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TTP ‘ready for both talks and war’


Jul 24, 2013
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PESHAWAR: Reacting to the speech of Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, the Pakistani Taliban on Tuesday said they were also willing to talk to the government, but warned of heavy bloodshed in case the government used force against them.
“We watched Mian Nawaz Sharif while addressing the nation on TV channels. In his speech, he showed a willingness to talk to us and then warned us of using force. First, we don’t see any indication on the ground which can lead to negotiations between us and the government, as there is a visible division between the elected government and military authorities on talks. And then he warned us of using force. We would like to ask him to take a lesson from Gen. Pervez Musharraf, President Asif Zardari and Awami National Party leader Asfandyar Wali who used force against us and suffered the consequences,” Shahidullah Shahid, spokesman for the proscribed Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) told The News from an undisclosed location.
He said the prime minister was unable to clarify whom he was going to negotiate with and how he would do so. “He didn’t mention whom he was planning to talk to and failed to state through which type of sources he would approach the Taliban,” the spokesman noted. He felt that the premier was powerless to make independent decisions on peace talks with the Taliban as, according to the spokesman the military wasn’t in favour of negotiations.
“In case of force against us, Nawaz Sharif would see our response,” he threatened.Shahidullah said they were happy when the government postponed the execution of their men but it was a temporary arrangement. The Taliban had warned of carrying out suicide attacks in case the government hanged their colleagues.
Is TTP the most violent and influential Mafia in the history of the world?
It is time to end this non-sense war imposed upon tribals by Pakistan army on orders of musharaf on behalf of America. Due to durand line and Afghanistan, you can not defeat TTP like tamil tigers and this war has scope to be stretched for several decades. Pakistani soldiers do not have that much morale and stamina to fight this unconventional internal war for decades neither Pakistani economy can support huge military operations in the absence of American aid.

Best solution is to convince TTP to focus on Afghanistan like wazir talibans of south and north waziristan and allow them to have sanctuaries in tribal areas.
It is time to end this non-sense war imposed upon tribals by Pakistan army on orders of musharaf on behalf of America. Due to durand line and Afghanistan, you can not defeat TTP like tamil tigers and this war has scope to be stretched for several decades. Pakistani soldiers do not have that much morale and stamina to fight this unconventional internal war for decades neither Pakistani economy can support huge military operations in the absence of American aid.

Best solution is to convince TTP to focus on Afghanistan like wazir talibans of south and north waziristan and allow them to have sanctuaries in tribal areas.

By your argument you are implying all of TTP are upstanding members of society who are only doing these actions because supposedly we are at war with the tribals which we clearly are not otherwise there would be no one left alive in those mountains.

TTP are a mafia group hiding behind the veil of religious justifications.

They are drunk on opium money and Indian money and power. The power to subjugate others, kill and hold the government of a country at ransom.

Whatever moral high ground this group had, they lost it a very long time ago.
It is time to end this non-sense war imposed upon tribals by Pakistan army on orders of musharaf on behalf of America. Due to durand line and Afghanistan, you can not defeat TTP like tamil tigers and this war has scope to be stretched for several decades. Pakistani soldiers do not have that much morale and stamina to fight this unconventional internal war for decades neither Pakistani economy can support huge military operations in the absence of American aid.

Best solution is to convince TTP to focus on Afghanistan like wazir talibans of south and north waziristan and allow them to have sanctuaries in tribal areas.

The war is not on the Tribes.

I agree, this insanity has to end.
The tribal belt is producing crazies because there is nothing else to do over there.

They are living in 12th century conditions with a 12th century mindset and the world around them has moved on.

We need to develop and industrialize the tribal belt and educate the locals. So they can put their guns down and go get normal jobs like everyone and earn a living.

The moment a light switches on in one of their houses, they have television, a sofa, hot drink and a family, they will forget about killing others for their entertainment and source of a living.

By allowing TTP to stay there and give in to their demands you stop anyone from moving forward and joining society. That simply cannot happen if you are expecting a fully functioning developing Pakistan, we will all go down the drain in a puff of smoke along with them.
They should be ready for a bullet to their head and the arrest of their families. It's pathetic that PA is restraining in their war against the TTP, PA has to be more ruthless against TTP. TTP has to be made humiliated, paraded in the streets, and then executed. This is a big disgrace for the Army and it's high command that they have failed to eliminate this insurgency because they are restraining, they even sought help from the Americans in COIN, received billions of foreign funds, and yet have failed to eliminate them and refuse to go for the final blow against TTP. TTP are in a weak position, they can only resort to using cannon fodder suicide bombers that too killing their own Pashtuns, this is not to say they're aren't any foreign ethnic militants involved.

@Menace2Society has a good approach on how to develop the area and normalize the society there, tribalism has to end.

Pakistani soldiers do not have that much morale and stamina to fight this unconventional internal war for decades neither Pakistani economy can support huge military operations in the absence of American aid.

Why don't they? Not like TTP is fighting them head on, many times TTP resort to suicide bombings or IEDs, you're acting as if this is a heavy intense war were PA is constantly exhausting itself. PA is set up and has taken strongholds and defensive positions, and needs to root out all insurgents by killing them. TTP can be killed if Army takes more military operations besides their typical ground approach, firing with helicopters and mortars, and chemical weapons against TTP will destroy them.
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By your argument you are implying all of TTP are upstanding members of society who are only doing these actions because supposedly we are at war with the tribals which we clearly are not otherwise there would be no one left alive in those mountains.

TTP are a mafia group hiding behind the veil of religious justifications.

They are drunk on opium money and Indian money and power. The power to subjugate others, kill and hold the government of a country at ransom.

Whatever moral high ground this group had, they lost it a very long time ago.

You carried out massacres of bengalis yet you and bengalis moved on , is'nt? Same formula should be applied on TTP and Pakistan army.

Because any thing can happen in future if this war dragged on for so long,

1- TTP , haqqani network and afghan Taliban might form an alliance against you.

2- America might declare you an unstable country and threat to world and might assist this alliance of talibans like they assisted mujaheddin against soviets. In that case India would be convinced to attack your eastern borders and finish you off. Your nuclear assets would be destroyed in special operations by U.S

3- Afghanistan can be partitioned into north and taliban-dominated south. TTP might convince kandahri taliban to incorporate pashtun belt of Pakistan into their islamic emirate instead of going after tajiks, hazarasetc of north who have no appetite for any Talibani sharia.

4- TTP may drop anti-india stance and in case of any indo-pak war, attack your forces on western front thus dividing your forces and energies.
You carried out massacres of bengalis yet you and bengalis moved on , is'nt? Same formula should be applied on TTP and Pakistan army.

Because any thing can happen in future if this war dragged on for so long,

1- TTP , haqqani network and afghan Taliban might form an alliance against you.

2- America might declare you an unstable country and threat to world and might assist this alliance of talibans like they assisted mujaheddin against soviets. In that case India would be convinced to attack your eastern borders and finish you off. Your nuclear assets would be destroyed in special operations by U.S

3- Afghanistan can be partitioned into north and taliban-dominated south. TTP might convince kandahri taliban to incorporate pashtun belt of Pakistan into their islamic emirate instead of going after tajiks, hazarasetc of north who have no appetite for any Talibani sharia.

4- TTP may drop anti-india stance and in case of any indo-pak war, attack your forces on western front thus dividing your forces and energies.

No chance of leaving this miscreant TTP ragtag Pashtun army alive, they have to be crushed and will be crushed, look they cannot even hold a square mile of ground constantly on the run hiding, using suicide bombers paying off some poor brainwashed bastard. TTP has to be persecuted and their families members as well.

4- TTP may drop anti-india stance and in case of any indo-pak war, attack your forces on western front thus dividing your forces and energies.

They cannot carry out conventional offenses that would cause PA to be diverted, besides paramilitary can be deployed to deal with them, Pakistan has over 300,000 paramilitary troops.
The tribal belt is producing crazies because there is nothing else to do over there.

They are living in 12th century conditions with a 12th century mindset and the world around them has moved on.

We need to develop and industrialize the tribal belt and educate the locals. So they can put their guns down and go get normal jobs like everyone and earn a living.

The moment a light switches on in one of their houses, they have television, a sofa, hot drink and a family, they will forget about killing others for their entertainment and source of a living.

By allowing TTP to stay there and give in to their demands you stop anyone from moving forward and joining society. That simply cannot happen if you are expecting a fully functioning developing Pakistan, we will all go down the drain in a puff of smoke along with them.

Yousafzais of Swat are one of the most educated people among pashtuns, are certainly not in 12th century yet they supported TNSM and Taliban. Adnan rashid, now a taliban commander , is from swabi and was in PAF, he is certainly not medieval warrior. Taliban phenomena is also not limited to tribals, you must have heard about punjabi taliban. So apney aapko jhoti tasali naa duo. Taliban is an ideology and has ability to permeate into any socioeconomic class and ethnicity, even into the ranks of army and ISI.
They should be ready for a bullet to their head and the arrest of their families. It's pathetic that PA is restraining in their war against the TTP, PA has to be more ruthless against TTP. TTP has to be made humiliated, paraded in the streets, and then executed. This is a big disgrace for the Army and it's high command that they have failed to eliminate this insurgency because they are restraining, they even sought help from the Americans in COIN, received billions of foreign funds, and yet have failed to eliminate them and refuse to go for the final blow against TTP. TTP are in a weak position, they can only resort to using cannon fodder suicide bombers that too killing their own Pashtuns, this is not to say they're aren't any foreign ethnic militants involved.
You want to go with 1971 style of Pak army against TTP? There are reasons why Army has to restrain itself in FATA and not humiliate ,rape and kill families of Taliban and their supporters. Pakistan army is heavily relying on local Pashtun lashkars, FC, levies etc for its war against Taliban. You go ugly on families of Taliban, you lose support of any pashtun from FATA , haqqani network would turn against you. Conservative Pashtun soldiers in army might rebel against you.

Why don't they? Not like TTP is fighting them head on, many times TTP resort to suicide bombings or IEDs, you're acting as if this is a heavy intense war were PA is constantly exhausting itself. PA is set up and has taken strongholds and defensive positions, and needs to root out all insurgents by killing them. TTP can be killed if Army takes more military operations besides their typical ground approach, firing with helicopters and mortars, and chemical weapons against TTP will destroy them.

Each air strike by PAF, each deployment of tanks and gunship helicopters, each mortar and bomb cost money. These military operations and continuous presence of 150000 soldiers in FATA for decades would cripple your economy. Continuous deaths of soldiers throughout Pakistan and uncertainty of life would drain the morale of army......in the end they might start behaving like KPK police.
You carried out massacres of bengalis yet you and bengalis moved on , is'nt? Same formula should be applied on TTP and Pakistan army.

Because any thing can happen in future if this war dragged on for so long,

1- TTP , haqqani network and afghan Taliban might form an alliance against you.

2- America might declare you an unstable country and threat to world and might assist this alliance of talibans like they assisted mujaheddin against soviets. In that case India would be convinced to attack your eastern borders and finish you off. Your nuclear assets would be destroyed in special operations by U.S

3- Afghanistan can be partitioned into north and taliban-dominated south. TTP might convince kandahri taliban to incorporate pashtun belt of Pakistan into their islamic emirate instead of going after tajiks, hazarasetc of north who have no appetite for any Talibani sharia.

4- TTP may drop anti-india stance and in case of any indo-pak war, attack your forces on western front thus dividing your forces and energies.

1. By openly siding with TTP, the Afghan Taliban and Haqqani would lose Pakistani support which will mean they will lose in Afghanistan. That would be political suicide so highly unlikely.

2. They already tried this and failed miserably, if they supported TTP openly then the whole world would be like WTF, they shoot little girls. The paradigm has shifted. There are a 150 million law abiding citizens in the country contributing to betterment of society, the world is on our side including China which would not allow an unknown political entity to be used as a vehicle to overthrow the govt which is allied to them and strategically important.

3. For this to happen you need acceptance from world community and UN. What happened to Malala, the UN thinks all these people do is shoot little girls. Not a viable justification to create a new nation. Like I mentioned above they have lost moral high ground a long time ago, very important if they wish to separate.

4. This is a repeat of 2, already answered above.

Anyone who is even thinking of siding with India is an enemy of the state period. And if they believe that will scare us then we might as well already accept defeat to India, hold our heads in shame and ask to be made a province of India.

We cannot move forward and become an independent nation with this divisive tribal mindset, these people are living day by day whilst the country is thinking decades ahead.

It is a similar scenario to what the Japanese had to with the Samurai. Noble people ofcourse, who isn't living that lifestyle in 2013 when it would be so much easier to head to the nearest city and find a job.

It is imperative we destroy their ideology or they will destroy us. By giving in to their demands will only mean empowering them even further which will mean more people will suffer and die as they get even more drunk with power.

Does everyone understand now why America do not negotiate with terrorists?

Because once you give an inch, the demands just keep getting bigger.
No chance of leaving this miscreant TTP ragtag Pashtun army alive, they have to be crushed and will be crushed, look they cannot even hold a square mile of ground constantly on the run hiding, using suicide bombers paying off some poor brainwashed bastard. TTP has to be persecuted and their families members as well.

Because they are guerrilla insurgents. By the way north waziristan is under their control and Pak army has left wazir portion of south waziristan to Taliban group led by bahawal khan, successor of maulvi nazir. In the rest of FATA army clears a region of taliban, after some time taliban regain the control of region again and army has to start yet another operation....it is continuous cycle.
They cannot carry out conventional offenses that would cause PA to be diverted, besides paramilitary can be deployed to deal with them, Pakistan has over 300,000 paramilitary troops.
To conquer/clear entire FATA in one single operation you have to pour more 1 million soldiers of army in it, after success you have to station more 1 million troops to prevent re-emergence of taliban. Do you have resources for that?.....any collateral damage in such operation will aid taliban cause.
Paramilitary forces like FC are only good against BLA.
Does everyone understand now why America do not negotiate with terrorists?

Because once you give an inch, the demands just keep getting bigger.

America is negotiating with taliban (still in the list of terrorists along with haqqani network), they started the war in 2001 by saying "the only good taliban is dead taliban"
Nawaz knows the reality, Army wants to stand its "Ground".

These brainwashed scum have certainly taught Army a lesson. A lesson that even Enemies like India can never give, these brainwashed animals have achieved it call that whatever, but it is Something.

Some Senior Members are suggesting about going all Crazy on them, Do it if only it achieves the Goal "Peace" (I dont think so).
If you get all the tribal-belt against you, oh boy you're in trouble. Also @Pak-one what if the current *assets* gang up on Army, then how we gonna deal with all that sh!T? Army morale is down, the economy is bad the list goes on.
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