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Turkey Lashes Out at Israel


Aug 25, 2009
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ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- Turkey's prime minister accused Israel on Monday of threatening peace in the region and using disproportionate force against Palestinians.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged Israel to stop violating Lebanon's airspace and territorial waters. He also called on the U.N. Security Council to put same pressure on Israel regarding nuclear arms as it does on Iran.

''We can never remain silent in the face of Israel's attitude. ... It has disproportionate power and it is using that at will while refusing to abide by U.N. resolutions. We can never accept this picture,'' Erdogan said. ''These steps threaten global peace.''

He spoke a joint news conference with Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri. Hariri described Israel as an enemy that threatens Lebanon's security.

''Today, Israel continues its violation of our airspace and waters,'' Hariri said.

Erdogan promised to support Lebanon's case against Israel at the United Nations. Turkey is a temporary member of the Security Council.

Discussing the possibility of war to make Iran drop its nuclear program, Erdogan said, ''The region cannot accept a new Iraq syndrome.'' Turkey has long defended Iran's right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful use.

''Those who are warning Iran over nuclear weapons are not making the same warnings to Israel,'' Erdogan said. ''Five permanent members of the Security Council must be just. Israel has not denied the existence of its nuclear arsenal; on the contrary it has admitted it.''

Erdogan also criticized Israel for an airstrike in Gaza on Sunday.

''What is your excuse this time?'' he asked.

On Sunday, three members of the militant group Islamic Jihad were killed in an Israeli strike.

Cross-border exchanges have escalated in recent days. The Israeli military said there have been 15 rocket attacks from Gaza this month, compared to eight in December. No Israeli casualties have been reported.

Erdogan accused Israel of using of white phosphorus shells in its offensive in Gaza last year. ''No one can claim that phosphorus shells are not weapons of mass destruction,'' he said.

Turkey's ties with Israel have been strained by Erdogan's frequent criticism of the Jewish state's use of force against Palestinians, as well as during the 2006 war against Hezbollah forces in Lebanon.

-Big fan of Prime Minister Erdogan, isn't actually bought buy out by Pro-Conservative/Jewish Lobbyists in our government or that in Zionist Israel, but I'm feeling an Israeli MOSSAD mission in Turkey in the near future. They can't have someone speaking against them =/..
I guess israel should stop acting like a stupid king of the ring!!

Good job Turks..
israel is not going to fight with turkey...too much at stake.....
israel is not going to fight with turkey...too much at stake.....

Yes, it is inconceivable. Turkey is a member of NATO, has been since 1950. These are noises made for consumption of domestic anti Israeli population.
Good job Turkey. Iran, Turkey and Pakistan are the countries that have capacity and will to withstand Israel and the only country to speak in the favor of Palestinians. Arab world of today is like a used condoms.. stinky and useless.
Good job Turkey. Iran, Turkey and Pakistan are the countries that have capacity and will to withstand Israel and the only country to speak in the favor of Palestinians. Arab world of today is like a used condoms.. stinky and useless.
Withstand? That is a weak position. Turkey and Pakistan should unite and attack Israel now and wrest the leadership position from Iran. The prestige will far outweighs any costs of the war. Who knows...May be Israel will be defeated and both countries will share the glory of being the ones who erased Israel off the map. Is that not worth the bloodshed?
Turkey and Pakistan should unite and attack Israel now and wrest the leadership position from Iran. The prestige will far outweighs any costs of the war. Who knows...May be Israel will be defeated and both countries will share the glory of being the ones who erased Israel off the map. Is that not worth the bloodshed?

Absolutely! At least Pakistan should pull all it's spare troops off the Eastern border. Then what? March through Iran, Iraq and Jordan in a few weeks? Or, they could be airlifted? What, no heavy lift capability? How about thousands of fishing boats across to the Red Sea and up to Aqaba? Should be a piece of cake! (Get the Somali pirates to provide armed escort.) Meanwhile the Turks could march through Syria and Lebanon. THEY might actually be cheered along the way. BUT, I bet it would be hard to surprise the Israelis with such moves .....
Withstand? That is a weak position. Turkey and Pakistan should unite and attack Israel now and wrest the leadership position from Iran. The prestige will far outweighs any costs of the war. Who knows...May be Israel will be defeated and both countries will share the glory of being the ones who erased Israel off the map. Is that not worth the bloodshed?

You are being rather too hypothetical about this matter , the first thing you need to get in your brain is " You are not the right person to tell or suggest us what to do and when , neither you have any right to self conclude this discussion and derail it "

Bloodshed does not look good a word coming from mouth an American. Just tell me is there any region in the world you haven't Invaded or tried to invade through either your military or the home grown animal called " democracy "?

You talk about humanity ? Can you even spell humanity for me ! you guys are the one who have " nuked" and destroyed two cities forever!

You are the one who have attacked Iraq for weapons of mass destruction & after killing over 200k Humans in there and over 150k in Afghanistan now its the time for you to build your skull castle !

You are the ones to create the sate of israel on arab lands , you gave them nuclear weapons and never talked about it . BUT if Iran makes nukes that is a threat to Israel but Israel's nukes are not a threat to anyone , you guys are so pathetic!!:coffee:
Israel will never attack Turkey nor will Turkey attack Israel, both sides have too much at stake with each other weather its bilateral agreements in economics,investment,defense,etc.. But Turkey will lose any or all hope into ceding into the EU, without the support from Israel..

-Now coming to the military issue, I'm tired of this ignorant pests thinking they can wage a war in Turkey and can actually win.. Let's put aside the nuclear issue, because I know your just going to say lets nuke em and get it over with, without actually realising the mass retaliation from other states.

-Israeli Airforce has roughly around 230+F-16's
-100 of these F-16 are their BLOCK 60 IN, modified with Israeli Avionics, and they have another 50 F-16D Block-52, and 80 F-16 Block C..
-Not to mention the order of the initial J-35 Lightning they have ordered from LockHeed Martin should be finalised this year, and they would be expecting first order by 2013-2015.
-Agreement is for 25 Initial J-35 with Israeli Avionics, and they ordering another 50..
-They also have a total of 50 F-15 Strike, and F-15 Strike Eagles

-Now coming to the Nuclear Issue they already have ICBM,MIRV missile systems, it's called the Jericho III which can carry 3 low based Uranium Warheads of 1-3 Ton pay load..

-Israeli by itself can literally **** on any country, SO STFU don't talk if you dont know anything related to the aspects of this matter.. -_-"
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Withstand? That is a weak position. Turkey and Pakistan should unite and attack Israel now and wrest the leadership position from Iran. The prestige will far outweighs any costs of the war. Who knows...May be Israel will be defeated and both countries will share the glory of being the ones who erased Israel off the map. Is that not worth the bloodshed?

Cannot say about Turkey or Iran but Pakistan is surely going see Israel. We have Ahadih about it and may be it is few years down the road but it is ought to happen.
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