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Trump announces Israel-Morocco to normalize relations

Peace or arab surrender???
Surrender. The Arab states, with the exception of Algeria, had never fought for independence and had their western rulers hand them their pseudo independence while remaining under their protection. Today's masters in the Arab world are no longer France and Britain, but the US and Israel.
I don't see a single Arab regime surviving for another 10 years. It's gonna be a short lived phase and after that the people of the region need to have the courage to take a step towards God and form a state that will adhere to our covenant with God. For spiritual and moral purification, and more importantly to rightfully so worship our Creator.

The Lord:

"(The unbelievers are) those who took their Religion (the one appointed for them by God) for a play and pastime (and have made play and fun their own religion), and present, worldly life deluded them. So We are oblivious of them today (concerning forgiveness and favoring), as they were oblivious of the encounter of this Day of theirs, and were obstinately rejecting Our Revelations."
Wonderful news!!! I couldn't be happier. Natural allies, natural friends. So many Israelis of Moroccan heritage!

Only the savages oppose peace. We know who they are.
The Pakistani questions "who is Morocco to make peace with Israel" - it's a sovereign state making its own decisions, not the decisions of pan-Arabism, Islamism or angry kids in Karachi/Birmingham.

The question again is, why a Pakistani in the UK (who seems to have more love for Pakistan than the UK) is frothing at the mouth because two countries that have NOTHING to do with you or Pakistan, are making peace.

Isn't it just the fact that Islamist-minded Pakistanis such as yourself detest peace? that you thrive on endless wars and divisions? especially when you don't have to fight in any wars or be personally affected, but you sit in your couch in Birmingham deriding people in another region trying to make peace.

Yalla habibi, go and make some samosas or something and leave the M.E to actual middle easterners.
Morocco is a province of Saudi Arabi. Morocco has so many masters, among them France, USA, Israel, GCC and others. A French ambassador once said about Morocco that it is like a prostitute, you don't love it, but you somehow feel obligated to defend it. lol
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I really don't get why Pakistanis are getting butthurt over it.

Begaani shaadi mein Abdullah deewana.
I don't see a single Arab regime surviving for another 10 years. It's gonna be a short lived phase and after that the people of the region need to have the courage to take a step towards God and form a state that will adhere to our covenant with God. For spiritual and moral purification, and more importantly to rightfully so worship our Creator.

The Lord:

"(The unbelievers are) those who took their Religion (the one appointed for them by God) for a play and pastime (and have made play and fun their own religion), and present, worldly life deluded them. So We are oblivious of them today (concerning forgiveness and favoring), as they were oblivious of the encounter of this Day of theirs, and were obstinately rejecting Our Revelations."

What about Israelis they say their God gave them the land. I disagree with the god arguments.

Arab monarchies have always been doing this, that's the only reason the west spared them from the wars we've gone through.
What about Israelis they say their God gave them the land. I disagree with the god arguments.

Arab monarchies have always been doing this, that's the only reason the west spared them from the wars we've gone through.
Yes smart boy. Saddam 'ussein shoulda not been a such firebrand little bish and maybe Iraq could also have been thriving like KSA. Both y'alls oil levels are roughly the same.
The Lord:

"(The unbelievers are) those who took their Religion (the one appointed for them by God) for a play and pastime (and have made play and fun their own religion),


You sound almost Zarthosti.

Cheers, Doc
I really don't get why Pakistanis are getting butthurt over it.

Begaani shaadi mein Abdullah deewana.
All the Pakistanis that I know care about the Palestinian struggle for independence from the Zionist invader.
Wonderful news!!! I couldn't be happier. Natural allies, natural friends. So many Israelis of Moroccan heritage!

Only the savages oppose peace. We know who they are.
Israeli tourists can't wait to go to Morocco enjoy Moroccan prostitutes just like did in Dubai last week. lol
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