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Featured Trump supporters have breached the Capitol building, tearing down 4 layers of security fencing

The US was supposed to 'collapse' back in '09 then in '12, according to people like you on this forum, from China dumping US bonds to Venezuela and Russia colluding to sell oil cheap and many other reasons too long to list. Might as conduct a seance, buddy.

If this was done by Blacks over George Floyd, they would be slaughtered in thousands.
So Congress is set to reconvene. What happened to the coup And collapse of the American government PDF promised me?
Given PDF record...Give a couple months and someone will come up with a new prediction.
If this was done by Blacks over George Floyd, they would be slaughtered in thousands.
Did you check how divided American blacks are over George Floyd? Probably not.
Given PDF record...Give a couple months and someone will come up with a new prediction.

Did you check how divided American blacks over George Floyd? Probably not.

They are not.

Even average white guy of the big city is not divided.

I don’t get my data from internet by the way. I talk to them in person.
I seen this coming...

Am no Trumpeteer. My distaste for Trump is known on this forum. But the bottom line is that the root cause for this came from the Left when the Left's political leadership allowed, meaning they said nothing, the riots by BLM, ANTIFA, and assorted opportunist anarchist groups. The Right saw those riots as tacit permission to resort to violence to gain political goals. Trump does not help with his social media blathering, but he did not caused this.

Ultimately, this will blow over. Historically, the Left have always been the most vocal when it comes to political goals, but now everyone seen the Right can do the same and perhaps even more intense. The Democrats should pay heed. The House is barely under Democrat control. When all calmed down, two yrs from now, I predict that the House will be under Republican control and Biden will not run for reelection in '24. There will be a 'new' Right in the sense that conservatives and conservative leaning centrists will be more politically active at all levels.
Yes and these riots and armed groups aren’t going away anytime soon
It’s being reported DC, Maryland, and Virginia National Guards are heading to the Capitol. As expected, they will be crushed
Oh no this is violation of human rights how dare the US dictator government use force to suppress a peaceful protesters?!😂
Well, did you forget that a couple dozen downtowns were burned to the ground this past summer?

There is no comparison between this and burning a few buildings.

No tear gas here.
Police did not react much. The mob brought guns to the Capitol.

Literally, they would have slaughtered black protesters for something like this.
There is no comparison between this and burning a few buildings.

No tear gas here.
Police did not react much. They brought guns to the Capitol.

Literally, they would have slaughtered black protesters for something like this.

I don't know about slaughter but definitely tear gas, clubbings and the occasional person shot and killed.
From Pakistan's internal point of view:

1. I never liked Care taker Govts but looking at what happened today in America, I guess it's better to have temporary neutral Govt. organising elections and transferring power.

2. It's always good to have a Centrist party. Having just 2 parties of extreme opposing views is not enough.

3. Parliamentarian Govt. system started to seem like a better option in this regard instead of Presidential system.
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Update: Unconfirmed reports say this woman died in the hospital.

They have a martyr for their cause. They may claim patriot blood has been spilt. Biden has a nightmare on his hand.

In all seriousness, this has been a truly shameful day. The instigator in chief should be barred from every running for any elected office for life.

Everyone be safe, especially those living in Republican dominated areas.
They are not.

Even average white guy of the big city is not divided.

I don’t get my data from internet by the way. I talk to them in person.
Yes, they are. One of my neighbors is a black grandmother. On the fourth night of the Floyd riots, grandma said: "When I saw white boys break windows then black boys loot, I know it stopped being about George Floyd". The reason the Floyd base riots are mostly white anarchists is precisely because blacks as a whole is divided enough over George Floyd himself as a worthwhile figure like King Jr to rally behind.
I wanted to remind you that you are not some white Canadian who can go around telling me what to believe in.

Open your eyes for once and see these crackers for what they are. They have shown their true nature today.
Look at you, bringing up racism now of all time, when I was complaining about it for the last 7 years, only to be told by people like you that the whites had a good point.

If you don't like people calling you out on your bullshit comments, then kindly stop making bullshit comments.

So far, I've been factually right about the majority of the things that are happening, so maybe I have a point?
Even the most anti American rubes know US dominates world culture and has for decades.
I don't like it, but even I admit that this is a fact of the current era. Once the cold war ended, American culture spread across the globe with little to no push back.
Annoying Orange is about to lose his Twitter account 😂
Twitter has already said that once Trump is out of office, they'll likely permaban him the first chance they get.
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