Gül said "The climate is changing, and we all expect to see better days in the future."

Historic steps are being taken, Gül underlined, adding that two critical visits took place between Belgrade and Sarajevo, and he believed reciprocal visits will continue between the two nations.

President Gül went on to say that every actor in the region perceived the importance of political stability and security. "The need for reforms has been acknowledged, which will be the biggest signal for business circles and investors. They could be more courageous as they want to invest in the region. I want to express that our meetings here were a success," he said.

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić said that Serbia would invest maximum effort to intensify regional cooperation so that South East Europe would be politically and economically stable, and expressed hope Turkey would have a larger economic presence in the region in the future.

"Turkey is a partner that can help us reach markets we have not opened, it can help us achieve this through its investments and our technology, because we have an exceptionally educated workforce," said the Serbian president, noting that countries in the Western Balkans were capable of developing and implementing the latest technologies, but lack the capital.

According to him, Serbia sees Turkey as a very important partner, with whom it does not agree on all issues, but with whom it wants to advance bilateral relations and contribute to regional stability.

Bosnia-Herzegovina Presidency Chairman Nebojša Radmanović said the relations among the three countries were currently at a very high level, but that economic cooperation was not keeping up with the political.

On behalf of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Presidency, he invited companies to invest in the country.

"We also expect the volume of trade with both Turkey and Serbia to improve, which is realistic after our trilateral meetings," said Radmanović.

Tomislav Nikoli

I would like to suggest you guys to check that below article too...These summits have started 3 years ago in 2010 and have really great importance regarding stability in the Balkans

Helsinki Charter - No. 137-138... ::: Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia
Bosnia, Serbia and Turkey Sign Trade Agreement
Economy and trade ministers from Ankara, Belgrade and Sarajevo formally agreed to improve economic ties in an attempt to boost mutual trade

Serbian trade minister and deputy prime minister Rasim Ljajic, Bosnian trade minister Mirko Sarovic and Turkish economy minister Zafer Caglayan, Turkey's Minister of Economy signed a declaration on economic and trade cooperation in Ankara on Tuesday.

The declaration is intended to improve the three countries' economic cooperation in all fields and increase trade and joint presence on other markets.

Ljajic said after the meeting said that the good political relations between Serbia, Turkey and Bosnia had to be accompanied by appropriate economic cooperation.

"There is a certain lack of confidence when it comes to political trilateralism, but if the citizens of our countries see tangible benefits of the cooperation between Serbia, Bosnia and Turkey, that lack of confidence will disappear," Ljajic said in a statement.

According to Ljajic, the potential exists for joint projects between Serbia and Bosnia in tourism, energy, construction, agriculture, the food industry and the arms trade, and with Turkey's help, there could be breakthroughs in former Soviet countries’ markets and in Africa.

Sarovic said Serbia was Bosnia's third closest trade partner, and that Sarajevo and Belgrade saw a great opportunity for economic growth by cooperating with Turkey.

Caglayan said that Turkey looked forward to any improvements in economic cooperation between the three countries.

The three officials agreed to hold their next meeting in Sarajevo as soon as possible, to run simultaneously with a business forum involving companies from the three countriess.

This is the third trilateral summit of its kind. The first was held on 2010, also in Turkey, while the second took place in 2011 in Serbia.

Bosnia, Serbia and Turkey Sign Trade Agreement :: Balkan Insight
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