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True story of Kargil from an Indian army officer. Pakistan was winning until Nawaz Sharif messed it

Typical propaganda. Take half clips of an interview. I call such videos as lies.
Anyways Gen Bakshi is talking about his days when he was a CO in Kargil during 1990-1991, if I am not wrong. He is talking about the situation before and after he came as CO, and his aggressive actions.
A few considering it as his comments on Kargil War and taking a pot shot their own PM. Lolz.
Lolz... You think those LGB's are going to delivered on foot. The only contact there would be a 1000 lb'er kissing the Pakistani post. You think you would be allowed a vantage point, during a war? Ofcourse Indian posts will be at risk too, but then its war, and no war is without risks.

You mind is too high on the weed called bollywood
might want to lay off a bit mate
and re read my post
You mind is too high on the weed called bollywood
might want to lay off a bit mate
and re read my post

Yes yes ... Every ones in weed....

Ask Musharraf what happened last time when he thought the same way as you thought. Cutting off supplies to Siachen?.. you will only be allowed to dream of it only. If the dream goes too far, you will be violently shaken out of it. So much so, that your Army has even given up on that thought. So I say again, you holding a post has no meaning. I'd rather say it's just an Excalibur away. And going by the way your Army is behaving on LoC, hiding casualties, it seems IA is already using heavy handed methods, a pre-cursor for the things to come. So you can try your luck with hitting every post in contact, and try to deprive Indian forces of precious highway.
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