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Turkey Ready for War with Syria

Your POV is one thing but these councils or whatever are just showpieces. Sooner or later every Arab country will again revert back to dictatorship. This has been the way of Muslims since the end of Khulfah rashid dun.

Me friend try to visualize the big picture. These revolts are just small thing in the big picture. The big thing in the picture is that everything will return to their old state.

And as my Chinese friend said. Have you wondered how much would be lost in case of a war. To save thousand you will end up having 10x more dead. I think you should have learned that lesson by now by observing US interventions since 1895.

lol u miss the whole point, i think u must go and check all my posting i don't want the others to come and fight, i m for arming syrians so they can defend themselves. Let there be millions of death even but these ppl atleast must be given opportunity to defend themselves otherwise they gonna slaughter them one by one

u made me sad just coz there is a fear they will go back to dicatorship u want them to remain under a criminal rule

i don't know u r a muslim or not but if u r a muslim then u must know there r many hadeeth about shaam and its ppl ( this land is blessed and its ppl ) and this criminal regime killing those blessed ones

My friend i have only one answer look at the US interventions of the last century. No matter whatever the reasons the ultimate losers where the ppl. 100x more ppl got killed as a result of invasions than the dictator could ever manage to kill.

Because US ARMY far from their homes, if 1 insurgent shoots at them, maybe they dont care to shoot everybody!! because it's not their own country!! But Turkish Army is different these are our neigbors, will be there for Syrian people! For their security not to destroy but to help!
Because US ARMY far from their homes, if 1 insurgent shoots at them, maybe they dont care to shoot everybody!! because it's not their own country!! But Turkish Army is different these are our neigbors, will be there for Syrian people! For their security not to destroy but to help!

Assalam alaikum

The syrian public will be on tukish side, i think our brother don't know the exact feelings of syrians toward this criminal regime
i hope he is not one of those who hold same pov of iran ( for them assad should be in power even if it killed the whole nation )

Listen the Syrians are the ones asking for our help! it is not that we want war andso to kill and die we dont have cheap lives also you know! We cannot ignore them and refuse! Because Turkish people always helps the weak ones in need and calling for help!

---------- Post added at 07:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:20 PM ----------

Assalam alaikum

The syrian public will be on tukish side, i think our brother don't know the exact feelings of syrians toward this criminal regime
i hope he is not one of those who hold same pov of iran ( for them assad should be in power even if it killed the whole nation )


Might be a Shia so it's normal of him to try to defend Assad!
my friendz i am not in favour of wars. Violence only begets violence especially when the end would be the same as the start.Dictatorships at both ends.

When a country invades another the resulting anarchy gives rise to chaos and then human beings take advantage of this anarchy to kill other humans, that's what happens in the case of US invasions.

Chaos must be avoided at all costs.

Providing weapons would mean that at the end of conflict these weapons would be used for personal purposes and net result would be more or less like taliban and us.

However if you insist the best thing that could be done was to erect some kind of army from the platform of OIC so even in future such regimes could be stopped from free fall slaughter.

Anyhow you guyz are entitled to your own opinion and i am to mine. So we agree to disagree.

---------- Post added at 10:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 PM ----------

and i am a Sunni Muslim.
On the other side of the border my brothers getting killed like it's nothing!! What is our goverment thinking we should immidiatly send 100.000 soldier armor everything march towards Damascus Assad will run and it will be over! No resistance! nothing! If after that Iran does something crazy?? Go for it!! We did this for the ones in need and poor!! We are right! So dont mind Iran or Russia go for it And fight DIE if neccesary! No problem!
Turkish army may act if Syrian chaos spills over

Friday, October 7, 2011

ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News

Turkish FM Davutoğlu says that if the situation in Syria spills over and poses a risk to Turkey’s stability, Turkey may be forced to resort to military measures but adds that Ankara has no plan to set up a buffer zone


Turkish FM Davutoğlu (R) talks with Syrian President Assad in this file photo. AFP photo

Turkey may be forced to resort to military measures if the turmoil in Syria spills over and poses a risk to stability in Turkey, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has said.

“Turkey could resort to military action if a security problem emerges for us. When Saddam [Hussein] cracked down on the Kurds, 500,000 people flocked overnight to the Turkish border. All necessary measures, including military ones, will be taken to control that region if it becomes a security problem,” Davutoğlu said on the 32.Gün television program on Oct. 6.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, meanwhile, postponed a trip to Syrian refugee camps in the southern province of Hatay planned for Oct. 9, after his mother passed away. Erdoğan has said he will announce sanctions against the Syrian regime after he visits the camps. In further remarks, Davutoğlu said Turkey would continue to shelter Syrians fleeing repression in their country, but added that Ankara did not consider setting up a “buffer zone” at the frontier. “There is currently no country in the region more important than Syria,” Davutoğlu said, adding that its internal crisis had a bearing on the whole region. The suppression anti-regime demonstrators had reached “an unacceptable level”, the minister said, but refused to speculate on when President Bashar al-Assad would go.

Eight Syrians were killed on Friday as thousands of people rallied against al-Assad and in support of a newly formed opposition front, activists said.

Russia: Reform or resign

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev meanwhile told Bashar al-Assad on Oct. 7 to either reform or resign while warning that Russia would resist outside attempts to force him from power. “As much as the other countries, Russia wants Syria to end the bloodshed and demands the Syrian leadership conduct the necessary reforms,” Medvedev said on a televised broadcast.

“If the Syrian leadership is unable to undertake these reforms, it will have to go. But this is something that has to be decided not by NATO or individual European countries but by the people and the leadership of Syria,” he said.

Medvedev defended Russia’s decision to veto a European-backed U.N. Security Council resolution on Syria, and said it would have opened the door to possible military action.

Additional AFP and AP stories from Moscow and Nicosia were used in this story.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Turkish army may act if Syrian chaos spills over - Hurriyet Daily News
On the other side of the border my brothers getting killed like it's nothing!! What is our goverment thinking we should immidiatly send 100.000 soldier armor everything march towards Damascus Assad will run and it will be over! No resistance! nothing! If after that Iran does something crazy?? Go for it!! We did this for the ones in need and poor!! We are right! So dont mind Iran or Russia go for it And fight DIE if neccesary! No problem!

afedersin ama, bøyle kafa ile hic bir yere varamazsin. savas acip nereye gidiyon øyle. yol gecen hamami mi Suriye!
Sen rahat ol yegen! Orada milyonlar suan Turk ordusunu kahramanlar gibi gullerle karsilayacak gunleri bekliyorlar ama!
I hope that is not true. My father's family is in Syria and he will most probably be mobilized since he is still fit for service.
I hope that is not true. My father's family is in Syria and he will most probably be mobilized since he is still fit for service.

Don't worry mate, i will personally contact the PM and explain him that . Jokes aside, even though Turkey holds responsibility it is not likely to invade a country on a full scale attack. I hope that Assad will listen to the people's demands and make a peaceful transition. If not, things will really get dirty. Turkey must sooner or later respond. And only god knows how she will.
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