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TTP finalises 15 point draft for talks

We should have a poll, who is the bigger moron, Munwar Hassan or Imran Khan?

Munawwar Hasan: "Force should not be used even if the negotiations fail!"

So he begins to acknowledge that the negotiations will fail. And if not using force, what to do? offer Pakistan in a platter to TTP (alias JI/JUI) scum? Please read between the lines, he is actually proposing a surrender in case talks fail.

Liaquat Baloch: "Religious parties, government, and Taliban, all want peace".

I guess we should change the meaning of peace in the dictionaries. Who knows, they are already working on 'Farhang TTP'. If these peace talks continue like this, we shouldn't be surprised to see this Farhang TTP marketed by JI/JUI.

Imran: "What other options were available if talks were unsuccessful and the ensuing military operation failed".

What makes him think that military op will fail? Why is he demoralizing people of Pakistan and our military?

This is the vision (and mission - to surrnder) of our elected representatives. Now if there is a coup, who would be responsible, military or these morons?



Some Taliban groups don’t want peace in Pakistan: Imran Khan - thenews.com.pk
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