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Featured Trump plans executive order to punish arms trade with Iran

If Iran can't buy foreign weapons is a GIFT, it's not a punishment for them.

Modern weapons with massive electronic devices (fighter jets, air defense systems) can be easily (and cheaply) hacked by the country manufacturer if they want.

A 20 million dollars fighter jet can be shoot down by a 1000$ computer device with the right knowledge from the manufacturer about the hardware backdoors that they have.

And no doubt that in a real war scenario Russia and others countries will always choose USA instead Iran.

Russia prove this several times in the past with his backstabbings to Iran, like in January 2012, when Russia announced that they dont sell S300 to Iran, after a Kissinger visit to Putin in Russia.
Glad you enjoyed. As for your question, pardon me for not being entirely certain to have grasoed what you meant. If by playing in their field you mean to ask why Iran has even engaged in any sort of negotiation on its nuclear program in the first place, then I believe my previous comment implicitly contained the response already: althoug the nuclear issue is not the enemy's goal, it can still use it as a pretext to pose economic and other challenges to Iran (via sanctions etc), hence Iran must neutralize these challenges.

Now as concerns the principle of nuclear negotiations per se, and considering that the opposite side has convinced various actors of its baseless accusations against Iran, or provided other players as dishonest as itself with a hollow pretext to brandish against Iran, revolutionary and patriotic elements of the IR needed to unmask the true intentions of the west both with domestic and international audiences, in order to be able to reject demands and pressures (both internal and external ones) for renewed negotiations.

I believe in the coming years, the way forward will be severalfold (since the nuclear issue is unseparable from a variety of external and domestic factors):

1) No more negotiations. At most, Iran might claim to be interested, and possibly enter some formal rounds of negotiations simply for the sake of pretending to be interested, but no deal shall be reached i. e. no meaningful concessions shall be made.

2) Build a resistance economy relying on domestic resources, while external trade will transit on the black market or use official channels when possible, specially with geopolitical rivals of the US and emerging powers (from Russia and China to Venezuela and Cuba, plus countries like South Africa, some East Asian nations etc) in addition to Iran's own neighbours (in effect it will be extremely difficult for the US to control covert means of cross-border trade, where currency and goods can be carried by columns of simple individuals etc).

3) Further move away from oil dependence. In particular, this will be achieved by introducing a comprehensive and working system of tax collection.

4) Re-expand the welfare state and social handouts to the economically vulnerable segments of the population, following the Rohani administration's shameful cutbacks. This will hamper and ultimately neutralize risks of domestic instability stemming from the economic impact of sanctions.

5) Mercilessly but intelligently root out the prevailing economic and financial corruption among certain elites. It will be an arduous long term process, which has been kickstarted by hajj Raisi. Promote popular support and participation in this effort, advertize it massively in the media.

6) Strike very hard at subversive domestic elements, from western-apologetic and globalist liberals to ethno-separatists, British turbans (Shirazi clan, Hojjatieh akhbaris) and salafo-taymiyist takfiris, Haifan Baha'i underground networks, covert agents of international freemasonry etc.

Here, combined efforts on the operational (police and intelligence) and informational (soft and cultural war) levels, as well as a measure of positive social engineering will be key. For example, in the battle against the ethno-separatist subversion, encourage mixed mariages between members of different linguistic groups of Iran, promote internal economic migration between Iranian provinces; through modern media campaigns, advertisements, feature films, documentaries, video games, strongly highlight the fact that in reality over 50% of Iranians are of mixed linguistic backgrounds and that therefore, Iranian citizens cannot be separated and crammed into narrow "ethnic" categories. In parallel, crack down on ethno-separatist elements, wherever they might spread their poison, from Trazktor-Sazi hooligans to members of Majles, NGO workers, militants and journalists.

As another example, in the resistance against globalist ideology, double down on public and private education efforts focusing on the virtues of Iran's history, religion, culture, civilization and identity (including when compared to western and global decadence).

7) Shills, saboteurs and agents of influence (nofoozis) from the aforementioned currents and organizations whom infiltrated the state apparatus of the IR must be rooted out progressively. Likewise, spies recruited from amongst the 'khodis' with no previous contrarian affiliation must be identified and neutralized.

8) After the Rohani administration cut the budgets and even shut down some of Iran's foreign-language public broadcasters, reinvigorate and expand those services.

9) Encourage natality through adequate policies of monetary and other types of incentives for families with more than one and two children, in order to avert the existentially threatening demographic catastrophe that is looming on the horizon. In this manner, Saudi efforts to socially engineer a sudden upwards trend in the relative size of taymiyist takfiri communities in Iran will be foiled as well.

Decisively counter the enemy's efforts to uproot the traditional nuclear family and to spread sexual perversions.

Hammer the illegal abortion mafia, as well as other criminals in the medical professions who harbor globalist persuasions and wish to open up Iran to Big Pharma.

10) Explain to people who might not adhere to the official ideology of the IR, including agnostics and atheists, but who still believe in the necessity to implement natural law for any society to function properly, that the IR remains the best option at their disposal, when considering the rival western-led model.

11) Last but by far not least, set up a national internet system, completely disconnecting the bulk of Iranians from "social media" and other anti-Iranian websites controlled by the global oligarchy or anti-IR oppositionists, as well as from the oceans of perversion and sickness the internet is largely composed of.

Evidently, there will be huge challenges along the way and the enemy (whether foreign or domestic) will not sit still and allow this type of a program to be carried out without trying anything in its power to prevent it. However I do believe these policies, if conducted with success, will shield Iran from the most serious threats it is facing.
Thank you again for your insight into the iranian state of current affairs. It is great to see that someone is actually providing solutions instead of just pointing out to the problems. ...
In my humble opinion, your 11 point proposal seems a very reasonable way forward for Iran . I hope that with the recently inaugurated parlement similar proposals can actually be turned into the laws of the land and with a new president in the horizon those laws can be put into action.
Thank you again for your insight into the iranian state of current affairs. It is great to see that someone is actually providing solutions instead of just pointing out to the problems. ...
In my humble opinion, your 11 point proposal seems a very reasonable way forward for Iran . I hope that with the recently inaugurated parlement similar proposals can actually be turned into the laws of the land and with a new president in the horizon those laws can be put into action.

You're welcome brother.

You're highlighting an extremely important point here. The way I see it, is that a number of Iranians who consider themselves patriotic (i. e. who reject any form of cooperation with the enemy) are nonetheless being subliminally influenced by the massive propaganda beamed into their country by foreign-based anti-Iran media, a propaganda whose narratives are pretty omnipresent in Iranian society, as relatives, the odd taxi driver one might catch, colleagues and friends etc will keep repeating these narratives and mantras, which in turn will psychologically saturate even patriots in their immediate interactive environment on a daily basis, and this in turn will leave subtle, inconspicuous marks upon their own way of thinking and seeing things.

For instance, some people will happily condemn the exiled opposition and their foreign-funded satellite TV broadcasters when asked, yet will unknowingly adopt the general mindset these broadcasters are busy cultivating amongst Iranians. Which is to say, they won't repeat the exact propagandistic news items these channels spread nor will they politically side with them, but they'll nonetheless adopt the broad mood said channels will provoke with their viewers to fall into.

More precisely, we're talking about a pointedly negativistic, gloomy, defeatist, depressed mood whose comparative outlook couldn't be more flawed (i. e. they're oblivious to where Iran actually stands when compared to other countries, both developed and developing ones); a mood that systematically considers anything related to Iran and to the Islamic Republic in a biased, ill-informed, unrealistic and negative light, and where Iranians affected by it grossly under-evaluate and downplay their own objective standing and situation.

As some would say, the mindset engineered by these foreign-based broadcasters is that which leads Iranians to hit their heads (figuratively speaking) day in day out, lamenting continuously:

"vaay che babdakht shodim maa, akhe cheghadar bichaareim, vaay che zalil hastim!",

"vaay torokhodaa in hamsayehamuno negaa, che pishraftaayi kardan, maa badbakhtaaye bichaare mundim aghab",

"vaay hameye mardom dar gharb alaan neshastan lengaashuno deraaz kardano daaran keyf mikonan, maa tefliaa injaa vaaseye ye tikke nune bayaat baayest bodo-bodo konim",

"bisharaf nezaam ke in badbakhtaairo saremun ovorde, khaak tu sare in nezaam",

"tamaamiye aaghaayune nezaam dar ra'seshun sepaahiaa vo khode shakhse rahbar alaan daaran tu gharb miraghsan baa pulaaye baalaa keshide, mardomo goshne gozaashtan",

and ridiculous, laughable nonsense like that.

This (perhaps in a slightly less carricatural form) is perceptible with a few Iranian users of this forum as well, and it is precisely where the humongous zio-American psy-ops campaign against the Iranian people has been, relatively speaking, most effective.

Needless to say, this needs to be countered firmly (but constructively and with as little hostiilty as possible), selflessly and decisively by those patriotic Iranians endowed with the required political intelligence and clearsightedness to realize what is going on.

Don't be intimidated and do not hesitate to stand up to this poisonous negativity nor to fend off those spreading it, for their only strength is their verbal aggressivity. Much like the criminal regimes whose propaganda is influencing them without them realizing it, at the end of the day they cannot do a thing and zio-Americans will leave empty-handed, defeated in their adament efforts to bring down the Islamic Republic as well as Iran herself (both of which are inextricably linked).
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It looks like these clowns dont believe in the "snap back" either..... :sarcastic:

Every now and then they are forced to come out of their own parallel fake universe and smell the coffee in the real world. Iran is under the most severe sanctions, possibly in history and yet they still cannot stand up to it. No wonder they're freaking out with the idea of such embargo being lifted. Unfortunately for them, they need to realise they have seen nothing yet. Iran today is a fraction compared to what it will become.

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