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Turkey blunts NZ's Security Council bid

security council is useless when it comes to bringing international thugs to justice...kashmir,palestine,gaza floatilla,war in iraq etc etc are just few examples..
security council is useless when it comes to bringing international thugs to justice...kashmir,palestine,gaza floatilla,war in iraq etc etc are just few examples..
True, everyone acknowledges the fact that Security Council needs a reform. But having a voice in current system is too valuable to ignore.
i am pisssed off at some kemalists though

funny to see that the kemalist stupidity is beyond our borders..i wonder when they will get a life.

@red baron

if you want to change a system,you must involve it..excluding yourself and whining all the time wont bring anything.
security council is useless when it comes to bringing international thugs to justice...kashmir,palestine,gaza floatilla,war in iraq etc etc are just few examples..

Yes, the UNSC is really useless since it permits a nation which is an inch away from being formally declared a rogue nation from spreading its venom to all over the world with total impunity. That is all the more reason why the UNSC must be reformed and reformed immediately. The 'Old Order' has been allowed to exist far beyond its useful and productive life. It is time for change.
What is so funny in this....they are far far more well off THEN pAKISTAN NOW.............AT least Turkey is and deserves it too..
This is his personal opinion, what does that got to do with Pakistan. and Stop comparing I believe Comparison can only brings Hate in our hearts for each other nothing else....................
new zealand, turkey for 'security council seat??? wow :rofl::rofl:
so you believe that this world belongs to usa, ru, fr, ch and uk only? what a shame.. why not a muslim country between them?
its not about who deserves to be there or who doesnt deserve.. this is globalization era, more nations must have veto/vote right on critical issues.. i am agree with all guys who thinks unsc needs strong reforms, these fellows make extra-important decisions and at leats more many nations or groups have to be represented in the council as permanent members... yes pakistan even was a non-permanent council member, even many years, turkey as well, and many more countries.. but in the end, all of them go and only 5 countries remain there.. looks fair to you?
I support Turkey's bid completely. But I also know that Turkey's EU neighbours won't be too excited about this.
With the current economic situation of the EU, I am glad that Turkey wasn't part of it.

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