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Turkey is preparing to buy/make an aircraft carrier!

how can we be a strong navy then without destroyers , cruiser or battleships im nt even talking about AC even not having these 3 im really suprised

TF-2000 frigattes and with the rest of the new equipment are enough dont you worry.
Isn't Turkey in NATO - a security apparatus consisting of Britain, France and a bunch of other countries who were instrumental in dismembering the Ottoman Empire ?
Yes,but old enemies can be friends its the way of the world(France,Germany,Uk,Russia were all enemies of each other at one time).

No you just lost the last great Muslim Empire for a farce of a war and managed to screw the whole Ummah for a territorial Jihad...no wonder Ataturk was fed up with the old system.

P.S There were Indian Muslims in the British Indian Army who refused to fight against the Ottomans - a Muslim Empire - and deserted or were shot for the mutiny - I should know, my Grandfather served as an Engineer in the British Indian Army in the First World War. Additionally Muslim women sold their jewelry in the Indian Subcontinent to fund your War of Independence - so get off your high-horse and give some credit to this slave who told his colonial masters: to go fook themselves, for a fellow Muslim.
We shouldnt take evry comment serious.
Yes,but old enemies can be friends its the way of the world(France,Germany,Uk,Russia were all enemies of each other at one time).

Adding two more super-powers.

China was our ancient enemy while we were in middle-asia and constantly fighting with them.

We subject America to pay tribute to Ottoman Empire in 1794.
does US aircraft carriers have thick shells. are there no penetrating missiles capable to cause damage to its lower parts. AC looks like liability if hit twice or thrice.
does US aircraft carriers have thick shells. are there no penetrating missiles capable to cause damage to its lower parts. AC looks like liability if hit twice or thrice.

Bro, pls don't fuvck every threat
does US aircraft carriers have thick shells. are there no penetrating missiles capable to cause damage to its lower parts. AC looks like liability if hit twice or thrice.
It is called a carrier group,so other ships protect the AC.
A carrier group consist of 1 Aircraft Carrier, 2 Guided Missile Cruisers, 2 Anti Aircraft Warships, and 1-2 Anti Submarine Destroyers or Frigates(US).
It is called a carrier group,so other ships protect the AC.
A carrier group consist of 1 Aircraft Carrier, 2 Guided Missile Cruisers, 2 Anti Aircraft Warships, and 1-2 Anti Submarine Destroyers or Frigates(US).

I thought there also would be a submarine?
against who can we use this aircraft carrier? maybe if we had access to pacific it would make sense.
Please stop this aircraft carrier bullshit , its a LPD and it will used for logistic roles!
Please stop this aircraft carrier bullshit , its a LPD and it will used for logistic roles!

As you may have noticed he asked about the United states AC,not the Turkish LHD/LPD project.

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