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Troops to target foreign militants


Jan 21, 2013
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Cooperation from Afghan security forces vital

January 27, 2014 | Maqbool Malik


ISLAMABAD - Security forces of Pakistan are going to launch an operation to eliminate hideouts of foreign militants in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata), sources said on Sunday.

Although there is no credible information available about the total number of foreign militants, a conservative estimate suggests there are thousands of them and they belong to various countries of Central Asia, Middle East, Africa and Europe.

The biggest troublemakers among them are those from the Central Asia, mostly Turkmen, Tajiks and Uzbeks who are believed to have been targeting Pakistani security forces as well as stoking sectarian strife in the country.

A small number of the foreign militants are associated with TTP but majority of them is still associated with Afghanistan based al-Qaeda. They infiltrate through the porous Pak-Afghan border and return to Afghanistan after accomplishing their missions.

Interestingly, the TTP which has established its headquarter in eastern Kunur and Nuristan provinces of Afghanistan have a sizeable number of Afghan militants in its ranks and file and they have been often targeting Pakistani security forces on Pak-Afghan border.

According to government sources security forces have been directed to search for hideouts of foreign militants and target them. However, knowledgeable sources in the security forces believe it would be an uphill task unless there is full cooperation from the Afghan security forces as they flee to Afghanistan whenever under pressure from the Pakistani troops.

The lacklustre approach of Afghan security forces in manning border on their side is a major problem in tracking down the foreign militants, sources said, adding that despite repeated requests Pakistan is not getting due support from the neighbouring country.

“The situation on the other side of the border is very dismal,” a senior government functionary remarked, pointing to role of Indian intelligence agencies which are hell bent on destabilising Pakistan by using the Afghan soil.

The official speaking on condition of anonymity said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during his recent visit to Kabul emphasised the need for enhanced cooperation for the management of Pak-Afghan border but Afghan authorities have done nothing so far.

“Unless Afghan authorities positively respond to Pakistan’s pleas, no effective border management could be done “, sources said, stressing the need for effective bilateral cooperation to counter terrorism.

They were of the view that for an effective action against TTP militants or Afghanistan based al-Qaeda members, bilateral cooperation on long term basis is imperative. “One sided efforts would not bear much fruit to establish peace and stability in the region”, a senior government official said.

Troops to target foreign militants - The Nation
Foreign or domestic get rid of these idiots.
Cooperation from Afghan security forces vital

January 27, 2014 | Maqbool Mal
According to government sources security forces have been directed to search for hideouts of foreign militants and target them. However, knowledgeable sources in the security forces believe it would be an uphill task unless there is full cooperation from the Afghan security forces as they flee to Afghanistan whenever under pressure from the Pakistani troops.

Troops to target foreign militants - The Nation

This is where the problem arises. The Afghani government is more concerned about their daydreams of Durand line then armed militia secretly funded..
According to government sources security forces have been directed to search for hideouts of foreign militants and target them. However, knowledgeable sources in the security forces believe it would be an uphill task unless there is full cooperation from the Afghan security forces as they flee to Afghanistan whenever under pressure from the Pakistani troops.

This is the main point which i am arguing about all along, no military operation will be successful till the time militants can flee over to Afghanistan and why would the Afghan security corporate, after all they are the ones sheltering anti Pakistan elements.

Unless the government of Nawaz is willing to take tough decisions allowing the security forces to cross over and hit specially allowing the PAF to strike beyond, the operation will result in a failure. Terrorists will simply cross over only to unite latter and come back. its high time to either make tough decisions or back off altogether.
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