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TUBITAK to develop laser CIWS to be stationed aboard TF-2000 class AAW Frigates


Feb 6, 2013
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Turkey’s Scientific and Technological Research Foundation TUBITAK has officially opened a bid for the in-country development of a high-power laser weapon system. Such weapons are currently only deployed by the United States military.

TUBITAK’s SAVTAG, the Turkish equivalent of “DARPA” of the US Department of Defense, is officially put in charge of supporting a high budget project, internally named the “1007 Program”, that intends to organize and support Turkey’s current hi-tech weapons manufacturers and accomplished universities around this ambitious goal. The laser is planned to be used primarily as a precision close in weapon system (CIWS) aboard Turkey’s next generation frigates, dubbed the TF-2000, to engage enemy ships, aircraft and oncoming missile threats. The project will last for 72 months and will be run under “top secret” status, requiring all participants to comply with SAVTAG’s safety and security regulations

TUBITAK to develop laser CIWS | TR Defence


TF2000-class frigate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm pretty sure they'll make the CIWS but the ship's goingt to need to generate megawatts of energy for this.... :/

bold project... an electromagnetic main gun could be a safer bet, but again.. lots of energy is necessary and we don't have nuclear technology. I'm itching to see what'll they come up with until 2017
I'm pretty sure they'll make the CIWS but the ship's goingt to need to generate megawatts of energy for this.... :/

bold project... an electromagnetic main gun could be a safer bet, but again.. lots of energy is necessary and we don't have nuclear technology. I'm itching to see what'll they come up with until 2017
They actually dont need a lot of energy, the energy it use per each usage worth only 1 $. thats why i can be mounted on drones and trucks.
I'm pretty sure they'll make the CIWS but the ship's goingt to need to generate megawatts of energy for this.... :/

bold project... an electromagnetic main gun could be a safer bet, but again.. lots of energy is necessary and we don't have nuclear technology. I'm itching to see what'll they come up with until 2017

Turkish University is working on Railgun Technolgy !

The US and GB will also deploy Laser Guns on their Ships, which are not nuclear Powered ! Do also not forget Laser Satelittes, with this Technology we can make zionist Jericho Missiles useless !
Hmmm the Israelis also developed a similar system called THEL. more or less the size of a CIWS, used to shoot down artillery rockets. never deployed.


Bro i know it's off-topic but are you guys working on an electromagnetic catapult for your amphibious carrier ???
Hmmm the Israelis also developed a similar system called THEL. more or less the size of a CIWS, used to shoot down artillery rockets. never deployed.


Bro i know it's off-topic but are you guys working on an electromagnetic catapult for your amphibious carrier ???

It's okay. Since F-35B is a VTOL aircraft. There's no need for EMALS, CATOBAR or Ski-jump. So nope :)
Turkish University is working on Railgun Technolgy !
It's good, I've seen these news but we need a state-funded project.
They actually dont need a lot of energy, the energy it use per each usage worth only 1 $. thats why i can be mounted on drones and trucks.
They'll still need a lot of capacitors though. Assuming they'll fire charged shots
The US and GB will also deploy Laser Guns on their Ships, which are not nuclear Powered ! Do also not forget Laser Satelittes, with this Technology we can make zionist Jericho Missiles useless !
:lol: that would be relevant if we weren't run by gutless morons
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Reference prototype Lazer CIWS


Land , sea and air, forming objectives threat detection , monitoring and routed to develop with national facility that provides laser defused YGLS Concept representation for developing and developed as a prototype for reference .

BLGEM UEKAE performed , YGL system prototype in the laboratory identified a goal to detect and to follow and is located on the platform movement independent of a balanced high-power laser beam to the target on the Route and focusing by transferring destruction is able to .


High power lasers can transfer the power of focusing on the goal of
Ability to destroy moving targets
To be able to move in three axes
balanced routing
Image processing -based target detection and tracking
" Wedge - stabilization " structure
Thanks to the extensible architecture needs to be added for the new features

Will we modernize our ships including MİLGEMS with this weapon ?
Integration of Korkut FCR to Naval platforms

Naval variant (White) Korkut test mechanizm...


We produce something and it becomes a product not only a product but also a tree trunk... From this, new branches come up very easily... Also other tree trunks growing with their branches... And different trees' branches meet somewhere.... & We see that we are having a beautiful garden of our own in a very short time...

Incredible defence industry strategy...
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