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Trump luring German firm into developing COVID-19 vaccine only for Americans: Report

May God help the scientists working in both Germany and US, in developing a vaccine or some sort of cure.

The premise of these reports is entirely BS, all acquisitions must be approved by regulators in the country of origin - in this case Germany/EU. Also the US Government does not own equity in private firms except when bail out of a private enterprise is in the public interest e.g. banks.

Seems to me that some clever German found a way of boasting the stocks of a German company.
The premise of these reports is entirely BS, all acquisitions must be approved by regulators in the country of origin - in this case Germany/EU. Also the US Government does not own equity in private firms except when bail out of a private enterprise is in the public interest e.g. banks.

Seems to me that some clever German found a way of boasting the stocks of a German company.
Maybe but I was commenting or trials going on or about to start on some promising drugs
this news is fake...statment from the German company

12.46 Uhr: Firma mit möglichem Impfstoff hat kein Angebot von Trump erhalten
Der Vertrieb eines möglichen Corona-Impfstoffs des Tübinger Biotech-Unternehmens CureVac ist nach Angaben der Firma noch völlig offen. Medienberichten zufolge versucht US-Präsident Donald Trump, das Medikament exklusiv für sein Land zu sichern und bietet der Firma dafür einen hohen Betrag. "Ein Angebot liegt uns nicht vor", sagte ein CureVac-Sprecher am Montag.

CureVac forscht derzeit an einem Impfstoff gegen das Coronavirus und hat dafür 8,3 Millionen US-Dollar Fördergeld (rund 7,5 Millionen Euro) von der Internationalen Impfstoff-Allianz CEPI ("Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations") bekommen. Auch die Bundesregierung ist Mitglied von CEPI. Wenn ein geeigneter Impfstoffkandidat gefunden und in klinischen Studien geprüft ist, will CureVac das Medikament selbst herstellen.

12.46 p.m .: Company with possible vaccine has not received an offer from Trump

According to the company, the sale of a possible corona vaccine from the Tübingen biotech company CureVac is still completely open. According to media reports, US President Donald Trump tries to secure the drug exclusively for his country and offers the company a large amount for it. "We don't have an offer," said a CureVac spokesman on Monday.

CureVac is currently researching a vaccine against the corona virus and has received $ 8.3 million in funding from the international vaccine alliance CEPI ("Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations"). The federal government is also a member of CEPI. When a suitable vaccine candidate is found and tested in clinical studies, CureVac wants to manufacture the drug itself.
Maybe but I was commenting or trials going on or about to start on some promising drugs

I know, I am just trying to dispel lies at a time when it can be very damaging. I think some people switch off their brain when they log into PDF and start to believe all kinds of nonsense.

Thanks @Georg
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