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TTP to launch wave of 'revenge attacks' in Pakistan.


May 3, 2009
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TTP to launch wave of revenge attacks in Pakistan


DERA ISMAIL KHAN: The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) announced on Friday they would orchestrate a wave of revenge attacks against the government afternaming hardline commander Mullah Fazlullah as their new leader.

The rise of Fazlullah, who is known for his ruthless reputation and rejection of peace talks, by the Taliban shura (leadership council) a day earlier, follows the killing of the outlawed outfit’s previous leader Hakimullah Mehsud in a US drone strike on Nov 1.

“We will target security forces, government installations, political leaders and police,” Asmatullah Shaheen, head of the shura and caretaker leader of the TTP, told Reuters by telephone from an undisclosed location.

He said the Taliban's main target included army and government installations in Punjab province, the political stronghold of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. “We have a plan. But I want to make one thing clear. We will not target civilians, bazaars or public places. People do not need to be afraid,” Shaheen added.

Pakistan publicly condemns US drone strikes as a breach of its sovereignty but in private officials admit the government broadly supports them. Militants are mainly holed up in remote areas on the Pak-Afghan border where the army has no presence.

“Pakistan has full information about drone attacks,” said Shaheen. “Pakistan is a slave of America. It is an American colony.” - The Pakistani Taliban are fighting to topple the government and impose Sharia rule in the nuclear-armed nation.

Attacks have been on the rise since Sharif came to power in May, a concern for global powers already unnerved by the possible security implications of the planned withdrawal of most US-led troops from neighbouring Afghanistan in 2014.

Mehsud and his allies had been tentatively open to the concept of ceasefire talks with the government, but Fazlullah, whose men had claimed responsibility for the attack on the schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai last year and the Dir attack in September this year which had killed Major General Sanaullah Niazi and Lieutenant Colonel Touseef, strongly opposes any negotiations.

No meaningful talks have taken place since Sharif's election and Fazlullah's rise could signal the start of a new period of uncertainty and violence in the already unstable region. The Pakistani Taliban have links with al Qaeda and are also allied with, but separate from, the Afghan Taliban.

TTP to launch wave of revenge attacks in Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Why not say we will target innocent people instead? I don't care if the Pakistani government is hand in glove with the US establishment that in no way justifies the murder of innocent people on such a wide scale. When has the comman man supported any of the American policies so why must they pay the price? If they want revenge they should target those who allowed these drone strikes to take place and are still building their palaces on US aid money not to mention our taxes.
Why not say we will target innocent people instead? I don't care if the Pakistani government is hand in glove with the US establishment that in no way justifies the murder of innocent people on such a wide scale. When has the comman man supported any of the American policies so why must they pay the price? If they want revenge they should target those who allowed these drone strikes to take place and are still building their palaces on US aid money not to mention our taxes.

They are protected, the ones that will be killed is you and me.
The Security forces must remain vigilant, focused and prepared now for a ruthless strike back to any attack by terrorists
Law of Karma taking its own course. Once considered strategic asset by Pakistan is proving counter productive. Yet No lesson seem to have learned.

I wish Pakistan may come out of this bloody game of killing innocent people. 
The Security forces must remain vigilant, focused and prepared now for a ruthless strike back to any attack by terrorists

No they can not counter Taliban. It is been proved now.
Mullah Fazal hayat is Backed by CIA , USA is Protecting Him Nooristan , Pakistan should eliminate him as soon as possible.
They are protected, the ones that will be killed is you and me.
I have seen that pretty closely trust me i have lost someone in my family because of this sick war of theirs. If they have the guts to eliminate pro US elements who have done harm to our country as well then attack them not our people. They are nothing but cowards.
I have seen that pretty closely trust me i have lost someone in my family because of this sick war of theirs. If they have the guts to eliminate pro US elements who have done harm to our country as well then attack them not our people. They are nothing but cowards.

I'm really sorry to hear that. RIP

If i had my way, i'd round up these freaking politicians, give them guns and send them over to fight on.
I have seen that pretty closely trust me i have lost someone in my family because of this sick war of theirs. If they have the guts to eliminate pro US elements who have done harm to our country as well then attack them not our people. They are nothing but cowards.

Very sorry to hear this too. RIP and my sincere condolences.
It was an american drone which killed the last leader of TTP.....why threaten to kill innocent pakistani civilians ??? shame on these low lives
I think we lose sight of the fact sometimes that people we do cyber war with here are real people with real lives and sometimes tragedies.
It was an american drone which killed the last leader of TTP.....why threaten to kill innocent pakistani civilians ??? shame on these low lives
They are saying that G.O.P was not serious about peace and just wanted to kill their fighters and provided possible intel on whereabouts. We will all see the results of the assassination and question how it actually benefited anyone.
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