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TTP leaders confess taking funds from RAW


Aug 23, 2006
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ISLAMABAD/PESHAWAR: The arrested commanders of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan have confessed that secret departments of India, including RAW, and Afghanistan have been providing them weapons and funds to fight against the Pakistan Army.

A report here on Saturday submitted to high officials by a joint investigation team said that 23 most wanted militant commanders including Sim Khan, Mahmood Khan and Maulvi Umer who were captured during operation Rah-e-Rast have confessed that they had been provided financial aid, weapons and special training by secret agencies from India and Afghanistan to fight against Pakistan’s security forces.

The report also divulged that some militants received special war training from Afghanistan and secret agencies of two other neighbouring countries also supported them in the plan.

It was said in the report that secret agencies from India were in contact with militants in Jalalabad, Kandahar and Mazar Sharif and the militants went to their collaborators via secret ways where they were invited to feasts and they were provided weapons and money earned by the narcotics trade.

Many arrested militant commanders have reportedly been shifted to secret locations for further investigations.—Online
DAWN.COM | Pakistan | ?India, Afghanistan supporting militants in Pakistan?
Well, Who started it? Even if RAW is supplying arms to those, Its all because ISI is planning worse.... Simple... "If you cannot be them, Join them" Yes , We too have learnt our lessons, all these day's pakistan was promoting terrorism in our country, Its Pay Back Time, No debts.... Giving with interests now....:cheers:
BM was killed by the US drone after intel provided by pakistan( as pakistani members on this forum)... also US and NATO forces are active in this region againts common enemy taliban(both Pakistan and afganistan version of taliban)... but they never said tht India is providing Fund and support to taliban...... but pakitsan is ... why?.... why don't u ppl convience the international community tht India is doing this instead of putting Saeed in house arrest..yesterday..... even ur all whether ally.. china not said anything on this till date....... at least get him with u if not all internationl community.........
Well, the international forces may have their own reasons for not speaking up publically. That is if you consider that they're aware and that they want to stop it. The US/NATO are fighting Taliban in Afghanistan, but it’s not necessarily the same Taliban. The TTP and the Afghan Taliban lead by Mullah Omar are a different breed, Mullah Omar himself having publically scorned at the TTP and their actions numerous times. So in order to hurt Pakistan the Indian intelligence agencies don’t necessarily have to hurt the coalition forces in Afghanistan.

Pakistan has been approaching the US and NATO with its concerns regarding Indian involvement in the region for some time. The US has denied our claims but that in itself doesn't mean that its not happening. Pakistan will be stepping up her campaign to hold India accountable for fermenting terrorism in its sovereign territory. Indian interfere in Baluchistan is an open secret as far as most people in the region are concerned. If Pakistan had sufficient diplomatic muscle then I reckon India would’ve been feeling the heat by now. Due to Pakistan’s reluctance to publicize too much proof of Indian activities, most observers don’t excessively comment, but none have ruled out the possibility. Many actually say it’s probable. It’s up to Pakistan now to try some political coercion of its own, regardless of the threat to the already stalled peace process.
Each and everyone of us know India is sponsoring terrorism in our country. And we also know why our Gov is quiet.

But do you really think India will get away with this? Today things are in India favour but soon Pak will pay back and rest assured, ISI will give your country nightmares. You guys will pay back for each & every innocent life of pakistanis you have claimed. Your time will soon come :)
It is interesting that the USA is not charged with supporting the TTP in this article. Many here at the PDF make that charge. I wonder if these interrogated TTP leaders will provide any concrete evidence that the USA has been supporting them? For example, if the charges against India and Afghanistan are true, the TTP leaders should be able to name names of RAW agents with whom they have done business. If the USA were involved, all the ISI needs to do is leak the names of the USA agents they have dealt with to the New York Times or the Washington Post and the sh*t would hit the fan in the US. There would be US Congressional hearings out the wazzoo!
if we start talking abt possibilites then then there is no end to blame game....


wht u say abt china then....ur own National Hero Zaid Hamid said tht when HuD was banned by Security council china didn't said anything...

Don't troll. Zaid Hamid is not a national hero. Also, try to make coherent arguments. WTF does any of this have to do with the UNSC banning JuD?
ISLAMABAD/PESHAWAR: The arrested commanders of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan have confessed that secret departments of India, including RAW, and Afghanistan have been providing them weapons and funds to fight against the Pakistan Army.

A report here on Saturday submitted to high officials by a joint investigation team said that 23 most wanted militant commanders including Sim Khan, Mahmood Khan and Maulvi Umer who were captured during operation Rah-e-Rast have confessed that they had been provided financial aid, weapons and special training by secret agencies from India and Afghanistan to fight against Pakistan’s security forces.

The report also divulged that some militants received special war training from Afghanistan and secret agencies of two other neighbouring countries also supported them in the plan.

It was said in the report that secret agencies from India were in contact with militants in Jalalabad, Kandahar and Mazar Sharif and the militants went to their collaborators via secret ways where they were invited to feasts and they were provided weapons and money earned by the narcotics trade.

Many arrested militant commanders have reportedly been shifted to secret locations for further investigations.—Online
DAWN.COM | Pakistan | ?India, Afghanistan supporting militants in Pakistan?

Nobody has a second opinion on this one other then GOP and that we know why. Also we need to add the saudi factor since most of the money was coming from middle east to begin with.
It is interesting that the USA is not charged with supporting the TTP in this article. Many here at the PDF make that charge. I wonder if these interrogated TTP leaders will provide any concrete evidence that the USA has been supporting them? For example, if the charges against India and Afghanistan are true, the TTP leaders should be able to name names of RAW agents with whom they have done business. If the USA were involved, all the ISI needs to do is leak the names of the USA agents they have dealt with to the New York Times or the Washington Post and the sh*t would hit the fan in the US. There would be US Congressional hearings out the wazzoo!

It is nonsense. They probably extracted the "confession" by torture or they are making up a convenient lie in order to associate TTP with Hindus and make it easier to motivate Pakistani forces to fight against them, and also put India on the back foot. Kill two birds with one stone.
Each and everyone of us know India is sponsoring terrorism in our country. And we also know why our Gov is quiet.

But do you really think India will get away with this? Today things are in India favour but soon Pak will pay back and rest assured, ISI will give your country nightmares. You guys will pay back for each & every innocent life of pakistanis you have claimed. Your time will soon come :)

No, don't be like that, bro. If Indians are happy that RAW is sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan which is resulting in deaths of innocents then fine let them be. Killing innocent people who have nothing to do with the secret services dirty games is wrong and then justifying it by saying it's payback? that's probably in the realm of being evil.
Sadly, these false-accusations will act as fodder for the real Pakistani terror groups, who will now have new material with with to indoctrinate illiterate teenagers to mount more attacks in India.
Well, Who started it? Even if RAW is supplying arms to those, Its all because ISI is planning worse.... Simple... "If you cannot be them, Join them" Yes , We too have learnt our lessons, all these day's pakistan was promoting terrorism in our country, Its Pay Back Time, No debts.... Giving with interests now....:cheers:

yeah, I hope you enjoy each and every toast every time there's a bomb blast in Pakistan. RAW is making you really proud. :tup:
Zaid hamid may not be a national hero but he has the interest of Pakistan in his heart. Its time to try these so called taliban for high treason and hang them from the higest gallows if they are found guilty. This would apply to those so called taliban with Pakistan citizenship as for others they should be tried as terrorists, spys and foreign agents and given the harshest punishment that the law allows.

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