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Trump claims Iran or its proxies planning a ‘sneak attack,’ warns of a ‘heavy price’


Jul 25, 2016
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Trump claims Iran or its proxies planning a ‘sneak attack,’ warns of a ‘heavy price’

President Trump speaks with reporters during a briefing in the Rose Garden this week. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
John Wagner and
Louisa Loveluck
April 2, 2020 at 1:36 a.m. GMT+7

President Trump asserted Wednesday, without citing specific evidence, that Iran or an Iran-backed militia is planning a “sneak attack” on U.S. troops or assets in Iraq and warned that Iran would “pay a very heavy price” if it were carried out.

The saber-rattling from Trump comes as Iran-backed militias are becoming more audacious in attacking U.S. personnel in Iraq, with rocket strikes on military bases occurring more frequently and, for the first time, in broad daylight.

U.S. officials say they are receiving near-daily reports of “imminent” attacks planned against U.S.-linked military or diplomatic facilities.

“Upon information and belief, Iran or its proxies are planning a sneak attack on U.S. troops and/or assets in Iraq,” Trump said in his tweet, without providing elaboration. “If this happens, Iran will pay a very heavy price, indeed!”


The tensions come amid a coronavirus pandemic that has increasingly occupied Trump and taken a particularly hard toll on Iran at a time when the United States is expanding sanctions against the country. It remains unclear how much control Iran maintains over its various proxy groups.

It is also unclear how much of an appetite Americans would have for another crisis as the death toll from the coronavirus rises in the United States.

A Washington Post-ABC News poll in January showed that Americans were divided over Trump’s handling of the situation with Iran generally, with 45 percent approving and 47 percent disapproving.

The survey came shortly after the U.S. strike in Iraq that killed Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, Iran’s chief military strategist. In the Post-ABC poll, 53 percent supported Trump’s order of the drone strike while 41 percent opposed it.


Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs David Schenker told reporters late last month that the United States would “take what steps that we see necessary” to retaliate for militia violence directed at U.S. troops or assets. But the administration remains divided over how, or even whether, to strike back.

“It’s clear that they have the desire, the willingness, and the equipment to hit us,” an official familiar with the issue said last week, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the topic. Decisions over how to respond to a new attack would be influenced by its scale and lethality, the official said, as well as the type of weapons used.

Trump’s threat comes as the U.S.-led coalition is shrinking and consolidating its force in Iraq, ending its operations in smaller military bases and moving hundreds of troops into larger ones, or abroad.


The force is stationed in Iraq to fight the Islamic State militant group. That fight is essentially over, but military officials in Baghdad say the coalition drawdown is also partly linked to rising tensions between the United States and Iran.

“We’re taking precautions,” said one official, adding that various threats “coming across the threat stream” have become an everyday occurrence.

As tensions simmer, the Pentagon has beefed up defenses at Iraqi military bases hosting U.S. troops. Last week, it deployed Patriot missile defense batteries at two facilities that were targeted with Iranian ballistic missiles in January, according to U.S. and Iraqi officials. The Patriot system, made up of high-performance radars and interceptors, is designed to defend against such attacks.
So it's not a sneak attack?
Well,probably not by the us at any rate.....then again you can never tell with fascist dirtbags like chump,its not like they`re rational people or anything.:cuckoo:
Start a foreign war if u have failed miserably to contain a virus domestically
Aren't american supposed to leave Iraq due to the Iraqi parliament decision a while ago which resulted in threatening Iraqis by sanctions?
They occupied Iraq created mayhem and chaos in it and still insists Iraqis are listing to Iran and are Iranian proxy .. no Iraqis are Iraqis and now majority of them have decided to kick you out they've sought it first through parliament and now through force ... what does it have with Iran?

It's funny first they replace "invasion" by "liberation" and now wants Iraqis to pay for it & meanwhile to justify their presence continue to make mayhem ...
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