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Turkey’s $50-billion jet program in question


Feb 22, 2013
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When Ankara plans to build its own weapon systems or just buy them off-the-shelf, it plans big and no one seems to be worried. But the Turkish ambitions to build a “made-in-Turkey” fighter aircraft and buy scores of the new generation, multinational combat jet F-35 may go beyond Turkey’s financing capacity.

Defense industry officials estimate that building eight prototypes for what will become the Turkish national fighter would cost Ankara over $10 billion. “Any figure in the range of $11 billion to $13 billion would be realistic,” a senior official familiar with the program said.

His guess for the final Turkish order if the entire program succeeded was nearly 200 aircraft. “We target $100 million per aircraft,” he said. “I think 200 is a realistic figure given our aging fleet of aircraft that will phase out in the decades ahead.”

That means Turkey will have to spend $31 billion to $33 billion for the Turkish fighter it hopes to design, develop and manufacture. But independent analysts say this may be an over-optimistic calculation.

“We know that Turkey’s plans do not include developing an engine for the Turkish fighter. Moreover, I think, $100 million per aircraft is too optimistic given Turkey’s technological constraints, its high-cost industry and the fact that a newcomer [to the fighter industry] like Turkey will always suffer setbacks and trials and errors during the entire process.”

Turkey has been in talks with Sweden’s Saab for pre-conceptual design work for the country’s first national fighter jet. Saab is the maker of the JAS 39 Gripen, a lightweight single-engine multirole fighter. It was designed to replace the Saab 35 Draken and 37 Viggen in the Swedish Air Force (Flygvapnet). The Gripen is powered by the Volvo-Flygmotor RM12 engine, a derivative of the General Electric F404, and has a top speed of Mach 2.

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Turkey hopes that under its fighter jet program, dubbed the TF-X, it can fly the Turkish fighter by 2023, the centennial of the republic. Turkey’s aerospace powerhouse, TAI, has been working on three different designs, and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is expected to decide on whether to go ahead with the plan at a defense industry committee meeting later this year.

Meanwhile, Turkey, whose present fighter fleet is made up of U.S.-made aircraft, also plans to buy the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, a next-generation, multinational program also led by the United States.

Most of Turkey’s fleet of F-16 fighters, being modernized by Lockheed Martin, and the planned future F-35s are open to U.S. technological influence. Only its older F-4 aircraft, modernized by Israel, and its oldest F-16s, being modernized by Turkey itself, are free from this influence. But these older aircraft are expected to be decommissioned around 2020.

Turkey’s defense procurement officials have said Ankara intends to buy around 100 F-35s. Defense analysts estimate the cost of the entire JSF program to Turkey to be around $16 billion, bringing Turkey’s fighter budget up to $50 billion together with the TF-X.

IMO, we must follow Sweden`s way..As the article suggests, developing a new generation fighter aircraft is not an easy task, and its massively expensive too. And there is a big questionmark here, its not certain that we will be able to succeed..US, with all her expertise/money/experience, is still having issues with F-35.Instead of concentrating on developing new generation aircraft with our limited resources, we should first go with light fighter craft development..
IMO, we must follow Sweden`s way..As the article suggests, developing a new generation fighter aircraft is not an easy task, and its massively expensive too. And there is a big questionmark here, its not certain that we will be able to succeed..US, with all her expertise/money/experience, is still having issues with F-35.Instead of concentrating on developing new generation aircraft with our limited resources, we should first go with light fighter craft development..

Mate, we are not a living in a peaceful region like Sweden. I think with the retirement of our F-16 fleet. We will need air-superiority fighters to cover our F-35s.
Mate, we are not a living in a peaceful region Sweden. I think with the retirement of our F-16 fleet. We will need air-superiority fighters to cover our F-35s.

I agree. Secondly f-35 has build-in chip. US will have the capability to let those f-35 drop from the skies with one push of a button. So against whom can we use f-35? Not against western-countries. Maybe against Russia or China.

But like others said, we also need domestic fighter which is built from top to bottom by Turkey and doesn't have a built-in chip. US won't give us source code of F-35. Maybe they will do some tech-transfer which can help us a lot.
GCC, Egypt, Azerbaijan and Jordan should join this program.

GCC; doubtful that they can contribute with any technological assistance. Their support would probably be restricted to financial such - that is if they are willing to make some room for TF-X on their shelf that's currently reserved to European and American toys that's got quite a scary price tag on them.

Egypt; highly unreliable as a partner at the moment due to their domestic issues that's yet to be settled. Neither are their pockets that deep.

Azerbaijan; perhaps a good candidate, but has yet to show willingness to move on to Western-kind of toys. Yet again, I believe that their support would be restricted to financial such as I don't really think they got the technological expertise in this field.

Jordan; don't know about them, to be honest.

IMO, we must follow Sweden`s way..As the article suggests, developing a new generation fighter aircraft is not an easy task, and its massively expensive too. And there is a big questionmark here, its not certain that we will be able to succeed..US, with all her expertise/money/experience, is still having issues with F-35.Instead of concentrating on developing new generation aircraft with our limited resources, we should first go with light fighter craft development..

Agreed. Sweden has got quite some history of trials and errors in their struggle to remain not only a self-sufficient producer of her military aircraft but also a country that's competing against leaders in the industry to export their stuff abroad.

Mate, we are not a living in a peaceful region Sweden. I think with the retirement of our F-16 fleet. We will need air-superiority fighters to cover our F-35s.

The F-16 are currently making up TuAF's tier 1. Since the F-35 also is of the same type of aircraft (multirole fighter), I don't see why they would need to be accompanied by air-superiority fighters - just as our current fleet of F-16s are all by themselves.

I agree. Secondly f-35 has build-in chip. US will have the capability to let those f-35 drop from the skies with one push of a button. So against whom can we use f-35? Not against western-countries. Maybe against Russia or China.

But like others said, we also need domestic fighter which is built from top to bottom by Turkey and doesn't have a built-in chip. US won't give us source code of F-35. Maybe they will do some tech-transfer which can help us a lot.

Any source that confirms this doubtful idea? Sounds like the Israeli spying pigeon that had its headlines all over the place.
Baykuş;4578746 said:
GCC; doubtful that they can contribute with any technological assistance. Their support would probably be restricted to financial such - that is if they are willing to make some room for TF-X on their shelf that's currently reserved to European and American toys that's got quite a scary price tag on them.

Then remove all your doubts, aside from their possible substancial financial contribution:























Baykuş;4578746 said:
Egypt; highly unreliable as a partner at the moment due to their domestic issues that's yet to be settled. Neither are their pockets that deep.

Their military budget is separated from the state's, it's about $7bn, and they have some experience with building advanced trainers and air industry in general.
Baykuş;4578746 said:
Azerbaijan; perhaps a good candidate, but has yet to show willingness to move on to Western-kind of toys. Yet again, I believe that their support would be restricted to financial such as I don't really think they got the technological expertise in this field.
Baykuş;4578746 said:
Jordan; don't know about them, to be honest.
Well, our contribution would be limited due to financial restrains and relatively modest experience in aviation industry.
Then remove all your doubts, aside from their possible substancial financial contribution:

*Links. Lots of links.*

I'm surprised, to be honest. Seems like I had underestimated their capabilities but I still remain doubtful; many of this products you linked to are either produced under license - meaning that it's close to zero percent domestic innovation involved since much are provided by the original producer as in the means of ToT - or products that aren't nearly as complex as designing and producing aircraft all on your own starting from scratch. Innovation is the keyword here, and many of the projects that you linked to lack any significant amount of it. Don't get me wrong though, what I mean is that even if GCC and Turkey were to lift each other, stretching our arms out to reach the goal, we would still be a bit too short to actually reach all the way to it. Would a joint project work out? Perhaps, but it would require a great amount of patience, innovation and time.

Their military budget is separated from the state's, it's about $7bn, and they have some experience with building advanced trainers and air industry in general.

But the political relations between Egypt and Turkey is a little bit shaky. Kinda risky to enter a project of this size with them at the moment.
Baykuş;4578824 said:
I'm surprised, to be honest. Seems like I had underestimated their capabilities but I still remain doubtful; many of this products you linked to are either produced under license - meaning that it's close to zero percent domestic innovation involved since much are provided by the original producer as in the means of ToT - or products that aren't nearly as complex as designing and producing aircraft all on your own starting from scratch. Innovation is the keyword here, and many of the projects that you linked to lack any significant amount of it. Don't get me wrong though, what I mean is that even if GCC and Turkey were to lift each other, stretching our arms out to reach the goal, we would still be a bit too short to actually reach all the way to it. Would a joint project work out? Perhaps, but it would require a great amount of patience, innovation and time.

But the political relations between Egypt and Turkey is a little bit shaky. Kinda risky to enter a project of this size with them at the moment.

Turkey should enter a joint venture with Saab on its first aircraft just like the T-129 with italian aerospace firm
Turkey has to end its reliance on foreign weapons and learn to develop its own through ToT. That is what we are doing in Pakistan and I think we took a wise step at the turn of the Century to slowly enhance our Capacity to build our own thru ToT, with the help or Trusted friend China.
Then remove all your doubts, aside from their possible substancial financial contribution:
























Brother producing parts under license and building/designing a plane are two different things.

Their military budget is separated from the state's, it's about $7bn, and they have some experience with building advanced trainers and air industry in general.

Those trainers are built under license from Pakistan and China... K-8 Korakoram Eagle..
iran was never an islamic power , stop watching press tv kid

iran revived islam with her 1979 revolution , of course she was trolling kid , you can see the effects of 1979 iranian revolution with the hangover of malaysia's 90's economic boom , the syrian civil war and the egyptian circus.
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