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Trump to visit Saudi Arabia in first foreign trip, seeking new ties with Muslim world


Jun 28, 2012
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Saudi Arabia

WASHINGTON — President Trump announced Thursday that his first foreign destination since taking office will be Saudi Arabia, where he will join leaders from across the Muslim world late this month to seek a new covenant to battle extremism and confront Iran.

Trump will go from there to Israel and on to the Vatican, a tour of the world’s three major monotheistic religions, before meeting leaders of the Group of Seven rich countries and NATO in separate summits in Brussels and Sicily.

Speaking in the Rose Garden of the White House, the president said his travels would open with “a truly historic gathering in Saudi Arabia with leaders from all across the Muslim world.”

“It is there that we will begin to construct a new foundation of cooperation and support with our Muslim allies to combat extremism, terrorism and violence and to embrace a more just and hopeful future for young Muslims in their countries,” he said.

“Our task is not to dictate to others how to live but to build a coalition of friends and partners who share the goal of fighting terrorism and bringing safety, opportunity and stability to the war-ravaged Middle East,” he said.

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"Saudi Arabia is a insignificant country and Trump will attack it", said some barking clowns.

This is a good sign and it is quite symbolic that his first foreign visit will be to KSA. Or at least one of them depending on how his final and confirmed schedule will look like.

Anyway KSA-USA relations have already improved a lot under Trump in many fields. It will be interesting to see if this old cooperation can reach new levels. Whatever happens, I doubt that Trump will commit as many fatal mistakes as Obama did.
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Will be one awkward visit

The Hindutva who were worshipping Trump are going to be setting their Dhoti after news hits them... Who is the Chief Army Chief of the Saudi led "Muslim NATO" ... Raheel Sharif!

Aaw... Indians always betting on the loosing horse!
USA understands KSA is an important ally. Trump fully understand that, more than any other recent politician before him. USA + KSA will come to the understanding that the other country must be managed before things get out of hand.
The folly of the Iranian mullahs in Syria has made Trump make a u-turn. Congratulations to our Iranian mullahs who simply could not see it coming.
Haha no. Its Saudi Arabia bribing US with their oil $$$ that US just cant resist...once the $$$ decreases or US shifts its foreign policy...bye bye Saudi Arabian regime :)
Haha no. Its Saudi Arabia bribing US with their oil $$$ that US just cant resist...once the $$$ decreases or US shifts its foreign policy...bye bye Saudi Arabian regime :)
They have a strategic alliance between them, thee is no bribing involved, just interests, In the US and Canada, if you bribe to get business you go to jail.. KSA has almost a trillion dollar invested in the US on top of being a big weapons and civilian goods customer.. but that is not the point.. KSA is already on its way to parallel the Oil revenues with other revenues that will be enough on their own to replace the revenues from Oil..where the latter will become the second revenue instead of the principal one.. And more important is the fact that KSA has built strategic alliances with China, Japan, South Korea, African nations and the whole Muslim world, so one should understand that with the USA or without, KSA is a powerful nation..
I wish Iran good, and hopefully there will be no confrontation with Arabs, since both Sunnis and Shia'a are Muslims and confrontation between them will only benefit others, so it is advisable and wise to prevent and avoid it for the sake of the well being of all Muslims who are striving for a better life and a better future..
Just will ask some rediculous deal for 100 million for F-5 fighter plane

And obviously some sacterian flame will be persued to fuel regional fire
So trumps going to Saudi then Israel then Rome ...
Muslims , Jews and christians

Why not India for the Hindus ?

They even worship trump and have built temples for it .
Haha no. Its Saudi Arabia bribing US with their oil $$$ that US just cant resist...once the $$$ decreases or US shifts its foreign policy...bye bye Saudi Arabian regime :)

Iran also has oil $$$. Why don't you try bribing Trump? Stubbornly denying your mistake won't get you anywhere.
Haha no. Its Saudi Arabia bribing US with their oil $$$ that US just cant resist...once the $$$ decreases or US shifts its foreign policy...bye bye Saudi Arabian regime :)

Iran can do the same..it has oil..and gas as well!

Will be one awkward visit


Walid Bin Talal holds no official position in Saudi politics..
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