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shows how much u love troll... dear you opened a thread on troll !! :lol:
A good idea

Like a " Trash Can' where we can disgorge ourselves.

Could we separate this can into Recyclable ( meriting up to an infraction) and non recyclable ( worth banning) trash ?
guys its a for fun thread yes we ll have to get mods to look at and approve it but a gud trash can as third eye said
There should be some rules to troll..

Rules for Trolling

1 - No Abusive Words
2 - Only Factual Trolls Allowed
3 - If it is from Indians.. it may well be nonsensical
and finally..
4 - Keep it for fun only.. no personal attacks!
5 - No Mods Allowed! Even if Mods enter, their status must remain equal to general members.
all the participants of this thread shall be banned.
There should be some rules to troll..

Rules for Trolling

1 - No Abusive Words
2 - Only Factual Trolls Allowed
3 - If it is from Indians.. it may well be nonsensical
and finally..
4 - Keep it for fun only.. no personal attacks!
5 - No Mods Allowed! Even if Mods enter, their status must remain equal to general members.
that can work except the last onne
Koe page to ho jahan MODS apna MODPUNA na dekha sakhen.. they are also humans, they also need some rest!
Someone is gonna get a Infraction soon!

Lemme hang around Hall of SHame :P
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