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Trump’s Twitter threat to Pakistan wins Afghans’ favor

Namak Haram Afghans send the refugees out asap.

No More Afghans, Pakistan First.
This is why its important that the Afghan refugees be sent back immediately so they can help in rebuilding process, and the Afghans will be much better off than in their own homeland than Pakistan.
Lets be clear puppets are happy installed in power by their master's. If genuinely afghans were happy with occupation would there be any insurgency?
Since Mr.Trump is a staunch supporter for deporting illegal immigrants. I am pretty confident He'd appreciate and would welcome Pakistan's decision of sending back these illegal immigrants (Not counting the legal ones yet). Wait and watch Mr.Trump because the now the ball is in our court.
Aid/bribe will resume albeit at lower rates and refugees are going to stay
But but I thought they were our brothers? Honestly we should love them regardless of what they do.
well we shouldnt hate them! what has hate achieved bw both countries?
Hate has only come from the Afghans. Pakistanis have shown them nothing but love since 1947. It is time to return the favour.
and then what? they will hate us more and we will hate us more and they will hate us more and then what?

sorting differences bw Afghans and Pakistanis is the only solution or else hindu banyas will exploit the "hate"...i am sure we dont want hindu banya to exploit "hate" bw afg and Pak!
and then what? they will hate us more and we will hate us more and they will hate us more and then what?

sorting differences bw Afghans and Pakistanis is the only solution or else hindu banyas will exploit the "hate"...i am sure we dont want hindu banya to exploit "hate" bw afg and Pak!
They already hate us to the max. No amount of further action is going to make them stoop any lower. They consider us their enemies. It is as simple as that. You don't need hindu banya to exploit hatred between Afg and Pak it was already there. Pakistan has given 1.7 million of these namak harams a place to live and eat and has received nothing but hatred and treachery. We're not even a country rich enough to support our own native population yet we extend our hands to people that wish we die. Only Pakistanis could justify this stupidity. Only when you stand up for yourself against an enemy will you gain any respect.
They already hate us to the max. No amount of further action is going to make them stoop any lower. They consider us their enemies. It is as simple as that. You don't need hindu banya to exploit hatred between Afg and Pak it was already there. Pakistan has given 1.7 million of these namak harams a place to live and eat and has received nothing but hatred and treachery. We're not even a country rich enough to support our own native population yet we extend our hands to people that wish we die. Only Pakistanis could justify this stupidity. Only when you stand up for yourself against an enemy will you gain any respect.
no sir! we have made some mistakes in the past and its time we sit down and sort differences and work together!thats my opinion.
no sir! we have made some mistakes in the past and its time we sit down and sort differences and work together!thats my opinion.
Your opinion is outdated. You can't sit down and talk with a people that have a deep burning desire to kill you, just by looking at you. What the hell do you think we've been doing for the last 5 decades? All we've done is 'talk and talk'. They're a tribal people too, they only understand force and that's the only way to shut em' up for good. Our differences cannot be solved through dialogue because the other side is unwilling to consider one side to the standard of a human being.
Your opinion is outdated. You can't sit down and talk with a people that have a deep burning desire to kill you, just by looking at you. What the hell do you think we've been doing for the last 5 decades? All we've done is 'talk and talk'. They're a tribal people too, they only understand force and that's the only way to shut em' up for good. Our differences cannot be solved through dialogue because the other side is unwilling to consider one side to the standard of a human being.
sir world has been dropping bombs on taliban al qaeda isis and what have we achieved (as humans)...bombs or wars wont solve sh/t it will complicate things bw Afg and Pakistan...ok i am not saying that give Afghans freehand to kill our people or let afghan refugees roam free control them and talk to there govt sort of the freaking differences its not india its Afghanistan!
sir world has been dropping bombs on taliban al qaeda isis and what have we achieved (as humans)...bombs or wars wont solve sh/t it will complicate things bw Afg and Pakistan...ok i am not saying that give Afghans freehand to kill our people or let afghan refugees roam free control them and talk to there govt sort of the freaking differences its not india its Afghanistan!
Am I saying we drop bombs on Afghanistan? How is getting rid of Afghan refugess who spit at the very notion of Pakistan being a country and considers its people subhuman a bad thing? Send them back to Afghanistan so maybe the can learn a bit of gratitude, especially to a people that helped them earn a living on their own bleak friggin resources. Once they go back, then maybe, just maybe, we can develop a system for our borders where proper legal routes are created and their people are taught to respect Pakistanis. We can't keep on letting them insult us, take our resources, kill our men, women and children and keep on saying to them that's okay please kill us more.
I have reiterated time and again that Donald Trump is very clever. His tweet could be intended to win favors in Afghanistan.

It is in the best interests of Pakistan to fence the Durand Line (completely) and send Afghan refugees back. Pakistan should no longer carry this burden.
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and then what? they will hate us more and we will hate us more and they will hate us more and then what?

sorting differences bw Afghans and Pakistanis is the only solution or else hindu banyas will exploit the "hate"...i am sure we dont want hindu banya to exploit "hate" bw afg and Pak!
Well first let them.stand on their feet and than talk.to them

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