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Trump turns down India's invite for Republic Day celebrations

How dare he?
Now see how into how many zillions India is going to divide USA.
See how Indians would destroy their economy.
What do they think, that they are some superpower, they need India. The world need India...
If they offer him unlimited Diet Coke, he might change his mind.
Modi continues to.embarass the nation with his uber cringey chipkugiri instead of doing some work as a last gasp attempt at vindicating the faith the nation put in him for actual meaningful internal change and growth.

This guy simply is past his sell by date by a good 2 years minimum.

Cheers, Doc
i guess mohan das karam chand gandhi or any other khangress anti national leader embarrassed more than anyone could in the history .
you dont know $hit about human development and growth , just barking like kejriwal and rahul typo like a mad dog .
raking up issues which have little or no significance are top priority of people like you who dont have anything against modi .
i guess mohan das karam chand gandhi or any other khangress anti national leader embarrassed more than anyone could in the history .
you dont know $hit about human development and growth , just barking like kejriwal and rahul typo like a mad dog .
raking up issues which have little or no significance are top priority of people like you who dont have anything against modi .

Please don't type in bold.

It hurts my eyes almost as much as your intellect my brain.

Cheers, Doc

There’s no need for a comma on the last sentence

Love a good grammar Nazi. Sieg Heil.

Cheers, Doc
no Modi can call some of these 10 head of states to come back again this year
other then the human rights vioalator from Maymanar i dont recognise one single of these 10 head of states mate :lol:
other then the human rights vioalator from Maymanar i dont recognise one single of these 10 head of states mate :lol:
IK will be going to meet one of them pretty soon. Then you will be able to recognise 2 :lol:
Very bad Mr trump , Indianshave even gone to the extend of doing your Pooja, I suppose they need a new God now,




Look at all the disgusting Indian rapist.
no problem you guys can invite BD afghan bhutan.nepal heads :p:
As for BD’s PM, being a part time cook at the Presidential Palace becomes her day time job while visiting India!! Indians are caste conscious folks....

Modi should understand that having S-400 despite US warning, may result in several reactions. Let's wait for further clarifications & explanations as well, though.
Man may forget the murderer of his father, but not the loss of patrimony — Socrates
Trump is way too busy celebrating himself then to visit India or anyone else at the moment.
NEW DELHI: US President Donald Trump has turned down the Indian government's invite to visit India on the occasion of Republic Day. This, TOI has learnt, was conveyed in the form of a letter from US authorities to NSA Ajit Doval recently.

The letter is said to have comprised a regret message from Trump. The US president's domestic commitments, notably his State of the Union (SOTU) address, around that time of the year are apparently the reason for Trump not accepting India's invite.

Trump's response though is in sharp contrast to the one from his predecessor Barack Obama who, despite faced with the same domestic presidential obligations in 2015, agreed to visit India as Republic Day chief guest.

TOI had first reported on July 13 that India had officially invited Trump for Republic Day. While the US had confirmed the invite, it had said that the final decision would be taken after the inaugural 2+2 dialogue in September.

Indo-US ties have been under a lot of strain lately because of differences over India's defence purchases from Russia and also its oil imports from Iran.

Despite the US dangling the threat of CAATSA, the government went ahead and signed a deal to purchase S-400 air missile defence system with Russia during President Vladimir Putin's visit to India. In an interaction with some Indian journalists after Putin's visit, Russian ambassador Nikolay Kudashev complimented India for, as he said, following an independent foreign policy.

India has also refused to stop, or even cut down drastically, oil imports from Iran. As US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had said after the 2+2 dialogue here, US' "expectation" was that India, and indeed other countries, would bring down oil imports from Iran to zero by November 4 to avoid sanctions. India has said that it will be guided solely by its energy interests and its public sector companies are learnt to have already placed crude import orders with Iran for the month of November.

The US formal response to India's invite brings to an end months of intense speculation about whether or not he would visit India for Republic Day celebrations. At one stage, in fact, India was so keen to host Trump that it offered to consider another set of dates for the visit in the month of February to avoid clash with SOTU. However, the fact that the NDA 2 is now into its final year also seems to have played on Trump's mind in turning down India's invite.

Exactly why the Modi government chose to invite another US President, after Obama in 2015, for Republic Day remains open to speculation. Sources here said that the government had always chosen Republic Day guest with the domestic audience in mind. The presence of a high-profile leader, it is felt, helps carry forward Modi's message, which the PM has often spoken about in his election speeches, about India's rising power and prestige in the global world.


Invitation was not sent in time, there are measures to be taken beforehand with president of US visit to any country.
Trump turned down R-day 2019 invite in August, did not want to see Russian armoury floats

Speculation rife that TOI took down its own story on Trump as it could be perceived as a snub to PM Modi’s global ambitions.

New Delhi: The US had told India as far back as August that President Donald Trump would not be able to visit India for its Republic Day celebrations in 2019.

According to highly-placed sources, US officials told Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale when he visited Washington D.C. on 8 August, to prepare for the 2+2 foreign and defence ministers dialogue, that Trump would not be able to come to Delhi for the Republic Day 2019 celebrations.

Only days before, on 2 August, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders acknowledged that an “invitation has been extended, but I do not believe that a final decision has been made.”

Also Read: Modi and Trump may not get along, but India and US are best friends today

Sources pointed out that, in any case, “it was all for the best” that Trump wasn’t coming to India.

“Imagine if he did come, with all the Russian armoury floating down in front of him as part of the Republic Day parade,” one official said with dismay. “Especially after India has refused US pleas not to buy the S-400 missile,” the official added.

TOI publishes, withdraws story
The Times of India reported overnight that the US government had turned down India’s invite to Trump, and then withdrew its own story within hours reportedly because of inadequate information”.

Rumours persist that the world’s largest newspaper had withdrawn its own story because it was allegedly perceived as a snub to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Coming at a time when the government is scrambling to contain the damage done by its own premier intelligence agency, the CBI, signalling a war within the BJP, a Trump snub to Modi hardly confirms the prime minister’s self-declared standing in the region and across the world.

Modi arrived in Japan late last evening and is in talks with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe today. He is scheduled to meet the world’s leaders, including the US president, at a G-20 meeting in Argentina in November.

Dicey India-US ties
The US-India relationship has been on a bit of a roller-coaster over the last year, with reports that Trump has been heard mimicking Modi’s Gujarati accent, while Modi reportedly smarted at the fact that the US president treated him like “just another Asian leader” at the ASEAN summit in Manila in November 2017.

Trump has also made some undiplomatic comments about India’s refusal to drop tariffs on Harley Davidson motorcycles, while the US has taken India to the WTO on steel and aluminium subsidies that India has given worth $200 million.

But the 2+2 dialogue between the Indian and American foreign and defence ministers in Delhi on 6 September went off very well, and both sides were satisfied they had addressed the worst disagreements on trade as well as on India’s decision to go ahead and buy the Russian S-400 missile; a possible US presidential waiver was also allegedly discussed.

The Trump invite question was brushed off at that meeting and nobody in the press paid a second thought.

Also Read: Modi improving ties with China may give India more elbow room with Trump

The story of an invite
The story of the invite to Trump is as much an insight into the personality of Prime Minister Modi, who has never hidden his ambitions to be a global leader, since the time he invited all the leaders of South Asia to his swearing-in ceremony in June 2014.

The US President was first invited to come to India when Modi visited the US last June – a natural enough verbal invite to your host. Then Modi went out of his way to receive Trump’s daughter Ivanka in Hyderabad last November, soon after which he met Trump himself on the sidelines of the ASEAN summit in Manila, also in November 2017.

That verbal invite was soon followed up by a formal invitation sometime in April this year. Several conversations between India and the US followed, until the US refusal to Gokhale in August 2018.

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