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Turkey helps arm Hizbullah together with Iran & Syria


Feb 20, 2008
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Is Turkey not yet sated with its protest flotilla to Gaza? The Italian newspaper, the Evening Courier (Courriere della Sera) revealed yesterday that missiles and sophisticated munitions were making their way from Iran through Turkey and Syria to Hizbullah.

According to the Courier, a new secret agreement was signed between Ankara and Tehran an agreement that for all intents and purposes creates territorial contiguity between the Iranian Revolutionary guards and Hassan Nasrallahs Hizbullah. The agreement enables both Iran and Turkey to arm Hizbullah.

Hizbullah is confident in its strength and conscious of its political weight, wrote Guido Olympio, the Italian journalist that revealed the matter of the clandestine agreement. She will find it soon through the new corridor. Who will open the secret axis will be the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Ankara, Olympio added.

It was also written in the Courier that The corridor will be composed of trucks, industrial equipment, and cars. Secret agents of both countries in coordination with Hizbullah appointees will help create the right conditions for the transfer and will secure it.

Details regarding the new passageway were agreed upon during a meeting between the head of the Iranian secret service Hussein Taab and the new head of Turkish intelligence Hakan Fidan. It is worth noting that only recently did defense minister Ehud Barak warn against Fidans appointment to the post of head of Turkish intelligence.

Olympio himself told the Israeli Yediot Aharonot Newspaper that, The Turks, in my opinion, have not yet gotten to the point of no return in their abandonment of the West in favor of a strong axis with Tehran. For them, as long as Europe continues to close the door on them, the Iranians constitute an alternative axis and a thick-skinned alternative in the region with whom they can play the game.

Turkey helps arm Hizbullah together with Iran & Syria | World of Judaica
I suppose Turkish secret information service called M.I.T provided some new secret documents about increasing PKK attacks-Israel relations and floatilla attack to Government, After that, The response of Turkey has been started. I think Government and MIT know more than What we imagine about this problem.

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I suppose tit for tat. PKK-Israel and Hizbullah-Turkey :/
I suppose Turkish secret information service called M.I.T provided some new secret documents about increasing PKK attacks-Israel relations and floatilla attack to Government, After that, The response of Turkey has been started. I think Government and MIT know more than What we imagine about this problem.
Why you post absolutely irrelevant video with false title? First oif all, these Kurds are Talabani guys and have nothing to do with PKK, Secondly its video from over 5 years ago. PKK was traditionaly supported by Syria and they still are active there (attack on Iskenderun base, for example, could come only from Syria).
Turkish foreign ministry officials denied reports that Ankara had agreed to Iranian requests to transfer missiles and other weaponry to the Lebanese terror group Hizbullah, Army Radio reported on Saturday.

"The claims mentioned are without basis," said a senior foreign ministry official

Ankara denies plans to arm Hizbullah

Turkey might be changing the direction of some off its foreign policy but shipping arms to hizbullah would be crazy.
^ In reality, shipping arms to Israel is much crazier than shipping arms to people who are defending Lebanese lands (Hizbullah) against the terrorist Zionist and American regimes.
So after many decades of preparation, the Muslim world is relying on Hezbollah to save us from Israel. Consider me out of this game.
So after many decades of preparation, the Muslim world is relying on Hezbollah to save us from Israel. Consider me out of this game.
Non of muslim countries has balls to mess with Israel... Most of them are happy spending petrol money and dont want any trouble. So there is no "muslim world" in fact

If there are any mossad links with pkk, we have to pay back the favor and zionist must get ready to see OMTAS missiles in hands of Hamas/Hezbullah :angry: This is a dirty game but like it or not we are in it :frown:

But I dont believe Turkey have any ties with this terrorist organisations at this time
PKK used to be sponsored by the old Soviet Union in the old days before many of the forum members here were born. Now , the Russian FSB still maintains relationship with PKK simply because they are active against a NATO member state. It is also to mention that the strategic BTC pipeline (Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan) goes over the PPK affected area and this BTC pipeline has direct conflict with the Russian interests.
Before I finish , it is an utter nonsense that Turkey is aiding Hezbollah. This kind of statement is not matured at all.
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Non of muslim countries has balls to mess with Israel... Most of them are happy spending petrol money and dont want any trouble. So there is no "muslim world" in fact

If there are any mossad links with pkk, we have to pay back the favor and zionist must get ready to see OMTAS missiles in hands of Hamas/Hezbullah :angry: This is a dirty game but like it or not we are in it :frown:

But I dont believe Turkey have any ties with this terrorist organisations at this time
You might be confusing the Turkish Hizbullah (which was a terrorist organization which had absolutely nothing to do with the Lebanese Hizbullah) with the Lebanese Hizbullah. The Lebanese Hizbullah is NOT a terrorist organization! Only to Israel and the U.S. who call themselves the "International Community".
Also, I don't see why it is shameful to support 'terrorist' organizations.

Hamas, for example, is a 'terrorist organization' which has been labelled a 'terrorist organization' because it resists the great and right Israel. Taliban wasn't a 'terrorist organization' when CIA made it. Now, the exact same 'organization' has become a 'terrorist organization'.

Seriously, why do common people believe stuff like this? USA has used terrorism on many counts to win wars, and now they say they are fighting it for the good of the world (yeah right) but we know their ulterior motives.

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