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Turkey helped Israeli to attack Syria and Turkey base used for attack.

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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Israeli strike on Syria was carried out from Turkish base

Israel used a Turkish military base to launch one of its recent airstrikes against Syria from the sea, a reliable source told RT. Israel has been under scrutiny since last week, when it was reported to be responsible for a July 5 depot attack in Latakia.

News that Turkey assisted Israel in attacking another Muslim state could result in serious turmoil for Ankara, once the information is confirmed.

"Our source is telling us that Israeli planes left a military base inside Turkey and approached Latakia from the sea to make sure that they stayed out of Syrian airspace so that they cannot become a legitimate target for the Syrian air force," RT's Paula Slier reports.

Relations between Turkey and Israel were strained until March 2013, as a result of a flotilla incident which happened more than three years ago. In protest against Israel’s refusal to apologize, Turkey expelled the Israeli ambassador and severed military ties.


The two agreed to normalize their relationship after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Ankara has been known for its assistance to foreign-backed militants, allowing them to train on Turkish territory before infiltrating into Syria.

Shortly after the July 5 airstrike, the Free Syrian Army said that rebels were not responsible for the attack, which destroyed Yakhont anti-ship missiles being stored there.

"It was not the FSA that targeted this," Qassem Saadeddine, FSA’s Supreme Military Council spokesman told Reuters. "It is not an attack that was carried out by rebels.”


The FSA suggested the attack “was either by air raid or long-range missiles fired from boats in the Mediterranean.”

Rebels described massive blasts, saying that the firepower exceeded the capability of weapons available to the opposition. They speculated that the attack was launched with the use of modern military weapons, like those which may be possessed by Israel.

On Saturday, US officials speaking on condition of anonymity also revealed Israel’s involvement with the explosions. They did not provide details on the extent of the damage or the number of missiles struck.

At the same time, Britain’s Sunday Times cited its Middle East intelligence sources who reported that a contingent of 50 Russian-made Yakhont P-800 anti-ship missiles were targeted and destroyed. However, the newspaper claimed that Israeli submarines carried out the attack rather than the Air Force.

Israel has declined RT’s request for comment and refused to confirm or deny the information.

“We can't comment about these reports,” the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Spokesperson’s Unit said.

Netanyahu also hesitated to comment on reports when speaking to CBS-TV’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

"My policy is to prevent the transfer of dangerous weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon and other terror groups as well. And we stand by that policy," the PM said. “And I'm not in the habit of saying what we did or didn't do," he added.

If the recent airstrikes are proven to have been carried out by Israel, the July 5 strike will be the fourth known Israeli air attack against targets in Syria this year. The previous three attacks targeted an area near Damascus on January 30, May 3, and May 5.

In late January, an airstrike hit a weapons convoy that carried Russian-made SA-17 surface-to-air missiles, marking the first incursion by Israel into Syrian airspace in six years.

In May, Israeli warplanes conducted two days of airstrikes, targeting a shipment from Iran of Fateh-110 missiles. Such missiles have the capability to strike Tel Aviv from southern Lebanon.

Middle East expert and historian, Tariq Ali told RT that Israel continues to attack Syria to get square with Hezbollah.

“Hezbollah is like a red bull to Israelis and Israelis haven’t been able to wipe it out, though they tried many times. Now they are hoping they can do it by weakening or completely destroying the Syrian regime. Indirectly they are providing help to the rebels,” Ali said. “Israel is a country that considers itself above the law.”

RT source: Israeli strike on Syria was carried out from Turkish base ? RT News
i think its another bs news of a jew, nothing in turkish media or somewhere else.
not even the yankeess as a nato partner were allowed to fly from Turkiye to throw their bombs on iraq. So why we should allow a such of action against syria !

is a contradiction in itself.
The two agreed to normalize their relationship after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

This issue is not clear for many people so let me clear.

Erdogan agreed to normalize our relation ship with Israel based on 3 conditions.

1-) Apology (Accomplished)
2-) Compansate the families of the victims (Negotiations going on)
3-) Lift of the blockade to Gaza (Nothing done)

So there is no normalization going on and we don't expect any soon. Forget military reletions we don't have a ambassador in Israel.

The FSA suggested the attack “was either by air raid or long-range missiles fired from boats in the Mediterranean.”

However, the newspaper claimed that Israeli submarines carried out the attack rather than the Air Force.

Israel has declined RT’s request for comment and refused to confirm or deny the information.

So RT even don't know if the attack was carried on with air force or submarines, but accuses Turkey with allowing Israel to use it's bases. Anyone can see the contradiction !

PressTV and RT produces the most ridiculous news. This one is no exception.
It may sound strange but I think it's possible. Who knows, maybe it's true
i think its another bs news of a jew, nothing in turkish media or somewhere else.
not even the yankeess as a nato partner were allowed to fly from Turkiye to throw their bombs on iraq. So why we should allow a such of action against syria !

is a contradiction in itself.

Didn't know RT was "Jew Media" as well. Is there any media out there which is not Jew :cheesy:
i think its another bs news of a jew, nothing in turkish media or somewhere else.
not even the yankeess as a nato partner were allowed to fly from Turkiye to throw their bombs on iraq. So why we should allow a such of action against syria !

is a contradiction in itself.

They were actually. B-2s, A-10s, Vipers and Strike Eagles used Malatya, Diyarbakir and Incirlik.
They were actually. B-2s, A-10s, Vipers and Strike Eagles used Malatya, Diyarbakir and Incirlik.

what u mean exactly ! used the base for what ? to bomb another islam countrie like iraq !

However, the Iraq war faced strong domestic opposition in Turkey and as such, the Turkish Parliament couldn't reach the absolute majority of 276 votes needed for allowing U.S. troops to attack Iraq from Turkey, the final tally being 264 votes for and 250 against.
'Operation Northern Watch'

Operation Northern Watch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

However, the Iraq war faced strong domestic opposition in Turkey and as such, the Turkish Parliament couldn't reach the absolute majority of 276 votes needed for allowing U.S. troops to attack Iraq from Turkey, the final tally being 264 votes for and 250 against

I think this is for U.S. troops, as you said; it didn't stop USA from using its air base at turkey.....
After Iraq’s 1990 invasion of
neighboring Kuwait, the 7440th
Composite Wing (Provisional)
assumed operational control of
the 39th Tactical Group. The
7440th was the air component
of Joint Task Force Proven Force,
which eventually controlled 140
aircraft and opened a northern
front, forcing Iraq to split its
defenses between the north and
the south, where the main thrust
of coalition attacks originated as
part of Operation " Desert Storm".
Following the war, Incirlik hosted
" Combined Task Force Provide
Comfort", which oversaw
Operation Provide Comfort (OPC),
the effort to provide
humanitarian relief to millions of
Kurdish refugees in northern
The 39th TACG was redesignated
the 39th Wing on 1 October
1993 and restructured as a
standard Air Force objective
The U.S. State Department’s
"Operation Quick Transit"
evacuated thousands of Kurds
from northern Iraq late in 1996.
The wing provided logistical
support in Turkey to this
operation, which signaled the
end of the humanitarian aspect
of Operation Provide Comfort
(OPC). OPC ended 31 December
1996, and Operation Northern
Watch (ONW) took its place 1
January 1997 with the task to
enforce the U.N.-sanctioned no-
fly zone north of the 36th parallel
in Iraq.
The 39th Air and Space
Expeditionary Wing was
activated at Incirlik AB on 15
September 1997, to support and
command USAF assets deployed
to Incirlik supporting ONW.
From 1994, the Turkish Air Force
began receiving KC-135R-CRAG
Stratotanker aerial refueling
tankers. The seven aircraft are
operated by the 101st Squadron,
stationed at Incirlik.
September 11, 2001 attacks
In response to the September 11,
2001 attacks, Operation
Enduring Freedom began in
October 2001. Incirlik served as a
main hub for missions in support
for the war in Afghanistan,
including humanitarian airlift
operations, MC-130 special
operations missions, KC-135
refueling missions and
sustainment operations for
deployed forces. The aerial port
managed a 6-fold increase in
airflow during the height of OEF.
When the main bases in
Afghanistan ( Bagram Airfield )
and the Uzbekistan air base (
Karshi-Khanabad Air Base ) were
in use the Incirlik’s airflow
supporting OEF decreased to a
baseline sustainment level.
Iraq War [edit]
ONW ended with the start of the
Iraq War on March 19, 2003.
ONW flew its last patrol on 17
March 2003, and closed a
successful 12-year mission to
contain the Iraqi military and
inactivated 1 May 2003. The 39th
ASEW was also inactivated,
effective 1 May 2003. The wing
was completely inactivated on 16
July 2003 and the 39th Air Base
Group was activated in its place.
On 19 August 2003, the first
rotation of deployed KC-135
Stratotankers and airmen arrived
at Incirlik to support various
operations in response to the 11
September 2001 attacks as well
as the post-invasion
reconstruction of Iraq and the
ensuing insurgency.
On 6 January 2004, more than
300 U.S. Army soldiers of what
would become thousands
transited through Incirlik as the
first stop back to their home post
after spending almost a year in
Iraq. Incirlik was part of what
was described as the largest
troop movement in U.S. history.
Incirlik provided soldiers with a
cot, warm location,
entertainment and food for a
few hours outside of a hostile
war zone.
On March 12, 2004, the 39th Air
Base Group inactivated and the
39th Air Base Wing activated to
provide the best mix of required
support and, as new mission
requirements emerge, to
shoulder the burden and better
contribute in the global war on
2005 Kashmir earthquake
humanitarian relief [edit]
Incirlik played a bridge role by
providing support in the relief
operation started after the 2005
Kashmir earthquake on 8
October 2005. With the help of
Turkish and American airmen,
five C-130 Hercules cargo planes
of from Air Bases in Italy, Britain,
Greece, and France flew urgently
needed supplies including
10,000 tents from the
warehouse of U.N. High
Commissioner for Refugees in
İskenderun, Turkey to Islamabad,
Pakistan on 19 October.
2006 Hezbollah-Israel War
During the brief War between
Hezbollah and Israel in July 2006,
the Incirlik Air Base provided
solace to Americans who had
been evacuated by U.S. Navy
warships from Beirut, Lebanon
to Mersin, Turkey.

Also before the hood event, several combat aircraft was located in Incirlik, Izmir. Such as F-111, F-16, F-15, A-10, AC-130U/H. Indeed, there's no need to suprise for them. According to NATO chapters. Every single base of a NATO country is actually a base of NATO. While Incirlik serves as a joint base in very important location. And in Wartimes. Every NATO based have to be fully operational. Which means, they of course used, stationed in Turkey. The gov't can block this. But it's the standart NATO doctrine about the use of bases, installitions.
i think its another bs news of a jew, nothing in turkish media or somewhere else.
not even the yankeess as a nato partner were allowed to fly from Turkiye to throw their bombs on iraq. So why we should allow a such of action against syria !

is a contradiction in itself.

Since when RT are Jews?
i think its another bs news of a jew, nothing in turkish media or somewhere else.
not even the yankeess as a nato partner were allowed to fly from Turkiye to throw their bombs on iraq. So why we should allow a such of action against syria !

is a contradiction in itself.

I believe we have let Israeli aircraft make use of our airspace at least once before whilst they conducted an operation against targets in Syria.
BS, two days ago they were talking about Israel using a submarine in attacking Yakhont missiles and now using Turkey as a launch base. Another thing, why would Israel need Turkey anyway? the targets are just few hundreds of KMs away, when the Israeli IAF can hit targets thousands of KMs away.

I don't trust RT.

Neither do I.
Its quite possible.

Erdogan govt is capable of doing such things and Israel wants to use another country and avoid a direct strike.
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