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TTP to launch wave of 'revenge attacks' in Pakistan.

Law of Karma taking its own course. Once considered strategic asset by Pakistan is proving counter productive. Yet No lesson seem to have learned.

I wish Pakistan may come out of this bloody game of killing innocent people. 

No they can not counter Taliban. It is been proved now.

When Pakistan considered TTP strategic asset? An ignorant who like to jump into discussion with his utter stupidity 
What TTP is waiting funds and go ahead from their masters in Afghanistan. Then they will start attacking us Pakistanis
pakistan has all the potential and strenght it needs to eliminate TTP....i guess the only thing tat lacks is political will

Actually Pakistan is a Confused Nation. They are unable to decide what is good and what is bad for them. On one hand they want to fight and and eliminate terrorists and on other hand they release them and want to talk to them. On one hand they want friendship with India and on other hand they want to export terrorism in India. On one hand they want to develop and progress in science and technology and other hand want Madrasa education. On one hand they want to become a vibrant democracy and secular nation and on other hand they want sharia and Blasphemy law. All this can not go to gather. There is an utter mismatch of Democracy, Islam (Wahabi version Particularly) and Culture of Pakistan which is very vibrant.

This happens when the mind of public is subverted by false propaganda such as Hindus are Number One enemy, India and America are behind all our problems, TTP is supported by India. Ja (A Hindi alphabet) fo Jalim (Shikh)
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When Pakistan considered TTP strategic asset? An ignorant who like to jump into discussion with his utter stupidity 
What TTP is waiting funds and go ahead from their masters in Afghanistan. Then they will start attacking us Pakistanis

dafa karo their karma shit only applies to us 
Actually Pakistan is a Confused Nation. They are unable to decide what is good and what is bad for them. On one hand they want to fight and and eliminate terrorists and on other hand they release them and want to talk to them. On one hand they want friendship with India and on other hand they want to export terrorism in India. On one hand they want to develop and progress in science and technology and other hand want Madrasa education. On one hand they want to become a vibrant democracy and secular nation and on other hand they want sharia and Blasphemy law. All this can not go to gather. There is an utter mismatch of Democracy, Islam (Wahabi version Particularly) and Culture of Pakistan which is very vibrant.

This happens when the mind of public is subverted by false propaganda such as Hindus are No One enemy, India and America are behind all our problems, TTP is supported by India. Ja (A Hindi alphabet) fo Jalim (Shikh)

:what: @Aeronaut yar kindly put a patta on such useless ones man.
When Pakistan considered TTP strategic asset? An ignorant who like to jump into discussion with his utter stupidity 
What TTP is waiting funds and go ahead from their masters in Afghanistan. Then they will start attacking us Pakistanis

You are Ignorant not I.

Kiyani said that Haquani is strategic asset. Hamid gul accepted in many public conversation that he supported and created many militant organization Initially to fight with America and subsequently diverted to India. 
dafa karo their karma shit only applies to us 

:what: @Aeronaut yar kindly put a patta on such useless ones man.

Yes good way to not listen what you do not want to listen. This was very much expected . I live this this thread Man. Enjoy.
. .
I have seen that pretty closely trust me i have lost someone in my family because of this sick war of theirs. If they have the guts to eliminate pro US elements who have done harm to our country as well then attack them not our people. They are nothing but cowards.
Sorry to hear about your loss. May the deceased one rests in peace. 
Americans killed their leader and they in return are going to revenge on innocent Pakistanis. What a logic! 
Actually Pakistan is a Confused Nation. They are unable to decide what is good and what is bad for them. On one hand they want to fight and and eliminate terrorists and on other hand they release them and want to talk to them. On one hand they want friendship with India and on other hand they want to export terrorism in India. On one hand they want to develop and progress in science and technology and other hand want Madrasa education. On one hand they want to become a vibrant democracy and secular nation and on other hand they want sharia and Blasphemy law. All this can not go to gather. There is an utter mismatch of Democracy, Islam (Wahabi version Particularly) and Culture of Pakistan which is very vibrant.

This happens when the mind of public is subverted by false propaganda such as Hindus are No One enemy, India and America are behind all our problems, TTP is supported by India. Ja (A Hindi alphabet) fo Jalim (Shikh)

I have got many answers to your assertion but I don't want to derail the thread. You are making a post on a defence forum, keep that in mind.
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Its very sad for innocent pakistani people dying in theses attacks. i feel for those mothers , sisters or any person who loose their loved ones from the bottom of my heart. Bless them and I hope pakistan army gives them strong reply!!
. .
Oh no don't live in this thread you may suffocate yourself at the end.

Do not worry about me. Actually I want to save you from doing complaint like a child to aeronaut, you see. I want to save you from a topic being discussed rationally. So enjoy without worrying about my suffocation. Best luck!!
I have stated/predicted earlier that now thinking of peace talks with TTP,when Fazullah is appointed as a leader by them,is complete stupidity and foolishness.
Fazullah,who was retributed by PA earlier has got chance to take his revenge,and he didn't even need to convince his allies and support due to Mehsud's murder in drone strike.
Thus all he needs now is to mask his personal so-called 'vendetta' as revenge for Mehsud.
Get ready for new series of bomb blast now,get ready to die now,get ready to pay price of that murder,get ready to pay for US drone strike,of mistakes of civil regime ,get ready!
Now our civil regime should wake up before we suffer of more damage of which they are planning of.
We are only left with one last option:'Another Operation Rah e Nijat'
How sad,that things went beyond of our planning,Mehsud's murder by Americans has pushed us again into catastrophe from which we were trying to get out-
Then they say that 'This is Pakistan's internal matter' and 'peace settlement in AF-PAK region is part our interest!'
yeah,we understand of 'what sort of interest' they mean.
And indeed this is not US fault-Shame on you..government of Pakistan,shame on you...May Allah's wrath fall upon you!!!
I have stated/predicted earlier that now thinking of peace talks with TTP,when Fazullah is appointed as a leader by them,is complete stupidity and foolishness.
Fazullah,who was retributed by PA earlier has got chance to take his revenge,and he didn't even need to convince his allies and support due to Mehsud's murder in drone strike.
Thus all he needs now is to mask his personal so-called 'vendetta' as revenge for Mehsud.
Get ready for new series of bomb blast now,get ready to die now,get ready to pay price of that murder,get ready to pay for US drone strike,of mistakes of civil regime ,get ready!
Now our civil regime should wake up before we suffer of more damage of which they are planning of.
We are only left with one last option:'Another Operation Rah e Nijat'
How sad,that things went beyond of our planning,Mehsud's murder by Americans has pushed us again into catastrophe from which we were trying to get out-
Then they say that 'This is Pakistan's internal matter' and 'peace settlement in AF-PAK region is part our interest!'
yeah,we understand of 'what sort of interest' they mean.
And indeed this is not US fault-Shame on you..government of Pakistan,shame on you...May Allah's wrath fall upon you!!!

Slav Defence Peace talks are GOP and PAKISTAN MILITARY Surrender? Surrender talks would have meant accepting all TTP demands unconditionally .

Please feel free to tell us what happened to previously negotiated peace(surrender) why did that fell a part us didn't kill their leaders back then?

I like the way Most pundits are spinning this so called ''peace talks'' our way to freedom negotiating peace talks with terrorist on their terms was going to bring peace in pakistan yeah right?

Billions upon Billions spent on military for what they cant even defend us against terrorist what a waist of tax payers money ''useless''. we could have used those billions on educating our poor and give them future and hope and simply negotiated peace with India.
Good, let them. I guess this is the only way left to to force a conflict between these two parties.
We must terminate fazlullah asap !
what about stopping NATO supplies, peace talks, offices for mulla sawati?
where is IK, whats his take ?
are you going over & against party lines? 
Thank you. Its just unsettling to imagine how many more people would lose their lives because of such warmongering lunatics.

then just ask those terrorists to stop, but dont try it at home, cause mullha sawati, s favourite hobby is to take head shots of grils, aged 14 till 25, just after his breakfast?
taliban is like "hydra" you cut one another will grow in its place ....

its realli confusing now some say TTP & such groups are basicalli funded by NATO/RAW/afghan govt but Taliban pakistan are a independent group from TTP who are fighting for there freedom in Afghanistan and then there is news that Mullah umar the head of Afghan Taliban is endorsing fazaullah the new chief of TTP i was wondering when Mullah umar is supporting TTPs new chief does that means TTP & Afghan taliban are same thing or are they realli being funded from afghansiatn by current afghan Govt and RAW/CIA/MOSSAD as many pakistanies beleave ,..its realli confusing whome to belave and whome not to

well according to a well placed friend there are 2 dozen agencies involved in this whole conflict.
The Taliban only need an excuse to kill innocent people. This is part of their evil strategy to continue the murders they have been inflicting on the Pakistani people. They need any pretext just to murder innocent Pakistani civilians. Here the pretext is religion and it has been effective in fooling Pakistani people who are impressionable and emotional.

The Taliban are beyond peace. They cannot be negotiated with. They are animals worthy only of suffering.

This is partly us Pakistanis fault too. We have failed to be pro-active. We should eliminate threats before they occur instead of simply responding to threats as they appear. I suggest here 20 points for the successful elimination of terrorism:

1) Proper intelligence network, not shoddy intelligence chasing innocent civilians instead of terrorists but real intelligence.
2) Repeal of biased disgraceful laws based on Shariah such as the hudood law and blasphemy law.
3) Rehaul of the education system. Stop preaching hate to children about Hindus and anyone else.
4) End of the draconian collective responsibility act of FCR which holds an entire tribe responsible for the actions of one evil man.
5) Development through education programs and improving the basic lifestyle of the local inhabitants.
6) Teach tolerance and inter-faith harmony through courses in the school level.
7) Improvement of the security forces and the police (also the frontier constabulary) as a bulwark against terrorists.
8) Targetted operations against the terrorists which do not harm innocent civilians. Great care is needed to avoid civilian casualties often caused by artillary shelling and airstrikes
9) Elimination of militant commanders through targeted operations.
10) No talk of peace deals with the Taliban.
11) No painting of liberals as enemies of Pakistan, instead listening to their message of peace and harmony.
12) Combat terrorism through television and radio ads. Initiate a law that demands television channels and radio channels to play a government message against terrorism to the people of Pakistan.
13) Introduce a government accepted curriculam to combat terrorism in madrassas and religious schools.
14) Mullahs who preach at mosques should be handpicked from an academy where tolerance is preached instead of hate against other religions. Their sermons should strictly be controlled by a legal body. This is to ensure that no hate is promoted.
15) Stop the drone attacks and take charge of fighting this war ourselves, not on foreign behest. Develop strategies to hunt down top commanders of the TTP we need to eliminate instead of targetting the Haqqanis, Nazirs and Hekmatyars
16) Cut the funding of the Taliban. Eliminate their sources of income and cut off their finances.
17) Stop the militants ability to recruit anywhere. Destroy their bastions and eliminate their recruitment bases.
18) End injustice. Injustice provides the militants opportunities to recruit. Make sure a poor person is never mistreated.
19) Try to create divisions within the Taliban network. For example make group A fight group B. We don't have to do anything other than watch the Taliban destroy themselves.
20) Make FATA either a new province or merge it with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

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