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Trudeau accuses Indian government of involvement in killing of Canadian Sikh leader

If Sunak is not popular, then vote him out. It is none of Indian business or concern. It is an internal issue of UK. Why should India be bothered about these polls?

Same is the case with Canada. Who comes to power isn’t Indian concern.

Indian concern should be that, whoever comes to power in UK or Canada shouldn’t support anti-India activities.

Justin is clutching on to any way to get more votes. Khalistani vote bank is one solid block and generally goes solid in one direction. Justin is hoping to get that and remain in power. He will come around if he wins the next elections.
I can see the language you use with your mother and sisters, but you are not addressing them right now, retard. Ignored. The moderators and admins should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this kind of language.

you imply a lot Indian but can’t blame you being bred by slum dwellers and raised in the slum of course your mouth is full of shit bringing others mothers and sisters in a post while having nothing to say except beg beg beg to a mod when losing an argument with posters .
The only persons who should be ashamed are you Indians with no life no hope no dreams no future and only form of entertainment being trolls on a Pakistani forum which despises abhors you all for which you are .

If Sunak is not popular, then vote him out. It is none of Indian business or concern. It is an internal issue of UK. Why should India be bothered about these polls?

Same is the case with Canada. Who comes to power isn’t Indian concern.

Indian concern should be that, whoever comes to power in UK or Canada shouldn’t support anti-India activities.

Justin is clutching on to any way to get more votes. Khalistani vote bank is one solid block and generally goes solid in one direction. Justin is hoping to get that and remain in power. He will come around if he wins the next elections.

Yes Sunak is not liked nobody voted for him in Britain but was just replying to the copy and paste troll who pasted a picture as if he has any say in world affairs

On topic of Sunak
Recent poll in U.K. shows

Labour lead at 22
Labour 47% (+3 from May)
Conservatives 25% (-3)
Lib Dems 13% (-)
Greens 8% (+2)
Other 8% (-)

The fundamentals are bad for the Cons - very bad!
Satisfaction with govt running the country- Satisfied 12% (-3 from May)
- Dissatisfied 80% (+4)
Net of -68 essentially the same as Truss govt score of -69 in Oct.
Also this news story is now making the airwaves in Britain

Portrait of Gurpreet Singh Johal


Brother of Briton held in India says UK government is ‘more talk and no action’​

Gurpreet Singh Johal calls for increased pressure to free brother Jagtar after Rishi Sunak raised case with Narendra Modi

The brother of a British man held in an Indian jail for six years fears the UK government is “more talk” and “no action”, after Rishi Sunak raised the case with Narendra Modi at the recent G20 summit in Delhi.

Jagtar Singh Johal, 36, claims to have been tortured and forced to make a confession since he was detained in India in 2017. He faces terrorism charges and the first stages of his trial have only just got under way after repeated delays caused by disputes over evidence. He denies the charges, and he could face a death sentence if convicted.

More than 70 MPs had called on Sunak before the summit to request Johal’s release and the British prime minister said he raised the case with his Indian counterpart. He told broadcasters in Delhi: “Yes, I was able to, alongside a range of other consular issues that Prime Minister Modi and I discussed in the time that we had.”

Johal’s older brother, Gurpreet, a solicitor and Labour councillor on West Dunbartonshire council who has campaigned tirelessly over the case, said: “I fear that this is just more talk from the UK government and no action.”

While he was pleased that the prime minister had raised his brother’s case, he said it was not enough unless Sunak called for his release, in line with findings of the UN working group on arbitrary detention that acknowledged Johal’s arbitrary detention was in breach of human rights law and said he should be freed immediately. The government has previously argued it would not be in Johal’s best interests to do so.

“Clearly, the prime minister had no option other than to raise Jagtar’s case after so many members of parliament demanded he do so,” Gurpreet said. “The campaign continues until Jagtar is back home in Scotland.”

Jagtar Singh Johal

Jagtar Singh Johal has been held since 2017. Photograph: PA
He believes the government is reluctant to take a stronger stance because it is “hellbent” on trying to secure a free trade deal with India. After 18 months of tortuous negotiations, the UK has yet to seal an agreement that was one of the great promises of Brexit.

It is categorically clear why they’re trying to do everything to appease the Indians, but the fact remains that the UK pride themselves on standing up for human rights, then they have to do so here,” Gurpreet said.

The legal NGO Reprieve, which is representing Johal, said previous prime ministers had also raised the case but Johal remained in prison.

“The government often says ministers have raised the case a hundred times, as if that makes their failure to seek the release of an arbitrarily detained British national any less shameful,” said Reprieve’s joint executive director Maya Foa. “What did Rishi Sunak say to Narendra Modi about the case and how did he respond? Without answers to these questions, the prime minister’s talk is meaningless.”

Gurpreet, 38, recalled a phone call he received in the UK on 4 November 2017 from his sister-in-law in Punjab days after the couple’s wedding. She She was in a panic, he said, having seen her husband abducted, hooded and pulled into a van by plainclothes officers.

Johal was held incommunicado for 10 days and denied consular assistance or access to a lawyer. He was accused of a role in killings by the Khalistan Liberation Force (KLF), a banned terrorist organisation – a charge he denies.

“There’s not a day that goes by that you wish you could turn back the clock and we never went to India,” Gurpreet said. Over the last six years he has had two video calls with Johal. Their last phone call was in early August.

Today it’s my brother, tomorrow it could be yours,” he said. “If Britain doesn’t stand up for its citizens then we’re going to be liable to problems in every single country.”

Earlier this year, newly filed court papers revealed that the Foreign Office had asked for claims to be examined in a secret court that Johal was detained and tortured after the security services passed intelligence to the Indian government.

Last year, Boris Johnson acknowledged that the Indian authorities had arbitrarily detained Johal and said the UK government had consistently raised concerns about his treatment and right to a fair trial.

Gurpreet said: “It’s categorically clear, if I don’t put pressure, with the community and the support that we do have, then the UK government would have sat idle and they will let this drag on for as long as they can. I’ve just got to keep fighting because if I don’t do it, nobody else is going to do it.”

A UK government spokesperson said: “The UK government is committed to seeing Jagtar Singh Johal’s case resolved as soon as possible. We continue to provide consular assistance to Mr Johal and his family and have consistently raised his case directly with the government of India.”

UK in close touch with Canada over 'serious allegations' against India​

September 19, 20237:55 AM GMT+1Updated an hour ago

A sign outside the Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara temple is seen after the killing on its grounds in June 2023 of Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar, in Surrey

A sign outside the Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara temple is seen after the killing on its grounds in June 2023 of Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar, in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada September 18, Acquire Licensing Rights Read more
LONDON, Sept 19 (Reuters) - Britain said on Tuesday it was in close touch with its Canadian partners about "serious allegations" from Ottawa that the Indian government was involved in the murder of a Sikh separatist leader in Canada.
"We are in close touch with our Canadian partners about these serious allegations," a government spokesperson said.
"It would be inappropriate to comment further during the ongoing investigation by the Canadian authorities."

Canada said on Monday it was "actively pursuing credible allegations" that linked Indian government agents to Hardeep Singh Nijjar's murder in British Columbia in June.
India dismissed the accusation as "absurd and motivated" and urged Canada instead to take legal action against anti-Indian elements operating from its soil.
Canada also expelled India's top intelligence agent in the country, while New Delhi expelled a Canadian diplomat.
Reporting by Sachin Ravikumar; Editing by Kate Holton

RIP to a great freedom fighter
you are hosting a convicted criminal and terrorist who caused hundreds of deaths in india. India will hunt such terrorists anywhere in the world and it has every right. Shame on Canada to host terrorists for sake of vote bank politics . Hail INDIA
Mate, keep your shit in the pind where it belongs. Also JT has not proved anything beyond allegations, neither has GOI provided anything to prove its innocence. AFAIK, it's still under investigation.

We don't need India's communal/religious/regional conflicts here in Canada, we've got enough problems of our own as you do. So before you get your nationalistic chaddis on as desis tend to do, do you believe GOI's stance on the issue/alleged criminal without a shadow of a doubt? Do you believe GOI shared credible intelligence with GOC on the alleged criminal's activities?

Again PSA: keep your shit at home. We're tired of subsidizing your hate wars.
Do you honestly think that the US would tolerate India openly assassinating citizens of Canada?
As a person of Indian origin, I would like to say that if the allegations are true, it's disappointing to see India stoop to US's level in an amateurish manner.

As a Canadian, US/Canada would never invoke article 5 because desis are the biggest source of minimum wage suppressing labor here in Canada (alongside Filipinos and Nigerians), and inflating the property bubble.

As a working class individual, I am beyond tired of the punjabi-tamil gang violence, pakistani-indian violence, latino-nigerian gang violence here, I just want to live my life without worrying if I'm gonna be safe on my way to work and back, and even more importantly if my kids are gonna be safe in school without this hateful shit spilling over into it.
That's not a Canadian diplomat. He's a kiwi living in India married to an indian. Stop posting your usual BS fake videos from disinfo lab.

World's largest democracy 😅 At least gotta thank China for being a bigger threat so we can overlook India's transgressions for now 😏🤭
@Hamartia Antidote @F-22Raptor @Get Ya Wig Split et al
The whole West is too busy propping up India for the past two decades...I have said it before and I'll say it again it will come back to bite y'all in the arse big time...more so than China...
in a formal statement issued on Tuesday, the Australian government said it was “deeply concerned” by the claims of assassination and declared that “all countries should respect sovereignty and the rule of law”.

Albanese was reluctant to be drawn on the issue at a media conference in Melbourne on Tuesday.
“I don’t talk about Five Eyes intelligence at a press conference, funnily enough, that’s why it’s called intelligence, because we don’t speculate on what the intelligence is,” the Australian prime minister said.

Australia and Canada are both members of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing arrangement, along with the US, the UK and New Zealand.

India should kill few Khalistanis in UK too. Also in Australia

This fetish of pajeets to become zionist Israel is good for us

No suspicious circumstances in death of UK Sikh separatist leader - police

West Midlands Police have confirmed that they are not opening an investigation into the death of Sikh separatist activist Avtar Singh Khanda.

Khanda died on 15 June in Birmingham after a sudden illness.

In the wake of the Canadian government’s announcement that they have credible evidence of Indian involvement in the death of another Sikh separatist leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, Khalistan-supporting groups in the UK have repeated calls for an investigation into Khanda’s death.

In a statement on Tuesday, West Midlands Police told BBC News: “Following speculation surrounding the death of Avtar Singh Khanda, a thorough review was undertaken by West Midlands Police which concluded that there were no suspicious circumstances.”
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