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TRUTH: Has our civil, military leadership failed totally?

Our biggest upcoming test is going to be what happens to Bin Ladins wife.

She's currently in hospital right now and no doubt the US will ask for her extradition and subsequent interrogation in Baghram or Guantanamo.

We should adopt a non-compliance approach as a direct response to their non-compliance and unilateral action and hopefully look to move her to a neutral islamic country like Indonesia which is willing to give her a place of refuge. Not her country of origin Yemen, as it is swarming with more CIA officers than Pakistan and is just a volatile.

This has the potential to turn in another $hit storm for us. I think what will happen will be the same Raymond Davis situation stand-off all over again and our weak and coward Generals will probably let in-house CIA agents interrogate her inside pakistan, but it will be like Aafia Siddiqui case again once her plight is realized.

Pakistan should act quick before it escalates, this is the type of quick thinking that is needed. Not reactive but pro-active or else we will be caught sleeping again.

This will be probably the one and ONLY chance the Army will have to redeem itself.

I really hope one of them acts quickly before I loose all faith.

yeh just like raymond davis ??????

then dont let her go till america pay a few million $ and buy her .

just like america threw away few $ for life of those civilians.
You are assuming that many administrations are following a policy for decades to undermine pakistan. There is no proof of that.
Usually a trend can be derived at to show some conspiracy theory but I dont think all these are related (f16 delay, cosing up with India etc).

However all intelligence agencies have their own priorities set by their respsecitve masters, cooperation does not mean they will work for each other.

Oh no desi bhai, I do not mean that. I presume that cooperation, for the least, means that I will not attack you or support anyone who attacks you, and you for your part do not attack me or support anyone who does.

Pakistan facilitated the US with men and ideology to create mercenaries for the US's wars. Later, when those mercenaries became rogue and started harming the US's interests (not Pakistan), the US decided to do away with them.

Pakistan had invested too much, and could not do so. Consequently, between the two countries the level of cooperation increased, and the level of trust decreased. So I am not assuming that the US wants to harm Pakistan, or vice-versa. Rather, with the need for cooperation at all time high, and the level of trust at all time low, both the agencies (the CIA and the ISI) are using their proxies to further their own missions in the region. It was never a problem, till their interests and proxies began to directly clash with each other. Now the situation is such that, one's assets are the other's eyesore.

Both are desperate to get out of this 'cooperation' relationship, but are even more desperate to get rid of those 'eyesores'. That is why, with time, such clashes are becoming more and more direct and inevitable.
Every day there is a new twist to what happened at the Osama's 'mansion'.

Until the truth is known, one cannot say if the Pakistani leadership or the Army has failed!

It is too premature for positive judgement!
It is a WORST situation for Pakistan. Ordinary people in Pakistan are waiting for the right opportunity to rebel against the present system, Al qaida and Taleban will certainly take a big revenge to destablize Pakistan. US/west seeing an opportunity will dismantle its nuclear assets.

Has our civil, military leadership failed totally?

Ansar Abbasi
Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Has our civil, military leadership failed totally?

Everybody free for speculations and making conspiracies theories, We can't say that our military & intelligence fail while that was result of spy war where CIA made its move now lets see How ISI will make its move.
Yes for ordinary citizen this is failure.
its not about failing, its just that they played well with their already strong position.

I personally think that there are atleast two governments in USA, with respect to their foreign Affairs. one is ObAmA Admin, and second is CIA.

Obama clearly stated that on shared intelligence, operation was conducted by navy seals. while CIA stated that pakistan was kept totally uninformed.

this shows that how their strategic thinking is having a clash, one was trying to cover up and saving relation, the later was attempting to built up a case against PAkistan for another war.

---------- Post added at 10:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 AM ----------

now lets see who wins over among them

Clever analysis and puts everything in perspective... could nt have said this better myself...
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