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Trump team takes issue with Pakistani version of phone talk

Reality is your arse has been "Trumped" by Trump himself ..


Now go sit on that block of ice sonny ..


LOL You think we give a flying fvck about what Trump or the CNN has to say? LMAO These accusations have been going on for decades now. This isn't something new. If the USA wants to play open card and wants to label Pakistan an enemy state they are free to do so. At least we will know where we stand unlike with Obama who called Pakistan an "ally", but kept killing our women and children in drone strikes. We are open to any challenge because we are resilient. If the US seeks open hostility with Pakistan they should be blunt about it. If they want to mend ties, they should be open about it. We are not going to tolerate "ally" and backstabbing. They don't go together.

We are very very happy with Trump in office. Very happy and I cannot stress that enough. Bring it on.
LOL You think we give a flying fvck about what Trump or the CNN says? These accusations have been going on for decades now. If the USA wants to play open card now and wants to label Pakistan an enemy state they are free to do so. At least we will know where we stand unlike with Obama who called Pakistan an "ally", but kept killing our women and children in drone strikes.

We are very very happy with Trump in office. Very very happy. Bring it on.

Guess what, we are happy with the status quo too........

WE LOVE IT .. We could not be happier.

Don't believe us -- Look at the emoticons ..:-):-):-):-):-):-) lots and lots of Happy faces

And since you are happy too lets all get together and sing kumbaya ..:partay:
Guess what, we are happy with the status quo too........

WE LOVE IT .. We could not be happier.

Don't believe us -- Look at the emoticons ..:-):-):-):-):-):-) lots and lots of Happy faces

And since you are happy too lets all get together and sing kumbaya ..:partay:

LMAO Your happiness and use of desperate happy face icons doesn't prove anything.

Like I said, Pakistan is in no hurry at all. We have done our homework. We are working with our ally China on multiple fronts and the USA doesn't figure in any of our plans. We will sit back and enjoy Trump's presidency. If he is open about mending ties, so be it. If not, no problemo. Just keep blaming Pakistan. Not that it will get you anywhere. In the end, Trump, Obama or anyone else will come crawling back to Pakistan to do more. We know how it goes...
The Bhartis seem very active in this thread,
They should just take their cake and shove it. :D

The U.S.A dosent figure in Pakistan's future geo strategic plans.

The U.S has its own reasons for not wanting to completely lose Pakistan

Our aims regarding USA are simple to keep a decent arms length relationship with them to gain what we can if its on the table and push back at any requests this is part of the reason the USA dosent completely want to lose the Pak-US relationship as the world is changing China is growing and one way or other Pakistan is part of the plan

India is simply a bitch
Its randi rona efforts against Pakistan should be responded by simply calling every world nation to mediate in the Kashmir issue
And to put any action india is facing down to the unresolved issue and its oppression of Kashmiris

This is part of the reason why 20 indian soldiers can be burnt to death and no one cares in the world
They just say resolve the Kashmir dispute a argument Pakistan is already making
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