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TTP finalises 15 point draft for talks

One doesnot have to be Pashtun to be concerned about the tribal areas, any Pakistani, Muslim or even any human being would be concerned about their plight, the people of NWA are nothing but hostages to the situation between the gov and the Taliban, the Taliban are not synonymous with Pashtuns, and they are nothing more than hired guns....
great thinking & post!
As per the constitution of Pakistan sharia should be implemented......just accept their demands because the constituion asks you to do so.
227Provisions relating to the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah.
(1)All existing laws shall be brought in conformity with the Injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Quran and Sunnah, in this Part referred to as the Injunctions of Islam, and no law shall be enacted which is repugnant to such Injunctions.
some demands are reasonable, while others are negotiable.
I am surprised that we are talking about meeting their demands. First and foremost thing is that they should stop terrorist activities. Second they should agree to lay down the arms. Both this is not happening.

As regard the wish list is concerned, certain points mentioned in this list should otherwise be implemented in Pakistan, which will be according to constitution and not their wish. However, this list does indicate one thing and that is the hidden dream of MNS to become Amir ul Momneen.

it is a reality that ttp are a force now no matter if we accept it or not. negotiations means give and take we will have to accept few of their demands if not all.
What is Zaid Hamid's opinion on all this?

He has claimed that TTP are funded by RAW.
it is a reality that ttp are a force now no matter if we accept it or not. negotiations means give and take we will have to accept few of their demands if not all.
they are a force now yes but, then they will be no more, inshallha!
it is a reality that ttp are a force now no matter if we accept it or not. negotiations means give and take we will have to accept few of their demands if not all.
What? pull out forces from Tribal areas after the havoc which has been created over the period of time? Release confirmed terrorist in the jails? Declare Mehsood as Amir ul Momineen?

There are certain demands which should have already been prevailing in the country based on existing statutory laws. If people in power corridors have not been able to implement it in more than six decades how can they implement it overnight. Can they change the attitude of judges, police, bureaucrats and politicians? Can the eliminate difference between rich and poor? If they wanted to then they themself would not be in the run of becoming richest man in the country /world.
May be gurkhas are fearless enough to engage taliban like this but as for as i know pakistani faujis try to avoid engaging taliban in direct combat, as there are always heavy casaulties in direct gun to gun battle, terrain is always helpful to taliban...the focus is on artillary shelling and tanks, gunship helicopters and back up of air force when taliban are offering very tough resistance....due to this fear of death in faujis, TTP darely attacks posts of army on mountains, ambushes caravans on road....As for as SSG commandos are concerned, they were used against taliban but ended up killed in surprisingly large numbers, now they are not used that much. Taliban themeselves are like commandos, infact more tough and sharp due to mountains being their home turf.
Aim of a fauji is to not get killed while aim of a taliban is to kill....army has not been able to defeat taliban because they are not natural predators like taliban, they are pre-occupied about returning safely to their families.

You are so full of shit it’s not even funny , the army conducted large scale military operations against TTP in Swat and South Waziristan.
In both places thousands of terrorists got killed when they came up in combat against the army, why do you think they ran away from these places? They ran away since they were getting killed in large numbers.
Most casualties on Pakistan Army side have happened due to suicide bombing and road side bombing and not due to gun attacks on convoys and check post.
Tell one area where the tribal terrorists came up against Pakistan armed forces and made them give up that area? There are none and areas that have been cleared from baboon infestation are not going to be given back, it’s simple as that
idiots like , Salim Saifi and Rahiullah can spin the wheel about 'gayoor qabaili' , 'innocent civilains' nothing is going to change the fact that tribal terrorist have been militarily defeated and killed in large enough numbers that they retreated to save whatever was left of their cadres.
One doesnot have to be Pashtun to be concerned about the tribal areas, any Pakistani, Muslim or even any human being would be concerned about their plight, the people of NWA are nothing but hostages to the situation between the gov and the Taliban, the Taliban are not synonymous with Pashtuns, and they are nothing more than hired guns....

True to the bone. However, they aren't just hostages. They've had a hand in the coming of the Taliban and without them we can't vanquish the Taliban. This idea of race/sect worship and Muslim ummah must be exorcised out of our people.
Taliban are playing games

February 11, 2014

That the TTP has nominated five negotiators, who are not from within TTP, especially Imran Khan, is a very clever move. This is their psychological win number one. That the nominated five are men of stature, as compared to the four-member government team, which consists of two journalists and two ex-officials; though their professional integrity is established yet it is not known whether they can withstand pressure, gives TTP another psychological edge. But the most clever move is that they have promised to provide iron-clad security to the peace negotiators in the areas under their control. That means the security they guarantee is more reliable than the security the government guarantees! It displays great actors in this dram and people with excellent planning skills.

They are not alone, there are no lone warriors challenging the state of Pakistan, they are more political than our politicians. It simply means that the ball has been thrown back not only in the government’s court but also in the five individuals they have nominated. Especially Imran Khan, who seems to be in a dire strait. But it’s high time he learnt what real politics is.

Is there no one from the government’s side, in the intelligentsia and media, capable of not only outsmarting the Taliban on table but also smart enough to know how to move ahead with clear dominance and clarity? Otherwise, such psychological retreats would add to nation’s dismay. The nation is looking with batted breath at the drama unfolding, many would like to believe, real peace in Pakistan.

Why there is picture of aitizaz hassan, a pathan in you avatar?

Chauhdry isko pathan vs punjabi issue banao gey tuo anpey hi paon par kulharri maro gey
nobody is making this a pathan vs punjabi.
but judging from you tone some times it seems thats the way you people see it.
us punjabis have always been the ones to keep this country together.
i have my cousins who are half pathan so don't worry.

btw why did you change you name and flags to pakistan? before you had Afghanistan flags and a different name.
did you finally realize that your a pakistani instead of afghan?
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