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Tribals Regions Should be Constitutionalized

The only constitution we believe in topak zama kanoon. And big topak to people like mastan khan dallagan ghaddar pushtoons who stand against their biological brothers. People who have erased the great khans like khan abdul ghaffar and many others from history to call quaid baba e qom.
i do not agree with you as advocating for decvelopment is not selling our souls

And who are these people of Sarhad you are talking about ????? :)
I did not see anyone here in NWFP is thinking like reconsidering their loyalities.
As far being proud of our language and cultural Alhamdulliah those who have courage they are proud now its another matter if you are reluctant to speak ur language in front of some of your Urdu speaking friend or boss or anyone.

and BTW we are in much peace of mind in NWFP :)

Well did you ever go and question the ordinary public, not civil and goverment workers but ordinary people of sarhad and fata areas? well i guess not i have travelled from peshawar to fata to megora to swabi to topi to even attock and talked to many people so i believe that you can not just say that regional goverment of sarhad didint say anything, of course they wont they are part of the coprrupt seed and are placed in power by the federal goverment.
Well did you ever go and question the ordinary public, not civil and goverment workers but ordinary people of sarhad and fata areas? well i guess not i have travelled from peshawar to fata to megora to swabi to topi to even attock and talked to many people so i believe that you can not just say that regional goverment of sarhad didint say anything, of course they wont they are part of the coprrupt seed and are placed in power by the federal goverment.

Oh come on lay off man

I know them better than you and Yes i not only question them but that is my job i know them better than you so please keep your topac to yourslelve dont try to impose.

and not all of us ever say topac zama kanoon do you think we live in jungle or what ??
BTW its not megora its Mingawara

u even dont know how to pronounce the area names and you are talking about wishies of people of Sarhad ????
Hi Awaaz,

I am the good kind. A small minority must not change the destiny of good law abiding hard working people. Things will change for better. People in fata will get better education, a better oppurtunity for jobs, a better future for their children. The clock has started to turn for that region----the sooner they accept this change, the sooner they will see the change in their lives.

Fata cannot keep fighting the wars for the foreigners anymore. There is a time and event for everything. The law of hospitality provided to the foreigner arab, chechen, uzbek etc cannot supercede the protection of life of an average muslim pathan. A muslim pathan---whatever his personal beliefs and tribal laws are---cannot have superior laws to those of Qura'an. So, a muslim pathan cannot provide sanctuary to any outsider if it brings death and destruction for other muslims.

And niether can a muslim pathan provide sanctuary to any foreigner if there is a chance of a christian army invading that muslim land and resulting in the death of the muslims and the destruction odf their proterties and the muslim land being occupied by the christian armies.

Now you have christian missionaries in the form of italians, americans, so koreans missionaries preaching christianity to pathans in afghanistan, where before there were none.

Bin Laden had the most criminal mind ever----he used the simplicity of the pathan mind and played the game of being offered sanctuary and used and abused this unwritten pukhtun tradition for his personal advantage and gains.

Ask your brother Usama about the suicide bombings--whence they came from---ask Usama's cohorts why this anarchy in this region. Because it is not their land. It is not their country---. Death and destruction in this area does not do them any harm---but gives them a great joy.

His own arab brothers kicked him out of saudi arabia---he got kicked out of somalia---he got kicked out of sudan---they all knew what his game was----that he was upto no good for the community and people---

He was like the horseman riding the stallion of death---the plague---did you people not see the horse he used to ride in afghanistan---he was the fifth horseman---wherever he rode---death followed through---wherever he went----he took destruction alongwith-----whomsoever gave him protection---died miserably. It is about time that fata wakes up and thinks of the pathan and pakistan first and foremost and foreigner the last.

Wake up pathan---think of your self and your family and children and sons and daughters and brothers and sisters and fathers and uncles and aunts and the land you live on first.
Their jirgas are far more reliable than the courts where trials go on for years and years and where those who are called custodian of law are themselves criminals

Do you have more information on jirga, and how they are performed. Reliable. Yes, maybe. Is it ruled through Islamic sharia?
Very eloquent Mastan Khan sahib. I'd rep you, but the system says that "I must spread it around first".:)
If you are a pushtoon mastan, looks like you have sold your soul to the devil brother. I know many pushtoons who have sold their soul to the devil and are responsible for killing their own brothers and offering their lands to be run by corrupt goverment, goverment that no one has faith in. look bb coming back and standing for election is ultimate proof of how the system is corrupt dominated by punjabis and sindhis and those pushtoons and balouchs that have sold their soul and their own kind.

If people joined pakistani union then and now that federal goverment has become repressive people should reconsider their loyalties. People of sarhad Insha Allah will realise that federal goverment and all these people in power are just wolf in sheeps clothes and will fight for pushtton land, a land where a pushttoon can be proud of his language and culture. Where he can live in peace without fear and stero typical attitudes. That day is coming, no one wants that day to come but with what goverment is doing now that is the only way.

Thinking about pakistan first and after about pushtoons doesnt make some one devil but instead patrotic. So if we go to your theory it means that only pushtoons are your brothers and not punjabis and not sindhis, well how sad it is calling so your country men while hosting terrorists like AQ and calling them your brothers. As for BB coming back, indeed it is a nightmare but not only for you for but for the rest of the country as well, but why to cry about it, why not use ur vote and cast her *** out of the elections. Like i mentioned before which you seemed to neglect and you didnt reply to my post, no one will come from abroad to solve the problems of pakistan, instead they will create more for pakistan, its us pakistanies who have to do so, we need to solve the problems of pakistan.
And please cut the pushtoon land crap out, no one cares, i have pushtoon friends who want to be more part of the main stream rather being cut away and believe me no punjab dominance is seen now a days, its mere propaganda by the enemies of pakistan and by the people like you. Many top officals in lahore a major city of punjab has pattans working on top positions. Similarly in the army as well punjab dominance is being redused and people specially from NWFP are being inducted more. The FC that is often targeted the most and taken hostage in the tribal areas, the men are beheaded from the back, are they punjabis no they are your very own people, where does the brotherhood goes then, why you kill your own people then? This just shows your double standards.
I asked you before in my post who are you, because seriously i highly doubt you are a pushtoon, to me it appears you are just a disguise of pushtoons. People of NWFP are more patrotic then you can imagine, do a little more research then following the indian media around. If still unable to understand then come to punjab so that i can show you how pushtoons are enjoying life in punjab dominace area according to you and where actually none of them will care about what you are saying.
Do you have more information on jirga, and how they are performed. Reliable. Yes, maybe. Is it ruled through Islamic sharia?

Yes webby ihave information let me come to office i will reply your querries.'

And i am talking about the real Jiragas not the rag tag ones that are held in a small community or cornor.
If still unable to understand then come to punjab so that i can show you how pushtoons are enjoying life in punjab dominace area according to you and where actually none of them will care about what you are saying.
The Punjabi dominance is what is the problem?

Well, they project that they are go getters and pace setters.

Lot of hot air!

Keep up with the Joneses!
Very eloquent Mastan Khan sahib. I'd rep you, but the system says that "I must spread it around first".:)

Sir, the warning means that you can't rep the same memeber twice in a row and must spread it around first before awarding him some more credits. ;)
The Punjabi dominance is what is the problem?

Well, they project that they are go getters and pace setters.

Lot of hot air!

Keep up with the Joneses!

:) well sir if our unable politicians only filled their own pockets as compare to those from Punjab who no doubt filled their own pockets indeed but they also had developed their province, so why to blame them instead of holding NWFP politicians responsible for the same
:) well sir if our unable politicians only filled their own pockets as compare to those from Punjab who no doubt filled their own pockets indeed but they also had developed their province, so why to blame them instead of holding NWFP politicians responsible for the same

Very well said MS. NS was corrupt but he did developed roads, a Motorway etc. Its your decision who you want to vote for and you cant blame punjab for it. For e.g the current govt of in sarhad was of the mullas, not the rulling muslim league(Q) and if they havent done a damn thing for the province, why is the central government or punjab being blamed. Did we ask you to vote for them? NO it was your own decision and you were the only people the people of sarhad to be responsible for it not we.
Its very easy to point fingers and specially in pakistan where there is no shortage of people who are on the payroll of across the boders.
The MMA getting elected last time around may have been an aberration - linked to opposition to the US invasion of Afghanistan, and exploited by the foaming at the mouth Mullahs who tied in Islam. The recent editorial in the Daily Times sheds light on how oppressive life had become in the NWFP, and lets hope the people of NWFP shed the yoke of Mullahocracy.


Jana, do you have any idea on the status of the Provincial Autonomy Bill?
The MMA getting elected last time around may have been an aberration - linked to opposition to the US invasion of Afghanistan, and exploited by the foaming at the mouth Mullahs who tied in Islam. The recent editorial in the Daily Times sheds light on how oppressive life had become in the NWFP, and lets hope the people of NWFP shed the yoke of Mullahocracy.?

Agno dear there were many reasons for their elections and the Supreme Reason was NOT anti-US sentiments as projected ;) indeed it had a good share but not all pluse they were also helped in getting elected :).

Jana, do you have any idea on the status of the Provincial Autonomy Bill?

Yes i will be posting it tommorrow.

But to tell you its not the Autonomy in the sense all of you might be thinking.
The MMA government wanted hold of some resources.
Will post in detail 2mrw.
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