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Trump Prevents Zarif from Addressing UN Security Council

Same, what they were before.
You can not please and placate bullies.

Maybe this is the reason.
Screen Shot 2020-01-06 at 7.32.13 PM.png
Like I said before, the US is the biggest economy and military in the world, it is also home to the UN.

As long as it remains the sole super power, it gets to decide what is and isn't morally and legally the right thing to do.

What are Iran's options? Strike, negotiate, go on a diplomatic offensive to isolate the US, or swallow its pride and let this situation cool off.

None of these options will end well for Iran.
Like I said before, the US is the biggest economy and military in the world, it is also home to the UN.

As long as it remains the sole super power, it gets to decide what is and isn't morally and legally the right thing to do.

What are Iran's options? Strike, negotiate, go on a diplomatic offensive to isolate the US, or swallow its pride and let this situation cool off.

None of these options will end well for Iran.

UN is international territory. The US can deny Iran airspace into reaching the UN HQ, but the US cannot annex the US HQ as US territory.
Like I said before, the US is the biggest economy and military in the world, it is also home to the UN.

As long as it remains the sole super power, it gets to decide what is and isn't morally and legally the right thing to do.

What are Iran's options? Strike, negotiate, go on a diplomatic offensive to isolate the US, or swallow its pride and let this situation cool off.

None of these options will end well for Iran.
I may differ with you.. you are underestimating iran capacities.. if usa withdraw its forces from iraq it is big win for iran...one General death is not big price...if they dont then usa will face lots of problem in Gulf of Persia iraq and most impotan is isreal security is in deap danger.. Gulf of Persia hold 70% oil route.. you know what does that mean to world..
I may differ with you.. you are underestimating iran capacities.. if usa withdraw its forces from iraq it is big win for iran...one General death is not big price...if they dont then usa will face lots of problem in Gulf of Persia iraq and most impotan is isreal security is in deap danger.. Gulf of Persia hold 70% oil route.. you know what does that mean to world..

only 15% of oil goes through persian gulf and the region holds 60% or more of the global reserves..

isreal and US has nukes, Iran doesnt, Iran security is at risk.. the only way iran can survive is through nuclear bonb
UN is international territory. The US can deny Iran airspace into reaching the UN HQ, but the US cannot annex the US HQ as US territory.

The UN should have its own private executive airport and then this wouldn’t be the case.

The issue is he has to land on US soil, travel on US land to the UN.
UN is international territory. The US can deny Iran airspace into reaching the UN HQ, but the US cannot annex the US HQ as US territory.

If US can get away with Nuking a country, starting multiple wars , illegal Assassinations etc they can get away with everything ..
only 15% of oil goes through persian gulf and the region holds 60% or more of the global reserves..

isreal and US has nukes, Iran doesnt, Iran security is at risk.. the only way iran can survive is through nuclear bonb
Iran has nuks too if they dont it is matter of day they will experiment soon.. you dont know irànian .....iran has history of thousands years.. which mean they were in these situations many times. Most impotant they have big country and Israel dont have that big part of land.. if both country attack with nuks.. who will win.. for sure isreal will not have secured land for its survival. .70 percent oil pas by gulf of Persia Qatar kuwat barain united arab Emirates even iraqi oil pass by gulf of Persia.. if trouble comes in delivery those oil companies will kick trump's ***...what are you talking...
I may differ with you.. you are underestimating iran capacities.. if usa withdraw its forces from iraq it is big win for iran...one General death is not big price...if they dont then usa will face lots of problem in Gulf of Persia iraq and most impotan is isreal security is in deap danger.. Gulf of Persia hold 70% oil route.. you know what does that mean to world..
Iran has already said that it will respond militarily. The US leaving Iraq, which actually seems more and more unlikely now, wouldn't change anything.

As for Israel, if Iran attacked Israel, Iran would have to deal with an Israeli counter attack, not a US one.

Finally, blocking the Strait of Hormuz would turn even Iran's allies into enemies, including its immediate neighbors. China, and India rely on the strait heavily, as well, Pakistan (Iran's immediate neighbor) would face another (far more severe) energy crisis, and consider the blockade a threat to its national security.

Blocking the strait is only a good idea if

A) Iran is okay with turning its neighbors into enemies.

B) If it faces immediate threats of invasion by foreign forces.

In the end, I wouldn't recommend it.

UN is international territory. The US can deny Iran airspace into reaching the UN HQ, but the US cannot annex the US HQ as US territory.
While technically, the US has an obligation to allow even diplomats from enemy nations to attend the UN, the US doesn't have to allow those same diplomats from entering US territory itself to get to the UN venue.

This is why I've always thought a neutral country (like switzerland) would be a better location for the venue hosting the United nations.




When you are in die situations.. you act different.. iran is cornored.. in those situations rulles dont apply

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