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TTP Murdered 11 foreign mountaineers at Nanga Parbat base camp.

It is probably the only instance in the world, where Armed Forces demand that public make sacrifices to save Armed Forces instead of the other way around.

Some people say that the Talib mindset has great support, and yet Pakistanis seem not to agree with this, because if it was true then why are Jamaatis not elected as majorities???

Our problem is not any kind of widespread support for the Talb, it's the armed forces leadership who have made a career of Al-farrar, as doctrine.

To win, we need a new force, we need to allow the colonial era army to go the way of the Dodo.

New army yes - But the one which truely fits into "imaan taqwa and jihad fi sabililah". The army which looks like muslim, not farangi. Which eats according to sunnat and pray 5 times. Which listens to Quran, hamd and naat instead of bollywood songs...which do not even harm a tree....which fears Allah and has shouq-e-shahadat.
New army yes - But the one which truely fits into "imaan taqwa and jihad fi sabililah". Which eats according to sunnat and pray 5 times. Which listens to Quran, hamd and naat instead of bollywood songs...which do not even harm a tree....which fears Allah and has shouq-e-shahadat.

Great - well, then you should love what we already have - any way, all these things the Talib already offer, maybe we should accept them? Why do I know your answer?:cheers:
It is an anti Iran group having safe heavens in Pakistan. Nothing to do with Afghanistan.
Building fences would help. Pakistan hosts more anti Iran groups like Jundallah, anti Afghanistan groups like Quetta shura and Haqqani network, anti-russian, anti chinese groups than any other surrounding country. so before fencing your border, you have to get rid of these terrorists. That is, if Pakistan is serious about a solution.

Are you idiot?

All these groups are safe because they ran to Afghanistan when military launch operations. Plus there is no such thing as jundullah in Pakistan.
Great - well, then you should love what we already have - any way, all these things the Talib already offer, maybe we should accept them? Why do I know your answer?:cheers:

No doubt Taliban should be reconciled but we agree that they are making fun of jihad by suicide blasts, attacks on innocent people....Lets focus on pak army which claims to follow imaan, taqwa and jihad yet they urinate while in standing position......instead of teaching the cadets at kakool how to eat and dress like english, they should teach them basics of jihad....instead of all this ISSB non-sense they should check his grip on islam....
Instead of clean shaving, having smooth faces like women, keeping beard should be encouraged.
If one was to look at contemporaries to this murderous incident, the modus operandi is chillingly similar to what was done by Hizb and Lashkar etal in India in 1989. They probably have been to the same schools i would say.

Its a the same set of usual suspects playing the deadly musical chairs between the terror groups. It all boils down to the fallible premise of being able to distinguish between good terrorist and bad terrorist.
We elected PPP, screwed ourselves, elected PML-N screwed ourselves, elected PTI, got JI, screwed ourselves, supported Army, screwed ourselves


That chain seems to indicate that the fault lies with us, not with the ones we elect or support, since we seem to enjoy being screwed over as a nation.
That chain seems to indicate that the fault lies with us, not with the ones we elect or support, since we seem to enjoy being screwed over as a nation.

Oouch! That hurt -- and yet it's a logic difficult to confront and must be accepted.

But wait - If at every door there is nothing but us getting screwed, is it really us to blame?? Perhaps we need to rethink whether we must accept that the fault lies with us - If indeed all doors lead to "screwed", how are we to blame??

these talibans want to make pakistan a state like afghanistan

and ganja wants to make sure it happens quickly, he will steal the required wealth and escape to jaddah
Using the incident for you own vile political motives?
Surely a PPP guy...thir politics is always based on the dead..

Well, you based your opinion on my angry comment. There's no political motive behind my sentiments. This is the voice of every patriot in these times of hardship. I have always been a staunch supporter of stiff action against TTP. Never found the idea of talking to savages very pleasing.

And btw, I voted for PTI last month. If this concerns you.
We elected PPP, screwed ourselves, elected PML-N screwed ourselves, elected PTI, got JI, screwed ourselves, supported Army, screwed ourselves

How will we raise a new force?By getting rid of the Army - The Army is, I am persuaded, useless, they are politicians and imaginary strategists, they would have to have been for bargaining away 50,000 innocent Pakistanis for inflicting less than 5000 casualties on US/NATO -- a 10 to 1 - A good deal? a fair deal? a Necessary deal? remember it's not over yet.

I don't we need to worry about funding for a professional army - this ****** army lives off blackmail, the world will support a professional army over thi ideological army, as will the people of Pakistan

exactly...they should put the state up for lease and the highest bidder gets to rule......
Here's the question, you stop a military vehicle, you find 4 men with rifles, 60 rounds and 4 grenades per man. What do you do, arrest them? They are bound to carry weapons! If you expect to find terrorists try to enter secure locations by just waltzing through the front entrance, then we'll continue to be caught off guard.

I disagree.

Mercenaries of NATO? Please do tell, do these men get monetary rewards from NATO too?

Please explain how you reached that conclusion?

1) The Army does not follow a "Good Talib" "Bad Talib" distinction. It's the likes of PMLN and PTI that are naive enough to push that line.

2) ISI is a failure? The ISI dealt with (and foiled) just under 500 cases of planned cases of electoral violence ranging from ransacking a station in Larkana to targeting voters in Lahore. That does not sound like the work of a failed institution, the ISI has had to adapt to a situation that it was never meant to tackle, internal security is a matter to be dealt by the FIA, officially speaking.

nihari league is one step ahead of Pakistan Army , Pakistan Army might differentiate between militants based on security threat they pose to the Pakistan state
but nihari league makes no such differentiation , for them all militants, regardless of the security threat they pose to Pakistan are the 'good taliban'
for nihari league the 'bad taliban' is the Pakistani Army , from whom they got a bloody nose some 13 years ago but still they want to come at it to yet again get a bloody nose
Iss tarha kaam nahin chalay ga , Nawaz Sharif and his thugs can’t seem to get this in their thick heads

Stop living in denial.

The Army takes Military Aid from the U.S. This is the major piece of evidence to prove that they are mercenaries

Let us go to past and see blunders of our Army

Ayub Khan:

Gives military base to CIA against Soviet Union.
Looses golden opportunity from China-Indo War to snatch Kashmir.

Yahya Khan:

Failure of 71 war with 90,000 Prisoners stranded in East Pakistan.

Zia ul Haq:

Hangs a democratically elected Prime Minister
Established MQM to counter PPP in Sindh
Built more CIA Bases in Pakistan
Motivated the locals in mosques for jihad.
With the help of U.S, established the Afghan Taliban
Free Arms.


Kargil adventure
Put democratically elected Prime Minister into Exile.
Volunteers to put Pakistan into War on Terror. Until now 40,000 Civilian deaths
Allows U.S Drone Strikes inside Pakistan
Accepted in his book that he traded people for money.
Nawab Akbar Bugti Murder. Increased Baloch Separatist Movement
Creation of Pashtun Militia in Balochistan to counter BLA.
Red Mosque adventure
Makes MQM strong in Karachi by giving them Arms.
Conflicts with the Supreme Court of Pakistan

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