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TÜRKİYE Declared National 1 Day of Mourning because of Terrorist Attack Against Brother PAKİSTAN

Probably because he's a bastard just like Fethullah Gülen. Not any single difference between both sides. At least he didn't screw up the relations with Pakistan.
I dont think there is a force on earth that can srew up this relationship.
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I didn't forget that Pakistan declared National Mourning when we lost over 300 hundred miners in Soma mine incident.....

Can't we send a couple of T-129 squadrons to battle TTP in Pakistan ? It would be a good exercise for our pilots and dead terrorists in the process. Win-Win situation.

I am in favor of SAT :)

@Horus was that a Cadet School or sth? Or a public school?
really sad news, it hit me as if it happened in Turkey.
RIP again to all the innocent kids and teachers and soldiers and I wish we could do something to help because truly Pakistan is one of the few countries Turkey can depend on, so Pakistan's progress is also important for us.

i wonder, though, what will Pakistani govt do?
what has the Pakistani govt tried so far?
What is Afghanistan's role?
What exactly does the TTP want from Pakistan through such heinous deeds?
can any Pakistani bro/sis explain this in short?

how big is that support for TTP? and why exactly do they support TTP in so far that they even dare to justify it? do they feel oppressed or neglected or something?

the governments have had a confused and half hearted policy towards Taliban and even somewhat apologetic. the present government was always against the operation against taliban and has even offered prayers for TTP leadership in the parliament. some of the coalition members belonging to religious parties openly support Taliban, condemn the military operation and even justify such terror attacks blaming army for bowing to American pressure.

Afghanistan's role is unclear, the past Karzai government was indirectly complicit in such atrocities because its intelligence agency openly supported and hosted the TTP terrorists.
TTP want Taliban rule in Pakistan, like ISIS it wants to kill shias and ban schools and turn town squares in to slaughter houses.
An Army Public school. Army runs schools for the kids of its staff as well as the citizens.

Ohh. Now I get it. Today it was breaking news saying "Talibs storm military school". I can't imagine such a scenario. Though even if it was. It'd be like going to your own funeral.
the governments have had a confused and half hearted policy towards Taliban and even somewhat apologetic. the present government was always against the operation against taliban and has even offered prayers for TTP leadership in the parliament. some of the coalition members belonging to religious parties openly support Taliban, condemn the military operation and even justify such terror attacks blaming army for bowing to American pressure.

Afghanistan's role is unclear, the past Karzai government was indirectly complicit in such atrocities because its intelligence agency openly supported and hosted the TTP terrorists.
TTP want Taliban rule in Pakistan, like ISIS it wants to kill shias and ban schools and turn town squares in to slaughter houses.
With such deeds TTP has a looong way to go if they think they can convince the Pakistani population for their cause and rule Pakistan. I hope Pakistani forces hunt these subhumans till the last 'man', and if i may add, start with the traitors and subhuman mindset loving coalition members in the parliament. and I thought Turkish politics was messed up.
What is their agenda? I don't get it.

They wanted to kill as many as possible because they were being slaughtered out on the battle field, they clearly had no demands because they did not even attempt to take hostages. In fact security forces thought it was going to be a hostage situation at first which led to the initial delay in moving in, once they realized they were not taking prisoners they rushed in.

On CNN one analysis said it best imo, the dude said this was a sign that the Talibs were getting desperate since they clearly disregarded the hearts and mind aspect of the fight by targeting children. He said the PA has clearly damaged them and that they need to press on.
Too many young lives ended too early before it started. Our thoughts and condolences are with the families.
How many countries have followed Turkey's path and declared day of mourning today?
They wanted to kill as many as possible because they were being slaughtered out on the battle field, they clearly had no demands because they did not even attempt to take hostages. In fact security forces thought it was going to be a hostage situation at first which led to the initial delay in moving in, once they realized they were not taking prisoners they rushed in.

On CNN one analysis said it best imo, the dude said this was a sign that the Talibs were getting desperate since they clearly disregarded the hearts and mind aspect of the fight by targeting children. He said the PA has clearly damaged them and that they need to press on.

They took revenge by attacking children? Really pathetic. Where is the battle field? Is the Pak Army fighting them in Pakistan? I know what this is like because Turkey had been fighting the PKK and the situation was almost the same.
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