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Turkey About To Receive 2 OHP-Class From USN, Bill Approved


Apr 29, 2011
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Apparently 2 For Turkey
2 For Mexico
2 For Thailand

When did we ever asked for more OHP and why would we get more? According to Orko its even more then 2 its 7!

We will receive these 2...

Why are we getting 7 more of these?
We have allready 8 dont we?

Yup, Its really odd. But dont get me wrong only 2 have been officialy confirmed to be tranferred to Turkey which you can see in the picture, The USS Thach and USS Halyburton. The number 7 is claimed by a highly up-to-date Turkish military analyst called Orko, He is either the second-cabatli or cabatli is the second orko.

But why on Earth would we get more OHP-Class? Perhaps spare parts i hope...
We are gonna build TF100s and TF2000s anyway.. did Orko_8 say anything about which naval bases these new Oliver Hazard's will be stationed?
We are gonna build TF100s and TF2000s anyway.. did Orko_8 say anything about which naval bases these new Oliver Hazard's will be stationed?

Dunno bro, Its indirect information. I got this from a couple Turks who are members at trmilitary, They say orko claims we are getting 7 of them, And thats it. But ill check it out right now actually if there is more info...

EDIT: TRMilitary • Ba
This is really absurd, there's nothing on Orko_8's blog either..

If only two OHP's are to be transfered it's okay. We are to retire one last knox and one more frigate is not a problem

But expansion this size in a time when many navy officials are "inside" makes no fvcking sense to me.

Like who is going to command these six more ships? :pop:

It is a gift!

Your provided pdf says:


(a) TRANSFERS BY GRANT.—The President is authorized to transfer vessels to foreign countries on a grant basis under section 516 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2321j), as follows:
(3) TURKEY.—To the Government of Turkey, the OLIVER HAZARD PERRY class guided missile frigates USS HALYBURTON (FFG–40) and USS THACH (FFG–43).

And "22 U.S.C. 2321j" says:

"... (c) Terms of transfers
(1) No cost to recipient country
Excess defense articles may be transferred under this section without cost to the recipient country.
TN will use them as spare parts. Navy officials stated that TN won't commision any foreign ship over and over again, just after the launch of TCG Heybeliada.
TN will use them as spare parts. Navy officials stated that TN won't commision any foreign ship over and over again, just after the launch of TCG Heybeliada.

then when will the TF-100 be commsioned! they haven't even started building it yet
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