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Trump Just Dropped Chemical Weapons in a Major City, 100,000 Civilians Trapped


Apr 29, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Trump is now doing the unthinkable – in his war on terror, he has resulted to the use of chemical weapons.

Multiple reports are confirming that a US-led Coalition used white phosphorus-loaded ammunitions in heavily populated cities of Iraq and Syria. Thousands of civilians are known to be in the areas where the weapons were used according to The Washington Post.

Use of such weapons violates international humanitarian law due to the types of injuries it can cause when other weapons are available to do the job. While white phosphorus isn’t exactly outlawed by the Geneva Convention, it is still illegal to use in densely populated areas. And, here’s why:

“When a white phosphorus shell explodes, the chemical inside reacts with the air, creating a thick white cloud. When it comes in contact with flesh, it can maim and kill by burning to the bone.”

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“As many as 100,000 civilians trapped inside the Islamic State-held city of Raqqa are being given conflicting evacuation instructions according to Coalition statements and local reports, as US-backed ground forces finally assault the city supported by air and artillery strikes.

Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) started their slow encirclement of Raqqa last November. Artillery and airstrikes have rained down since then killing hundreds of civilians in the near region according to monitors, though the final operation to take the city commenced officially only on June 6th. In a press release published that day, the Coalition stressed that “The SDF have encouraged civilians to depart Raqqah so that they do not become trapped, used as human shields or become targets for ISIS snipers.”

Right now it’s unclear how many civilian casualties were incurred but so far the Pentagon has confirmed that the United States has killed at least 500 innocent people since it first started its operations. Many believe that’s a very conservative estimate and that the death toll is far higher. U.K. based Airways claims the death toll has so far reached 3,800 civilians.

The UN Just Accused the US of Killing 300 Civilians Since Last Week in Raqqa
June 15, 2017 at 3:16 am
Written by Darius Shahtahmasebi

According to a U.N. Commission of Inquiry tasked with investigating violations of international war crimes and crimes against humanity in Syria, the intensification of airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition has led to a “staggering loss of civilian life,” the Guardian reports.

The U.N. war crimes investigators found that since the acceleration of airstrikes in the Syrian city of Raqqa commenced last week, 300 civilians have already died. This statistic arguably makes Bashar al-Assad pale in comparison; Assad’s regime reportedly killsapproximately 20-50 people in any given week.

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“We note in particular that the intensification of air strikes, which have paved the ground for an SDF advance in Raqqa, has resulted not only in staggering loss of civilian life, but has also led to 160,000 civilians fleeing their homes and becoming internally displaced,” Paulo Pinheiro, the chairman of the U.N. Commission of Inquiry told the human rights council in Geneva.

According to Karen Abuzayd, an American commissioner on the independent panel, the figure of 300 is based only on deaths caused by airstrikes. Therefore, the figure of civilian deaths caused by troops on the ground may ultimately higher.

As the Guardian also notes, speculation that the coalition has been using white phosphorous has already drawn strong condemnation.

Not surprisingly, this operation was conducted with full knowledge that there would be mass suffering for the civilian population. At the end of May of this year, Secretary of Defense James “Mad Dog” Mattis announced that the U.S. would be switching to so-called “annihilation tactics” against ISIS, stating:

“Our intention is that the foreign fighters do not survive the fight to return home to North Africa, to Europe, to America, to Asia, to Africa, we are not going to allow them to do so…We are going to stop them there and take apart the caliphate.”

According to Mattis, civilian deaths “are a fact of life in this sort of situation.” However, Mattis did add that the U.S. military would “do everything humanly possible consistent with military necessity, taking many chances to avoid civilian casualties at all costs.”

Mattis’ announcement that the U.S. would annihilate ISIS (and massacre civilians by the hundreds) is still somewhat dubious, considering video footageappears to have emerged of ISIS fighters fleeing the conflict in Raqqa safely despite the hundreds of bombs and white phosphorous loaded munitions U.S.-backed forces have been dropping over the city. It has been speculated that in reality, these ISIS fighters are being granted safe passage to put added pressure on the Syrian government, a longtime adversary of the United States.

Further, using a dangerous element like white phosphorous and burying over 300 civilians after approximately a week of fighting seems, on the face of it, to be nothing short of a blatant war crime. The Commission of Inquiry and the mainstream media may not use the term “war crime” outright, but that is surely an inference one can draw from their calculations.

If anything, it would appear the U.S. is annihilating civilians — and not much else.
u.s is the slap on the name humanity.no morals no consideration they should atleast treat syrians equal to their pets
They'll create more terrorist from these attacks. When will they learn?
If the news is true, US is committing crime against humanity and war crimes.
World should take notice.
Americans have made tens of wars against other countries and killed millions since their independence from British.


Since their fake 9/11, millions of Muslims have been killed. They are extremist freemason jews and are the bloody enemy of Islam.

Two mason 9/11s by Americans and Saudi regime in same day and even time:

New York 9/11 , 2001: 10 am local time (=2 pm GMT)

Mecca 9/11 , 2015: 5 pm local time (=2 pm GMT)


Inshallah these freemason jews will end soon. Jews will get defeated according to predictions of prophet Muhammad (S).
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They'll create more terrorist from these attacks. When will they learn?
that is their actual mission to promote terrorism in the world and defame Islam and Muslims .World especially Muslims should bycott buying u.s weapons only then they will learn the lesson
They'll create more terrorist from these attacks. When will they learn?

IMO, terrorist is wrong word, US is compelling/forcing people for revenge or retaliation.
In other words, US is a state inflicting terrorism and those who are seeking revenge/retaliation are doing it in individual capacity or small groups; because there is no justice system in present world to try USA for its atrocities against humanity, no country/government which could pressurise USA.
So the vaccum resulting in creation of such individuals/small pressure groups who have their own ideas to punish/rein such brutal force.
We better called them 'Retaliators'.
that is their actual mission to promote terrorism in the world and defame Islam and Muslims .World especially Muslims should bycott buying u.s weapons only then they will learn the lesson

the followers of tagut made their awliyah shaytan.. they wont learn..

Trump is now doing the unthinkable – in his war on terror, he has resulted to the use of chemical weapons.

Multiple reports are confirming that a US-led Coalition used white phosphorus-loaded ammunitions in heavily populated cities of Iraq and Syria. Thousands of civilians are known to be in the areas where the weapons were used according to The Washington Post.

Use of such weapons violates international humanitarian law due to the types of injuries it can cause when other weapons are available to do the job. While white phosphorus isn’t exactly outlawed by the Geneva Convention, it is still illegal to use in densely populated areas. And, here’s why:

“When a white phosphorus shell explodes, the chemical inside reacts with the air, creating a thick white cloud. When it comes in contact with flesh, it can maim and kill by burning to the bone.”

Just In: Conservative Talks About ‘Appearance Of Taint’ With Trump; Internet Dies Laughing

“As many as 100,000 civilians trapped inside the Islamic State-held city of Raqqa are being given conflicting evacuation instructions according to Coalition statements and local reports, as US-backed ground forces finally assault the city supported by air and artillery strikes.

Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) started their slow encirclement of Raqqa last November. Artillery and airstrikes have rained down since then killing hundreds of civilians in the near region according to monitors, though the final operation to take the city commenced officially only on June 6th. In a press release published that day, the Coalition stressed that “The SDF have encouraged civilians to depart Raqqah so that they do not become trapped, used as human shields or become targets for ISIS snipers.”

Right now it’s unclear how many civilian casualties were incurred but so far the Pentagon has confirmed that the United States has killed at least 500 innocent people since it first started its operations. Many believe that’s a very conservative estimate and that the death toll is far higher. U.K. based Airways claims the death toll has so far reached 3,800 civilians.


allahs fire awaitaning them is far more severe than this
the followers of tagut made their awliyah shaytan.. they wont learn..

allahs fire awaitaning them is far more severe than this
please use capital letter for ALLAH ALMIGHTY NAME.
Americans have made tens of wars against other countries and killed millions since their independence from British.


Since their fake 9/11, millions of Muslims have been killed. They are extremist freemason jews and are the bloody enemy of Islam.

Two mason 9/11s by Americans and Saudi regime in same day and even time:

New York 9/11 , 2001: 10 am local time (=2 pm GMT)

Mecca 9/11 , 2015: 5 pm local time (=2 pm GMT)


Inshallah these freemason jews will end soon. Jews will get defeated according to predictions of prophet Muhammad (S).
If the news is true, US is committing crime against humanity and war crimes.
World should take notice.

u.s is the slap on the name humanity.no morals no consideration they should atleast treat syrians equal to their pets

Let us be realistic here.

What do you think happens in war? Exchange of roses?

They have created 'precision strike munitions' to address the problem of collateral damage but civilian casualties are inevitable in urban environments. We can only pray for their safety but they should try to abandon those regions and migrate to safer places for their own good.

By the way, Bashar al-Assad is responsible for mess in Syria. When Syrian people came to the streets and called for him to step down, he decided to address the matter with violence.
Let us be realistic here.

What do you think happens in war? Exchange of roses?

They have created 'precision strike munitions' to address the problem of collateral damage but civilian casualties are inevitable in urban environments. We can only pray for their safety but they should try to abandon those regions and migrate to safer places for their own good.

By the way, Bashar al-Assad is responsible for mess in Syria. When Syrian people came to the streets and called for him to step down, he decided to address the matter with violence.

Let us be realistic here.

What do you think happens in war? Exchange of roses?

They have created 'precision strike munitions' to address the problem of collateral damage but civilian casualties are inevitable in urban environments. We can only pray for their safety but they should try to abandon those regions and migrate to safer places for their own good.

By the way, Bashar al-Assad is responsible for mess in Syria. When Syrian people came to the streets and called for him to step down, he decided to address the matter with violence.
if the problem is limirted only to Syria then your point has value but it is spread in all countries invaded by u.s such as afghanistan iraq lybia and is increasing more as u.s carry out more strike which shows u.s is not sincere in stopping terrorism but is supporting and promoting it for their economic and religious objectives.if one is sincere results are always positive which example is Pakistan Army who is the only army in the world who defeated terrorists and now their is peace in the country

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