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Turkey may participate in NATO’s military operations in Libya

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Turkey may participate in NATO’s military operations in Libya

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutogluheld negotiations with the representatives of Libyan opposition in Ankara. Cessation of riots in Libya was on negotiations agenda. Besides, Libyan rebels hope that Turkey will be able to persuade Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to stop military actions against the opposition, TRT reported.

Meanwhile, according to Sabah, Turkey has altered its position, agreeing to be involved in NATO operations in Libya. In case of Gaddafi’s continued hostilities against rebels, F-16 Turkish jets will probably participate in military operations.

Turkey may participate in NATO?s military operations in Libya - PanARMENIAN.Net
It's a welcome sign that Turkey will join the operations against the forces fo this merciless dictator who is slaughtering the libyan civilians. This eddict must be punished and eliminated as soon as possible to safegaurd the humanity.
Gaddafi is wrong in killing Libyans, i believe both sides should resolve the issue with dialogue.

But what ceases to amaze me is the hypocrisy of the west and their arab puppets, yes Libyans want freedom but i ask why didn't the west intervene when the israelis were killing Palestinians in gaza. What about the freedom of Palestinians. Their systematic killings at the hands of the zionists brought no such rhetoric, none of them were as vocal as they are now. No arms embargo etc.

What about the arabs, where were they when gaza was being bombed.

All hypocrites in the war for oil, there are dictators in saudi arabia/bahrain killing civilians. Why don't they bring about UN resolutions for these countries.
Although Nato's invasion will be abysmal, but Gaddafi doesn't deserve the mercy.
Let's just hope it doesn't end as another Somalia, e.g. the movie black hawk down.

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