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Turkey seeks Pakistan and Hungary's involvement in a new mission in Afghanistan


Feb 12, 2010
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First let's see what Taliban have to say about that. So far their stated position is to seek the withdrawal of all nato countries, including turkey as soon as possible. Turkey is willing to provide this service in return for some very lucrative deals with the US, however, what will Pakistan get out of such a set up needs to be discussed?
I have a genuine question why can't pakistan which is a more neutral country in this matter having ties with both AFG and US, why can't we deploy some 500 troops in kabul airport by authorization of all the participants?.
I have a genuine question why can't pakistan which is a more neutral country in this matter having ties with both AFG and US, why can't we deploy some 500 troops in kabul airport by authorization of all the participants?.

Noooo, we should be increasing our forces at LOC and start shifting the focus there. Let Turkey and Taliban decide with each other whatever.
Like I said earlier, Turkey is using the Kabul Airport as an excuse to get a footprint in Pakistan. Turks are going to make some noise on Kashmir due to Indian approachment in the Mediterranean, especially Greece.

we should be ashamed
turkey is jumping in to eat afghan cake while we sitting back doing nothing and killed 100k people
go get that country boys
You know I want to cry because you asked the billion dollar question that nobody even thinks about. There are Pakistani's who bloat their testicles with air to size of elephants by saying "Pakistan atami power, Pakistan azeen Afauj, Pakistan ummah power".
Blow me but Kabul is like 100 miles from Peshawar and couple hours car drive yet every nigga from across the world -

  • US
  • Brititish
  • France
  • Turks
  • Poles
  • Slovaks
  • Italians
  • Greeks
  • Estoninans
  • Canadians
  • Australians
  • etc

are all walking around in combat gear with cocked guns but Pakistan which is directly effected by Kabul sits across the border. It's our backyard but rest of the world is policing it.

To be fair though - they've worked to undermine everyone who tried to police it without taking direct flak for it. I dislike our reactionary ways, but beggars can't be choosers. We're struggling to secure Balochistan and paid a massive price to secure FATA/KPK from terrorists. We'd only shoot ourselves in the foot by stepping into Afghanistan.

We've miscalcuated Afghanistan for a long time now, we have more enemies than friends. The only sensible thing we've done with that country is build a fence and destabilise it when it's under the influence of people who are anti Pakistan.
we should be ashamed
turkey is jumping in to eat afghan cake while we sitting back doing nothing and killed 100k people
go get that country boys

We'll see what cake they eat. It seems lithar is the only thing served in Afghanistan.
You know I want to cry because you asked the billion dollar question that nobody even thinks about. There are Pakistani's who bloat their testicles with air to size of elephants by saying "Pakistan atami power, Pakistan azeen Afauj, Pakistan ummah power".
Blow me but Kabul is like 100 miles from Peshawar and couple hours car drive yet every nigga from across the world -

  • US
  • Brititish
  • France
  • Turks
  • Poles
  • Slovaks
  • Italians
  • Greeks
  • Estoninans
  • Canadians
  • Australians
  • etc

are all walking around in combat gear with cocked guns but Pakistan which is directly effected by Kabul sits across the border. It's our backyard but rest of the world is policing it.

All the foreign forces with cocked guns are running back to their respective countries having curled tailed between their legs. First communists tied to subdue the Afghans and then capitalist tried their luck and now a Muslim country thinks they can do the better job where both super powers have failed.
When Taliban can run the country am sure they can run the Kabul airport too but somehow for few F 35's and to sit on the Uncle Sam lap Turkey wants to be the new hired gun slinger. Every one from the previous invaders and occupiers to the new kids on the block they are forgetting Afghans want their country back and want to be independent and free from the occupiers and Pakistan knows it well. Their is no point in burning our fingers in Afghanistan while we have got our own security issues on LOC and all around the country.
Why should Pakistan have forces in Afghanistan??

One good reason?

If we were a forward thinking country with a strong economy and leadership who looked beyond the end of their nose, we'd have stabilised post Soviet Afghanistan, got involved as a peace garuntor, helped create an environment that was pro-Pakistan and fruitful for our endevaours to spread our influence in the 'Stan regions. Troops on the ground supporting a unity government could have been a part of that.

Unfortuanately Zia died, the amibtions of Pakistan with him and economically we spent the next decade paying the price for Benazir and Nawaz Sharif. Then came the sanctions, followed by a coup - we had no economic space to manouvre and then came the Yanks in Afghanistan.

Today we should try the same thing, but without risking our troops. We've made too many enemies, burnt too many bridges and been too lax with snakes.
You know I want to cry because you asked the billion dollar question that nobody even thinks about. There are Pakistani's who bloat their testicles with air to size of elephants by saying "Pakistan atami power, Pakistan azeen Afauj, Pakistan ummah power".
Blow me but Kabul is like 100 miles from Peshawar and couple hours car drive yet every nigga from across the world -

  • US
  • Brititish
  • France
  • Turks
  • Poles
  • Slovaks
  • Italians
  • Greeks
  • Estoninans
  • Canadians
  • Australians
  • etc

are all walking around in combat gear with cocked guns but Pakistan which is directly effected by Kabul sits across the border. It's our backyard but rest of the world is policing it.

So you want Pakistan to be included in the list of "Countries failed in Afghanistan"?
You know I want to cry because you asked the billion dollar question that nobody even thinks about. There are Pakistani's who bloat their testicles with air to size of elephants by saying "Pakistan atami power, Pakistan azeen Afauj, Pakistan ummah power".
Blow me but Kabul is like 100 miles from Peshawar and couple hours car drive yet every nigga from across the world -

  • US
  • Brititish
  • France
  • Turks
  • Poles
  • Slovaks
  • Italians
  • Greeks
  • Estoninans
  • Canadians
  • Australians
  • etc

are all walking around in combat gear with cocked guns but Pakistan which is directly effected by Kabul sits across the border. It's our backyard but rest of the world is policing it.
Did not you learn Afghanistan is graveyard of superpowers.if all those did not get what they wanted after 20 years .what will pakistan get ?..let talb fix n turk fix it themself. You must not put finger in every hol..dont be jealous.turks are brothers and pakistan is on bord.as per your advice If ten to 20 PAK soldiers got killed in Afghanistan. Indian media will do dewali. It will hurt Pakistani reputation as winner to loser of this war.

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