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Trump supporters want respect

Trump and his supporters are morons!

And they have made America look clownish

Gone are the days of hushed reverence of a superpower, even though the U.S maintains its military and economic advantage, the world over its influence, prestige and diplomatic strength is in free fall with the Orange bozo mocked

They are taking themselves out of major international treaties, making unilateral demands of the world like mad men

They are making a mockery out of themselves and everyone is noticing
Clowns like that are worthy of one thing only:UTTER CONTEMPT
Lmao...these low-IQ losers want respect now? :D

GTFO. Keep living in their rural areas and remain clueless about the real civilization in Urban America. Neanderthals
The above comments, save perhaps the last one, is precisely the reason why Trump won the 2016 election and why folks are fed up with the Left's increasingly dismissive narrative.
The above comments, save perhaps the last one, is precisely the reason why Trump won the 2016 election and why folks are fed up with the Left's increasingly dismissive narrative.
I think in a sense you`re right in that both a large segment of the us populace and indeed the world greatly underestimated the sheer number of mainstream us voters who subscribed to the ideals of racism and intolerance,and of course when you add that to the appeal that rabid jingoism has always had to a large swath of the us populace then you have a very toxic brew indeed and of course a recipe for disaster ie a trump presidency.Hopefully this odious buffoon and his evil henchmen[yes john bolton I`m talking about you] will last only a term,but then again bush jr managed to get reelected so one should never underestimate the stupidity of the voter,especially if they are american.Regardless even if it is just a single term[please god!]I suspect that the us will still be working long and hard even decades from now to try and repair all the huge damage that trump has done,and no doubt will continue to do to americas reputation and relationships around the world and at home.
The election of someone like trump unfortunately proves the paradigm that altho some democratic ideals may sound great in theory/on paper or in a speech,the problem of course as with a lot of things is that the reality may turn out to be far more unpleasant,for example the problem with the idea that anyone can become president is that you may in fact get anyone,anyone at all,as in the least qualified,least capable person ie a trump.Now of course that doesnt mean that I think much of billary because I dont,I despise the clintons.But then what do you say about a system that is so rotten that the only choice you are offered is between bad and worse ie billary and chump[giant douche and turd sandwich].
Ah the snow flakes are angry about micro aggressions and want safe, spaces :D

Morons for Trump

Clowns like that are worthy of one thing only:UTTER CONTEMPT

The above comments, save perhaps the last one, is precisely the reason why Trump won the 2016 election and why folks are fed up with the Left's increasingly dismissive narrative.

Neither side should be treated with disrespect, though I believe trump supporters were swindled by a fast talking con man they have the right to vote and exercised it. If you want to blame anyone for trump blame the 45% that didn't get off their buts and vote. Yes Sineva's south part quote summed it up but the end of that episode was the lesson even then you still have to make a choice.
If you dont vote you don't deserve a democracy.
The above comments, save perhaps the last one, is precisely the reason why Trump won the 2016 election and why folks are fed up with the Left's increasingly dismissive narrative.

We are perfectly fine with US right-wing sentiment. Only a blind person would deny the negative effects of Donald Trump's presidency. The US under Trump is toxic and highly controversial. So controversial that even the world is divided.

Personally I am hoping that after this term we see another 4 years of Donald J. Trump. The world needs to see more of priveleged redneck anger. Yes, leftist politics in America is cunning and shrewd. Right-wing politics in the US is openly racist and hateful.
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Eagles Offer to Send 2 Or 3 Players, The Owner and the Mascot to WH. Trump Says Don't

06-05-2018 10:15:43 AM

The Eagles first were going to have most of the players come to the White House, then they said it would be fewer players. Then wanted to change the date to when the President would be in Singapore.

Finally, they said it would be 2 or 3 players, the Owner and the Team Mascot.

Trump said, Don't bother.

A restaurant refused to serve Sarah Sanders and her family

Tanya Edwards Yahoo Lifestyle June 23, 2018

Sarah Sanders had a hard time getting dinner in the D.C. area on Friday. She and her family were asked to leave the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Va.

Jaike Foley-Schultz, who says he is a waiter at the Red Hen, shared a post on Facebook that said his boss kicked out the press secretary and her party.

I have always said to Nikki that indians make Trump jokes due to Simpsons.

US government should ban Simpsons.
Trump is a con man and his supporters are his biggest victims.
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