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TTP joins Afghan Taliban to wage spring offensive


Jan 21, 2013
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Amir Mir
Monday, April 29, 2013

ISLAMABAD: As the Afghan Taliban announced on April 27 the launching of annual spring offensive against the US-led Allied Forces in Afghanistan, this year the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan has also joined them.

The TTP has released a significant video which shows the TTP fighters belonging to the “Saad bin Abi Waqas Front” [which is named after a Pakistani Taliban commander] already carrying out military and suicide operations against the ISAF Forces in Logar province of Afghanistan.

Released by the Umar Studio, the media arm of TTP, the videotape has been marketed shortly after the Taliban in Afghanistan vowed to start a new campaign of mass suicide attacks targeting foreign military bases and diplomatic areas as part of their new spring offensive this year. The offensive was announced by the Taliban spokesmen, saying that the 2013 spring offensive, which has been named after Khalid bin Waleed, will involve special military tactics similar to those carried out by the Taliban in the past. “Collective martyrdom operations targeting the bases of foreign invaders, their diplomatic centres and military airbases will be further structured while every possible tactic will be used to detain or inflict heavy casualties on the foreign transgressors in Afghanistan,” the statement released by the Afghan Taliban said.

On the other hand, however, the Tehrik-e-Taliban led by Commander Hakeemullah Mehsud has released a 67-minute Pashto-language videocassette titled, “The Caravan of Truth” which has been posted on Jamia Hafsa Urdu Forum. The footage shows undated ambushes, mortar strikes and raids being carried out by the TTP fighters against the ISAF forces. The video not only shows the execution of a Taliban double agent with a rocket launcher but also shows fighters preparing explosives for a suicide bombing, to be followed by a massive explosion at a joint US-Afghan military base in Khushi district of Kabul. The video displays white and black banners which also depict the names of Mullah Omar and Hakeemullah Mehsud. It merits mention that Hakeemullah owes his allegiance to Mullah Omar.

While talking to a select group of Pakistani journalists in November 2008 in the Orakzai tribal agency, Hakeemullah had openly praised al-Qaeda by saying: “We are al-Qaeda’s friends since we, the Taliban and the Arab fighters both have shown our allegiance to Ameerul Momineen Mullah Mohammad Omar of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. We follow the decisions of our Ameer as there is no difference between Afghan Taliban, Pakistani Taliban and al-Qaeda”. Baitullah had further expressed his ambition to take the Taliban movement beyond FATA to mainland Pakistan, in line with his then Ameer Baitullah Mehsud’s agenda of carving out a Taliban emirate in Pakistan and taking on the army to defend it.

Before the release of the latest video by TTP, showing its fighters belonging to the “Saad bin Abi Waqas Front” attacking the Allied Forces in Afghanistan, Hakeemullah Mehsud had directed his fighters through a public statement in the second week of January this year to intensify attacks against the Nato forces in Afghanistan and get united under the leadership of Mullah Mohammad Omar.

Interestingly, Saad bin Abi Waqas, who was a TTP commander from Pakistan, was the al-Qaeda Ameer in the Kunar province who was killed by the US military in an airstrike on April 14, 2011. Waqas took control of al-Qaeda’s military operations in Kunar after his predecessor Abu Ikhlas Masri was captured by the ISAF troops in December 2010.

This is how an ISAF press release had described Saad bin Abi Waqas in a press release that announced his death: “Waqas was a Pakistani al-Qaeda leader operating in Kunar, who coordinated terrorist attacks against the coalition forces.

He was associated with another Pakistan-based senior al-Qaeda leader and together they conducted training for members throughout the province, as well as weapons procurement. It is unclear if the Saad bin Abi Waqas Front operating in the Logar province is the same unit that used to operate in the Kunar province, or if the Logar unit was named in honor of Waqas”.

Whatever the truth may be, it is now abundantly clear that Pakistanis have backfilled leadership positions for al-Qaeda after the leaders of the international terrorist group are killed either in American drone strikes in Pakistan on while fighting with the Allied Forces in Afghanistan.

These developments are certainly worrisome for the Americans and their allies in the war against terror because the Pakistani Taliban and the Afghan Taliban have once again joined hands as a part of their annual spring offensive to target the coalition troops in Afghanistan.

TTP joins Afghan Taliban to wage spring offensive

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Now what will happen to the good taliban and bad taliban of the PA?Or sir imran khan's 'peace talks' with the 'good' taliban.They are all taliban,nd the head of the octopus is none other than osama's best friend sir mollahji omar.Where are the childrewn blaming every TTP attack on RAW and indian funding now ?Appease a crocodile and hope it will it u last.
TTP pretends to be an ally of the Taliban .. Were they their allies, they would have stopped attacking Pakistan on the call made by Mullah Omer ..

Does Afghan Taliban call TTP it's ally; No ... Does Al-Qaeda do so? No

Only does TTP .. They are pretending to be a 'faction' of the Taliban as they have realized that in 2014, most NATO forces will leave the Afghanistan and then, they will be kicked out by the Taliban as they will do with Afghan Govt. & Security Forces, Northern Alliance .. All Indian investment in Afghanistan to destabilize Pakistan will be lost ...
Seems like the operation and it's videography is a deliberate attempt to bring Afghanistan, US and the Pakistani elections into a single narrative - And while Amir Mir says that Hakeemullah Mehsud owes allegiance to Mullah Omar, this is superficial, in the sense that the TTP rides on the "Street Cred", if you will, of the Afghan Talib, whereas TTP is more of an Al-Qaida affiliate with international aspirations and appeal
TTP pretends to be an ally of the Taliban .. Were they their allies, they would have stopped attacking Pakistan on the call made by Mullah Omer ..

Does Afghan Taliban call TTP it's ally; No ... Does Al-Qaeda do so? No

Only does TTP .. They are pretending to be a 'faction' of the Taliban as they have realized that in 2014, most NATO forces will leave the Afghanistan and then, they will be kicked out by the Taliban as they will do with Afghan Govt. & Security Forces, Northern Alliance .. All Indian investment in Afghanistan to destabilize Pakistan will be lost ...

When did the Taliban ask TTP not to attack Pakistan? - it was once in 2006, but then from then on there's been no opposition or statement condemning it.
When did the Taliban ask TTP not to attack Pakistan? - it was once in 2006, but then from then on there's been no opposition or statement condemning it.

there have been several calls asking ttp not to attack Pakistan instead help afghan Taliban to finish USA and NATO
there have been several calls asking ttp not to attack Pakistan instead help afghan Taliban to finish USA and NATO

Sorry if I missed those - can you provide me with some media links on them.
what a load of crap by amir mir .these hamid mir and amir mir brothers never stop hissing .
and some pakistanis think its USA and Afghanistan who helps TTP to wage wars inside pakistan.. :omghaha: both talibans are opposite sides of the same coin..
there have been several calls asking ttp not to attack Pakistan instead help afghan Taliban to finish USA and NATO

Well, then they must have had the good sense not to respond to that offer. No matter what they do, they are not going to finish off USA or NATO. USA will exist, whether they like it or not. USA will endure much longer than the lunatics with guns and a horrible ideology.
The fact is Afghan-Taliban (AT), Pakistani-Taliban (TTP), Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP, Uighurs Chinese), Chechen terrorist, and Al Qaeda all are one terrorist gang with different strategies but one ultimate goal.

Most people rely on one or two lousy statements made by Mullah Omar, how we can believe that lying bastard.

There is a saying, actions speak louder than the words, have the AT ever taken any action against the TTP, IMU, TI or AQ in Pakistan or Afghanistan? After all, as we all know that TTP, IMU, TI and AQ are Pakistan's enemies, who have turned part of our country into a hub for international terrorists.

On the other hand, the Americans have killed several top TTP, IMU, TI and AQ leaders in Pakistan and Afghanistan, that is what I call actions not some BS statements.

Afghan Taliban are playing good cop (Afghan Talibans, good) bad cop (Pakistani Talibans, bad) game with us, and I must admit they have outsmarted us.

But hey, some people live in such a state of denial that they will not budge even if truth slaps them on the face.
Saw some of the videos, they don't seem to be attacks from TTP guys, mostly they seem to be Afghan Taliban guys, but TTP is using their videos and taking the credit.

TTP is currently hard pressed in Orakzai and Tirah valleys, thus they need men here to keep control of the areas rather then going to Afghanistan. Just a publicity stunt and these stunts started after US announced its withdrawal plan from Afghanistan.

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