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Turkey Coronavirus & updates

Akp and rte could just redirect all flights with pilgrims to an airport and quarantine them. Your attempt on sarcasm is pretty ridiculous. I don’t know why they don’t do that.
*Sarcasm mode off*

I reckon China should be slammed from pillar to post for this. I said it earlier, if something like this originated in Turkey, the US media would run with it like a wild fire and annihilate our society with economic attacks. The Greeks and Armenians would hold vigils on how Christ has avenged them against the unholy Turk.
We are the same, situation is very serious but i see no real measures taken against it by the goverment.
Its more important not to disturb the production, money is too valuable after all.

The worst is the selfish people.....

Parks are full,stores and markets are full,people handshake each others,kiss each others etc. People are irresponsible and they'll complain when they're sick and hospitals will be full.... All of our neighbors are in quanrantine but somehow France seems to be in a parallel dimension....

Majority of people here act like there's nothing.
Military medical capabilities are the tip of the spear when a country faces a biological pandemic threat. So where's GATA when we need it most?
The worst is the selfish people.....

Parks are full,stores and markets are full,people handshake each others,kiss each others etc. People are irresponsible and they'll complain when they're sick and hospitals will be full.... All of our neighbors are in quanrantine but somehow France seems to be in a parallel dimension....

Majority of people here act like there's nothing.
People in Europe are desensibilized, you can tell them that virus has a mortality rate of 80% and they still would be like i wont get infected anyways...
May god help us in Europe.
Today in Netherlands they are acting what they should do it from te start. They are closing schools, food service industry and sports clubs untill 6 April. When the dead reach 20 and sick people past 1000 they are wake up. So againg Turkey is doing comparing to Europe good.
When merkel said that 70% of the population will be affected i was surprised and was thinking she’s wrong but it seems that merkel knows very well european careless mentality...
I have just read about 2 wave in wuhan(china) this virus and oil price war would definitely cause either some big war or unprecedented world economic crisis never seen before

I am washing my hands 2 times every hour sometimes even more and no this is not because of the virus it’s my regular daily routine
@Vergennes today you had some local elections, right? And yellow vets idiots again “protested” on the streets
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