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TTP Taliban from child molesters to child killers


Apr 20, 2011
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Jih@dis are up dancing with joy that TTP has graduated from just being child molesters and kidnappers to now full blow child killers.

There are so many conspiracy theories being thrown around. Some bring in CIA and some involve the whole America as to what happened to an innocent 14 year old girl.

But reality is that TTP will come after all the girls, they have time and again shown that they do not believe girls should go to school.

They have blown up girls schools and attacked the teachers and administrators.

But so many among Pakistanis continue to live in the la la land of Islamism where Taliban and Mullahs are good, and this poor 14 years old girl is at fault.

This is so despicable, and so shameful.

And yet thread after thread, Jih@dis and their sympathizers continue to post misinformation, over and over.

The problem is that they are only deluding themselves. Only themselves.

The who world knows this, and so does the majority and I mean silent majority of Pakistan.

Why cant they just send the Pakistani Army in and take these guys out? Why do they let them just survive there? Is it like these guys are mixed into the locals and have local support?
Why cant they just send the Pakistani Army in and take these guys out? Why do they let them just survive there? Is it like these guys are mixed into the locals and have local support?

There are many reasons. but they can be divided into two main categories.

1. Civilian opposition
2. Divided military

1. So many vocal Pakistanis do not know their history. They do not know that Pakistani writ must be established before we can accuse any outsider to be messing up our country. We have a big urban educated population who follows fake revolutionaries like Imran Khan. When Imran Khan says we should let TTP and other goons to have their say. When Imran khan ignores that Pak government made 32 agreements with Taliban and all were broken by Taliban. When Imran Khan doesn't know that Taliban do not believe in negotiations as they only use it to stop military offensive and gather more strength, then how can we present a united front against our mortal enemy aka Taliban? How can we.

Punjabi politicians who run the heartland the source of majority in Pak army and police are responsible too. These Punjabi politicians also sympathize with Taliban thanks to Islamism.

In this environment our nation is divided and thus little girls will be killed by Mullah radio goons and we will continue to hear the constipated conspiracy theories.

2. Military divided

Our military doesn't come from another planet. They are sons of soil, so naturally they get impacted by the same divisions that are plaguing our civis.

Our military has conducted ops in Swat, Malakand, South Wazirastan and local population despite of the inconvenience, did not oppose it, and instead welcomed it.

As the time goes on and Talibaboons continue to inflict damage on our civis and army, more and more among our military, we have now have a clear divide.

Young turks, young guns the captains, the majors and the colonels are ready to go and clear up the mess.

However some of the old generals serving and retired are opposing the ops against Talibaboons, why? because these old generals are still stuck in cold war era politics. or perhaps they are still worried about a civilian uprising like that in BDesh. But the situation is different now. Only Islamists should be worried and not our generals.

Who cares about 2-bit Mullah Qazi and his closet sympathizer like Imran Khan.

I tell you that a revolution is coming. Young officers like captains and majors are giving their lives everyday and so are the soldiers. While old generals are sitting in their comfy mess halls reliving Islamism of 30 years ago.

And everytime a young captain gives the ultimate sacrifice, so many more are ready to take his place. Knowing fully well that so many turncoats like Taliban Khan are rallying the $tupid educated elite against the very soldiers who are dying so that we all can live and our country doesn't turn into a tribal Islamist land like Afghanistan, or Somalia, or Yemen, or god forbid African tribal land like Sierra Leon.

Old generals and fake revolutionaries like Taliban Khan are on their way out. And so are the Islamists like Qazi and Mulla diesel and Hameed gul-gul bulbul. All of them.

Soon our Pakistan will be sovereign, ALL of it including FATA. Then anyone coming over the border will have no reason to be here illegally. No fing faghani and no RAW agent $tupid enough to get his @rse kicked, and the treacherous goons like Mullee Radio will going to get their head chopped off).

Our motherland Pakistan Zindabad

and Taliban Khan, Hameed bulbul, Mullah radios and Ayatullahs murdabad.
Why cant they just send the Pakistani Army in and take these guys out? Why do they let them just survive there? Is it like these guys are mixed into the locals and have local support?

They can't.Last time they tried it,TTP raised hell in Pakistan by repeated suicide bombings killing thousands of people.With elections looming politicians are scared to launch any major operation fearing a violent backlash from Taliban.With out the support of political parties Army can't launch any operation.
They can't.Last time they tried it,TTP raised hell in Pakistan by repeated suicide bombings killing thousands of people.With elections looming politicians are scared to launch any major operation fearing a violent backlash from Taliban.With out the support of political parties Army can't launch any operation.

Uhhhhh, yeah but then the TTP were ultimately defeated and the rates of terrorism went down significantly as compared to the pre-Op situation.
They can't.Last time they tried it,TTP raised hell in Pakistan by repeated suicide bombings killing thousands of people.With elections looming politicians are scared to launch any major operation fearing a violent backlash from Taliban.With out the support of political parties Army can't launch any operation.

Yeah but if the divide exists in politically and militarily like FaujHistorian said, then thats a big problem. The Islamic guys need to be thrown out of position and someone who is willing to act come to power. And send these willing army men in, and take them out with no mercy. These TTP morons not only endanger Pakistan but also undermine its sovereignty by giving justification to American drone strikes. Pffft.
Yeah but if the divide exists in politically and militarily like FaujHistorian said, then thats a big problem..

it is big problem off course. Everyone knows.

But it is not impossible. Swat, South Wazirastan etc. clearly shows that we can handle this with relative ease (relatively speaking). Good news is that there is no shortage of young turks of Pak army, who are willing to go and fight the Talibaboons. No shortage at all.

So the decision at this stage is in the hands of top generals and off course we also need moral support from civis.

Let me add something that Indian posters should be thinking.

Most Indian posters come over this forum and tell us what we should and should not be doing in our country. To some degree it is OK.

Off course we are here for gupshup.

But Indians should also be saying what India should be doing to help Pakistan.

Why I say this?

Well India can be of big help on Eastern border.

Why on earth Indian army would ever conduct any exercise close to our border?

Why continue agressive posture on Siachin.

This is all the while Pak army has clearly stopped active infilteration into Indian Kashmir for the last many many years.

So you all should be lobbying about this with your government.

This will allow us to move even more troops to Western side and hence,

One of the major issue our young turks our young officers are facing is that when some old f@rting general shuts down their volunteer transfer to Western border. Just to make sure we have decent numbers on our Eastern border.

If today, Indian army unilaterally reduces their strength and their offensive posture, believe you me, our Islamists civis and some old generals like Hameed gul bulbul will lose steam.

This in turn will push our civilians away from Jamat Islami goons.

So please let us take care of our side, and you guys take care of yours. It is a regional issue and not just Pakistani issue.

Hope you understand this and do not take as personal insult.

Well India can be of big help on Eastern border.

Why on earth Indian army would ever conduct any exercise close to our border?

Why continue agressive posture on Siachin.

I guess when it comes to Siachen, its 3 borders integrating at one point. Maybe thats why India maintains a force there. Plus India has a strategic military advantage on that region, so I dont foresee India from taking her troops away. Especially after 1999. Maybe it will happen in the future.

One other major points of contention is the insurgency problem.

I am all for demilitarizing considerably in order to bring peace, but how much can we leave to chance is the question. We left it to chance in 1999, and then we had people come behind our backs and take our posts. And then the war. So 13 years later, how do I convince somebody to demilitarize Kashmir? Its a tough call.
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