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Turkey ready to play role in Kashmir settlement

Well, AZAD KASHMIR has literacy rate of more than 60%.....may be they crossed border & came back after completing their education...... They are so cunning.....:p:

Further, their political strength is such that our PM is a KASHMIRI
yes...true that maybe the case,with the pathetic condition in Azad Kashmir ,no wonder people try and escape to india....:yahoo::bunny:
Yes kashmiri PM..as you said ,thanks to india for educating him.
Shariqattari said: ↑
Is that what pakistanis do when they don't have a reply? Nice, I like.
yes...true that maybe the case,with the pathetic condition in Azad Kashmir ,no wonder people try and escape to india....:yahoo::bunny:
Yes kashmiri PM..as you said ,thanks to india for educating him.

LOL...... you took it like that... Great :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
The Country, which paid bribe for the release of captured soldiers/embassy staff to the terrorist sxum ISIS the one's who attacked their consulate and captured the embassy staff and the soldiers,a is now going to intermediate in a bilateral issue and completely unrelated issue. First grow balls to fight ISIS who attacked your sovereignity and then talk about anything else.
Not likely. 67 years, neither Pakistanis nor Kashmiris have accepted Indian occupation of Kashmir.

You are a nobody to talk for Kashmiris . There are more patriotic kashmiris in India than the brainwashed ones .

Pakistan now has nuclear weapons and the capacity to deliver. Pakistan's military is still able to maintain parity.

What has this got to do with Kashmir ??

India also has nuclear weapons and conventionally superior military than Pakistan .

IOC, global Muslim bodies, and international human rights organizations criticize Indian human rights abuses on Kashmiri Muslims.

Sorry dude ...... nobody gives a $hit to what these good for nothing organizations has to say .

You can't hold a group of people hostage forever. Injustice is bound to come to an end. The Unjust end up paying the highest price.

Nobody is held hostage . J&K enjoys more rights than Pakistan occupied Kashmir and even Pakistan itself .
You didn't answer my question. I presume Pak wants it because it is predominantly muslim. Assuming that having muslim majority automatically makes it part of Pak is a complete folly. Muslims in Pak kill other muslims in Pak on the basis of religion like no other place. You, seriously think India is going to give away a piece of land and that too a strategically important one as Kashmir. Not in your lifetime, neither in a 1000 generations to come.
well see

You lost a whole Tank army to a infantry battalion in desert of Rajasthan. And India captured 3600 sq Km of West Pakistan territory compared to 120 sq Km territory captured by Pakistan. Your Airforce was so thoroughly decimated that it could not provide Air support to your Armored corps and chose to sit out of action after couple of days.
i think you are describing the IAF here according to the 1965 war LOL
Look mate,the only thing that India seriously lacked since independence was a competent leader.A leader like perhaps Mr.M.A.Jinnah who single handedly fought and carved a new country out of British India(alas we had that bast**d Nehru instead and hence i have a great deal of admiration for Mr.M.A.Jinnah).All of politicians in the past barring Mrs.Indira Gandhi were cowards and pussies who would not dare to fight an all out war with Pakistan because of the resulting excessive bloodshed to snatch the Azad Kashmir portion.Don't take it otherwise but if Pakistan was at India's position in the past in terms of numerical and tactical advantages then i am cent percent sure that India would have been eradicated from the world map by now.Despite being 4 times smaller in area and a population which was barely 1/7 of that of India,Pakistan showed tremendous courage and invaded India 4 times in the past.It takes a ball to do something like that and your country was extremely fortunate that it had leaders like F.M. Ayub Khan and Yahya Khan who were competent leaders.OTOH,we were unfortunate to have the likes of Nehru and Morarji Desai who were weak and cowards by nature:hitwall:!!

I sincerely hope my friend war never breaks out again. One day we will work together.
Turkey is most welcome!

Nawaz speech in UN....having effects!
should they not try smaller issues like Gaza and leave Kashmir to bigger countries like US or Russia.
Why not send another shipload of people to Gaza, just to test water. :whistle:
should they not try smaller issues like Gaza and leave Kashmir to bigger countries like US or Russia.
Why not send another shipload of people to Gaza, just to test water. :whistle:

Kashmir and Palestine are both equally important to all Muslims. Hadith said" When one piece of the Muslim body is in pain, it will bother the whole Muslim body."

You can never bury or make us forget Kashmir. Its simply not possible. Can you forget if someone kidnapped, raped, abused, and kept your relative hostage? Never.
Kashmir and Palestine are both equally important to all Muslims. Hadith said" When one piece of the Muslim body is in pain, it will bother the whole Muslim body."

You can never bury or make us forget Kashmir. Its simply not possible. Can you forget if someone kidnapped, raped, abused, and kept your relative hostage? Never.

You can remember it till eternity .

Is it going to have any impact on ground reality ?? NOO .
You can remember it till eternity .

Is it going to have any impact on ground reality ?? NOO .

Your time is coming soon, when God wills it. Don't live in security. Injustice won't last forever. Kashmir Zindabad.

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