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TTP Murdered 11 foreign mountaineers at Nanga Parbat base camp.

So? Iranian or Pakistanian they are all having safe havens in Afghanistan. Almost 90% Afghanistan is out of Afghanistan's govt control.

Pakistan's miseries will continue if they ignore to build a wall/fence along Pak-Afghan border. How much more embarrasment will these rulers give to a Pakistani. Why don't Pakistanis revolt against these rulers? Are Pakistanis becoming totally beghairat?

It is an anti Iran group having safe heavens in Pakistan. Nothing to do with Afghanistan.
Building fences would help. Pakistan hosts more anti Iran groups like Jundallah, anti Afghanistan groups like Quetta shura and Haqqani network, anti-India groups like HM,LET etc, anti-russian and anti chinese groups than any other surrounding country. so before fencing your border, you have to get rid of these terrorists. That is, if Pakistan is serious about a solution.
They must have. Ch Nisar was very bullish in his claims so I reckon he would be pretty determined to do something about this.

I don't like Nisar..But he is a very determined guy..
If he says something he does it..
Pakistani forum members, please read, note the coordination, note responsiveness to Citizens, note the sense of responsibility and urgency

CNS, Kunming, June 23 (reporter Shi Guanglin)-23rd morning, shooting incidents in Northwest Pakistan Gilgit-Baltistan province, mountain climber from China's Kunming Zhang Jingchuan survived the shooting, as the only survivor. The evening of 23rd, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs Office of Yunnan Provincial Government consular Gu Qiong told reporters, at present, Zhang Jingchuan has safely arrived at the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan.

Zhang Jingchuan, amateur mountain climber, wuhua district of Kunming city industrial and commercial administration of the civil service. June 8 to participate in the climb of the famous Mountaineer Yang Chunfeng, China organized the world Nineth rush gamma--South peak activity.

23rd morning, Zhang Jingchuan, who camp in southern gals under the shooting incident in which two Chinese nationals and a Chinese American, were killed.

Zhang Jingchuan colleague Zhao Songmin, 23rd, received a call from Zhang Jingchuan satellite phone for the first time. Zhao Songmin told news service reporters: "he was quick to say the attack, attacked by unknown armed elements in the camps, and Rao Jianfeng Yang Chunfeng was killed, there are four other countries are not optimistic at all. Zhang Jingchuan invited me to assist police and the Ministry of rescue. ”
Zhao Songmin I do not know how to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, called the "110". 23rd, distress calls from the Foreign Affairs Office of Yunnan province noted that Zhang Jingchuan, initiate an immediate international emergency disposal. Urgent reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, informed the Chinese Embassy and the Chinese Consulate General in Karachi in Pakistan.

At this point, the Foreign Affairs Office of Yunnan province to contact Zhang Jingchuan failed, the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan on a satellite phone calls sent to Zhang Jingchuan. Contact the Foreign Affairs Office of Yunnan province was Zhao Songmin, again ask Zhang Jingchuan safely while Zhang Jingchuan, Foreign Affairs Office and Foreign Ministry contacts and carry out rescue, Zhang Jingchuan and contact the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan, and members of the national and peer say trying to their respective embassies for help.

23rd at about 10 o'clock in the morning, Zhang Jingchuan second call Zhao Songmin. Zhang Jingchuan determined at base camp killing all except him, he saw eight militants at the shelter have remained at the base camp. Zhang Jingchuan said his foot was slightly injured, was only a crampons and satellite phones, others are not.

Gu Qiong introduction, under the efforts of the Chinese Foreign Ministry and Chinese Embassy in Pakistan, Zhang Jingchuan was successfully rescued by the Pakistan military.
At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Jingchuan call family, said he had saved, thank the motherland and thanked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, thanked the Foreign Affairs Office of Yunnan province.
Foreign Affairs Office of Yunnan province from the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan to know, at present, Zhang Jingchuan has safely arrived at the Embassy.
In addition, the attention of the Foreign Affairs Office of Yunnan province Yunnan citizens reminded Pakistan security. Difficulties in a foreign country, Foreign Affairs Office will be the first time to help.

For those who are defending army as if its the only sacred thing in Pakistan I would just highlight three incidents indicating lack of any long term vision and inner weakness when holding a post they were not meant to have in the first place . Remember a military ruler is the weakest during his initial years as head of state
1) 1960 indus water treaty for just a million dollar ayub khan gave ravi , sutlej and bayas to india officially instead of fighting for not allowing india to alter the course of water of any river .

2) Zia's decision to sit in US lap in 79 , what russia wanted was access to warm water gwadar port and a pro russian afghanistan . We could have let them develop gwadar for both of us and must have earned billions by now owing to transit revenues and also would have sorted out differences over afghanistan settling for a due influence in kabul something we are still longing for.

3) Musharraf peeing in his Pants when Bush called him asking are you with us or against us ?
Do you think US was in any position to bomb pakistan when all the 9/11 hijackers were arabs and OBL was in afghanistan ?
Pak had nothing to do with it whatsoever and being an independent nation we had all the rights to decide against siding that US war .

Can you see the long lasting effects of these decisions by military dictators on Pakistan ? A soldier is trained to fight at border not to run a state and if he does so he will make such decisions only . I am not getting into the royal treatment Pak army expected and was getting till recently as it will be off the thread .

this was the crutch used by PPP during their five year misrule, guess the noorahs are set to hang on to the same crutch for the next five
No we dont. These terrorists are foreign backed. There is definitely a foreign agenda to isolate and weaken Pakistan. Our response has been lacking. We therefore keep suffering.

indeed very true. that much we all sussed out without the help of security and intelligence agencies telling us
but they are outclassed by the foreign funded domestic terrorists that also enjoy a considerable public following.

we are reminded time and again about the sacrifices made by military in the fight against terrorism which is a real tragedy because it should have been the terrorists suffering the casualties , the general public, doctors, nurses, teachers, writers, students, Imams and scholars also have sacrificed their lives by standing up to the terrorists.

people seem to have missed out what Muse said. this is the same nation that mobilized after the detention of 60 judges but this resolve seems to be lacking while dealing with terrorists.

it is very easy to see that at this rate the foreign funding of the terrorists will become overt and in mass scale once the terrorists will bring the military to the level of Pakistan railways. it seems absurd to say such thing but only a decade ago getting attacked by a bunch of terrorists and losing billion dollar worth of aircrafts was also unthinkable.
Yes but does IK know this? or does he have other ideas?

I don't know where the hell they stand on this one to be fair, the grassroots people all believe that T is blight in Pakistan. But leadership has other ideas, i think this is one of K's weaknesses. My two cents, but hey who cares what little old me thinks, a former BPS 17 has no say in anything :P
we are reminded time and again about the sacrifices made by military in the fight against terrorism which is a real tragedy because it should have been the terrorists suffering the casualties , the general public, doctors, nurses, teachers, writers, students, Imams and scholars also have sacrificed their lives by standing up to the terrorists..

It is probably the only instance in the world, where Armed Forces demand that public make sacrifices to save Armed Forces instead of the other way around.

Some people say that the Talib mindset has great support, and yet Pakistanis seem not to agree with this, because if it was true then why are Jamaatis not elected as majorities???

Our problem is not any kind of widespread support for the Talb, it's the armed forces leadership who have made a career of Al-farrar, as doctrine.

To win, we need a new force, we need to allow the colonial era army to go the way of the Dodo.
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