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Turkey ready to play role in Kashmir settlement

didnt we say NO..in the first page itself...:crazy_pilot:
And did you see Turks insisting on the subject?
All i see is a 30 pages long rant, i have seen enough posts where i could give a propper reply but i will leave it.
And did you see Turks insisting on the subject?
All i see is a 30 pages long rant, i have seen enough posts where i could give a propper reply but i will leave it.
Ignore them. This is a pakistani forum and Indians would be mostly nationalistic. :D
Wow, how some Indians here are acting, a simple no would be enough no need to act like this. :disagree:

But why Turkey want to interfere, did India ever interfere in Turkey's matters.
I havent seen any interference just a friendly offer of help, noone is insisting on anything.

This is not the first time, Turkey has a policy of commenting or interfering on Kashmir time to time for 'brotherly nation' Pakistan.

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