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Trilateral memorandum between Türkiye, Finland and Sweden

Trilateral memorandum between Türkiye, Finland and Sweden​

  1. Today the representatives of Turkiye, Finland and Sweden, under the auspices of the NATO Secretary General, have agreed the following.
  2. NATO is an Alliance based on the principles of collective defence and the indivisibility of security, as well as on common values. Turkiye, Finland and Sweden affirm their adherence to the principles and values enshrined in the Washington Treaty.
  3. One of the key elements of the Alliance is unwavering solidarity and cooperation in the fight against terrorism, in all its forms and manifestations, which constitutes a direct threat to the national security of Allies as well as to international peace and security.
  4. As prospective NATO Allies, Finland and Sweden extend their full support to Turkiye against threats to its national security. To that effect, Finland and Sweden will not provide support to YPG/PYD, and the organisation described as FETO in Turkiye. Turkiye also extends its full support to Finland and Sweden against threats to their national security. Finland and Sweden reject and condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, in the strongest terms. Finland and Sweden unambiguously condemn all terrorist organisations perpetrating attacks against Turkiye, and express their deepest solidarity with Turkiye and the families of the victims.
  5. Finland and Sweden confirm that the PKK is a proscribed terrorist organisation. Finland and Sweden commit to prevent activities of the PKK and all other terrorist organisations and their extensions, as well as activities by individuals in affiliated and inspired groups or networks linked to these terrorist organisations. Turkiye, Finland and Sweden have agreed to step up cooperation to prevent the activities of these terrorist groups. Finland and Sweden reject the goals of these terrorist organisations.
  6. Further to this, Finland refers to several recent amendments of its Criminal Code by which new acts have been enacted as punishable terrorist crimes. The latest amendments entered into force on 1 January 2022, by which the scope of participation in the activity of a terrorist group has been widened. At the same time, public incitement related to terrorist offenses was criminalised as a separate offense. Sweden confirms that a new, tougher, Terrorist Offenses Act enters into force on 1 July, and that the government is preparing further tightening of counter-terrorism legislation.
  7. Turkiye, Finland and Sweden confirm that now there are no national arms embargoes in place between them. Sweden is changing its national regulatory framework for arms exports in relation to NATO Allies. In future, defence exports from Finland and Sweden will be conducted in line with Alliance solidarity and in accordance with the letter and spirit of article 3 of the Washington Treaty.
  8. Today, Turkiye, Finland and Sweden commit to the following concrete steps:
    • Establish a joint, structured dialogue and cooperation mechanism at all levels of government, including between law enforcement and intelligence agencies, to enhance cooperation on counter-terrorism, organised crime, and other common challenges as they so decide.
    • Finland and Sweden will conduct the fight against terrorism with determination, resolve, and in accordance with the provisions of the relevant NATO documents and policies, and will take all required steps to tighten further domestic legislation to this end.
    • Finland and Sweden will address Turkiye's pending deportation or extradition requests of terror suspects expeditiously and thoroughly, taking into account information, evidence and intelligence provided by Turkiye, and establish necessary bilateral legal frameworks to facilitate extradition and security cooperation with Turkiye, in accordance with the European Convention on Extradition.
    • Finland and Sweden will investigate and interdict any financing and recruitment activities of the PKK and all other terrorist organisations and their extensions, as well affiliates or inspired groups or networks as outlined in paragraph 5.
    • Turkiye, Finland and Sweden commit to fight disinformation, and prevent their domestic laws from being abused for the benefit or promotion of terrorist organisations, including through activities that incite violence against Turkiye.
    • Finland and Sweden will ensure that their respective national regulatory frameworks for arms exports enable new commitments to Allies and reflects their status as NATO members.
    • Finland and Sweden commit to support the fullest possible involvement of Turkiye and other non-EU Allies in the existing and prospective initiatives of the European Union's Common Security and Defence Policy, including Turkiye's participation in the PESCO Project on Military Mobility.
  9. For the implementation of these steps, Turkiye, Finland and Sweden will establish a Permanent Joint Mechanism, with the participation of experts from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Interior, and Justice, as well as Intelligence Services and Security Institutions. The Permanent Joint Mechanism will be open for others to join.
  10. Turkiye confirms its long-standing support for NATO's Open Door policy, and agrees to support at the 2022 Madrid Summit the invitation of Finland and Sweden to become members of NATO.
Better make sure the west is honest with Turkey, I get the feel they are just talking Hot Air as usual or just break the agreement when both are in NATO and Turkey cannot do anything about it.
Why dont you tell Turkey to be honest, and not insinuate certain agreements have been made not mentioned in the memorandum? Its all designed by Erdogan to feed the turkish population some emotional anti western nonsense, and gain something for Turkey from mainly the USA.
If the extradition of certain kurds living in Sweden really meant anything to Erdogan, why would he accept Sweden and Finland being invited into NATO on schedule?
Turkey is not going to block Sweden and Finland from joining. But they will make as much noise as possible, reminding the rest of us how important they are since they hold the power to disrupt. But in the end, a strong NATO is just as important for Turkey as it is for the rest of us.
Why dont you tell Turkey to be honest, and not insinuate certain agreements have been made not mentioned in the memorandum? Its all designed by Erdogan to feed the turkish population some emotional anti western nonsense, and gain something for Turkey from mainly the USA.
If the extradition of certain kurds living in Sweden really meant anything to Erdogan, why would he accept Sweden and Finland being invited into NATO on schedule?
Turkey is not going to block Sweden and Finland from joining. But they will make as much noise as possible, reminding the rest of us how important they are since they hold the power to disrupt. But in the end, a strong NATO is just as important for Turkey as it is for the rest of us.

Like what Greece did to Macedonia we can let them wait 20 years and wtf you want do against that?
Like what Greece did to Macedonia we can let them wait 20 years and wtf you want do against that?
Your attitude demonstrates exactly what this is about.
Every nation in NATO has the power to obstruct, since the alliance doesnt hold a formal process for suspending a member. But that doesnt mean it couldnt happen. Material breach of a countrys commitments under the NATO treaty would entitle the rest to suspend the operation of the treaty.

It would be foolish to believe nothing could be done about Turkey damaging its relations with other NATO countries.
Your attitude demonstrates exactly what this is about.
Every nation in NATO has the power to obstruct, since the alliance doesnt hold a formal process for suspending a member. But that doesnt mean it couldnt happen. Material breach of a countrys commitments under the NATO treaty would entitle the rest to suspend the operation of the treaty.

It would be foolish to believe nothing could be done about Turkey damaging its relations with other NATO countries.

believe me other countries wouldn't give fak about baltic countries, look to Ukrain if Germany and France would have chance to drop. They would do it with out hesistate, in background you people are for now nothing but burden. And Turkey would not give a fak about other countries, when assad threated Turkey with balistic missile back in the days they have withdrawn ther SAM systems. And when we shot down a russian fighter everbody looked ther head other side :p: . So why are you people special?
believe me other countries wouldn't give fak about baltic countries, look to Ukrain if Germany and France would have chance to drop. They would do it with out hesistate, in background you people are for now nothing but burden. And Turkey would not give a fak about other countries, when assad threated Turkey with balistic missile back in the days they have withdrawn ther SAM systems. And when we shot down a russian fighter everbody looked ther head other side :p: . So why are you people special?
Just another overly nationalistic turk living abroad, right? Me turkish, we strong, the rest must bow.. Get over yourself. Turkey needs NATO as much as the rest of us.
Normally NATO just sit it out and wait for a countrys government to come to its senses or a new government elected. Its not the first time Turkeys membership of NATO is being questioned. And as I said, the rest may be entitled to suspend the operation of the treaty.
Just another overly nationalistic turk living abroad, right? Me turkish, we strong, the rest must bow.. Get over yourself. Turkey needs NATO as much as the rest of us.
Normally NATO just sit it out and wait for a countrys government to come to its senses or a new government elected. Its not the first time Turkeys membership of NATO is being questioned. And as I said, the rest may be entitled to suspend the operation of the treaty.

Should suspend it as fast possible. :p:
Turkey is free to leave if they believe NATO is such a burden.


are you trolling, you are talking about suspending, when your own *** is on fire why demanding things from other countries? We will think about it, get it over.... :p:

are you trolling, you are talking about suspending, when your own *** is on fire why demanding things from other countries? We will think about it, get it over.... :p:
Like I said, your attitude demonstrates exactly what this is about. Turkish power, what can Turkey get out of it, using an alliance as a platform to gain politial points domestically.
Turkish forces are never going to defend anything in northern Europe, the Baltic Sea, the north Atlantic ocean or the arctic. So why shouldnt the rest of us tell Turkey to go thump its chest somewhere else?
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Like what Greece did to Macedonia we can let them wait 20 years and wtf you want do against that?
Macedonia as a Greek name, Greek culture and Greek modern modern administrative entity is millennia older than Slavic Macedonia which so much you Turks are cut off, a state and nation created by slavic communists.
The fact that there was a problem with the name of this state was recognized by the UN, even by states that recognized it by its then constitutional name, except of course the troublemaker of the region, the Turkey.
Like I said, your attitude demonstrates exactly what this is about. Turkish power, what can Turkey get out of it, using an alliance as a platform to gain politial points domestically.
Turkish forces are never going to defend anything in northern Europe, the Baltic Sea, the north Atlantic ocean or the arctic. So why shouldnt the rest of us tell Turkey to go thump its chest somewhere else?


we did send more then 5000 soldiers in Korean war back in the days, wtf did Denmark do? It is like toilet paper baltic states when it gets hot you people cry like a baby. In the Middle East it is always like this.

Macedonia as a Greek name, Greek culture and Greek modern modern administrative entity is millennia older than Slavic Macedonia which so much you Turks are cut off, a state and nation created by slavic communists.
The fact that there was a problem with the name of this state was recognized by the UN, even by states that recognized it by its then constitutional name, except of course the troublemaker of the region, the Turkey.

what a crap of load and because of this 20 years...

So you give Turkey legit reason to block the crying countries...

we did send more then 5000 soldiers in Korean war back in the days, wtf did Denmark do? It is like toilet paper baltic states when it gets hot you people cry like a baby. In the Middle East it is always like this.
Korea?. Welcome to the future. The 21st century is calling.
Greece again?
Why should you Turks always bring Greece as a comparison?
Finally getting serious.
dBSPL is the guy who used to say Greek members here are obsessed with Turkey,but he seems to be more obessed about Greece than others...


Screenshot_2022-06-29 full metal jacket - me so horny.jpg
O, so Turkey did defend members. :p:
The Korean war was a UN mission where Turkey responded in 1950. Turkey became a NATO member in 1952. So which fellow NATO country did Turkey defend back then in Korea?

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