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Turkey Jails 3 Journalists in Coup Investigation


Dec 27, 2009
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ISTANBUL — Three journalists from a Web site critical of the government were jailed and charged on Friday as part of an investigation into accusations that the military plotted to overthrow Turkey’s pro-Islamic government in 2003. The moves came as Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan sharply criticized the new American ambassador here for his comments on the case.

Charges of membership in an illegal network, disclosing state documents and inciting public animosity were filed against Soner Yalcin, an investigative journalist and owner of the Web site, OdaTV; Baris Terkoglu, the news editor; and Baris Pehlivan, a writer. After their initial detention on Monday the ambassador, Francis J. Ricciardone Jr., said that it was hard to square the action against them with the Turkish government’s professed support of press freedom.

The Turkish Journalists Association condemned the legal action and said that there were thousands of journalists facing prosecution and 58 already imprisoned for their writings and opinions.

Mr. Erdogan said Friday that journalists had no immunity from prosecution and criticized Mr. Ricciardone.

“Unfortunately, some outsiders snooping into things that are not their business believe in this fuss and make comments,” he said in a speech broadcast to governing party members. “First stop and research, ask what it is all about, what the judiciary will be doing, ruling for what, learn all of this. This is called amateur diplomacy.”

A State Department spokesman, Philip J. Crowley, said Wednesday that Washington stood by the ambassador’s remarks and that it would be watching the journalists’ case very closely. “We do have broad concerns about trends involving intimidation of journalists in Turkey,” Mr. Crowley said.

Prosecutors have arrested dozens of military and former military personnel over the suspected plot, which they say was aimed at overthrowing Mr. Erdogan’s government after his party came to power in 2002. Leaders of Turkey’s armed forces have denied that any such plan existed.
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