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Trial of Agni-II ballistic missile fails: Sources

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Apr 28, 2011
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NEW DELHI: A user-trial of the Agni-II intermediate range nuclear-capable ballistic missile by the Strategic Forces Command (SFC) failed on Thursday.

Sources said the test-firing of the surface-to-surface Agni-II missile, which has a range over 2,000-km, from the Abdul Kalam Island off the Odisha coast flopped within minutes of its launch at about 10.20 am. "The two-stage, solid-fuelled missile was just half a kilometre into its initial flight trajectory when things went awry. The mission had to be aborted," said a source.

The defence ministry and DRDO refused to comment on the unsuccessful test.

The Agni-I (700-km), Agni-II and Agni-III (3,000-km) missiles have already been inducted into the tri-Service SFC, which was created in 2003 to handle the country's nuclear arsenal. But it will take another couple of years to make the Agni-IV (4000-km) and Agni-V (over 5,000-km), which are specially meant for nuclear deterrence against China, fully operational.

India has tested its most ambitious Agni-V missile, which is in the class of an intercontinental ballistic missile, four times till now. While the first two tests in April 2012 and September 2013 were in "an open configuration", the missile was tested in its canister-version in January 2015 and December 2016.

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This is just a report of faulty guidance system from 1999. It is 2017 and yet the inducted only nuclear delivery system is a faliure lol poor little India China will eat you alive. @rott please tag all the chinese you can we have found a big Pooo power being a power of nothing.

Better scientists that eat beef and proteins is supplied to their body thus they are able to make better designs and missiles. Deficiency of proteins can effect your thinking. You need to eat the cow to make better missiles.

Try eating Pigs too if you think it will make you import less of North Korean junks.
If the news is True, then Definitely its a Big issue which needs some Minor Fix. But "Sources" ?
DRDO NEVER hides its failures.
Try eating Pigs too if you think it will make you import less of North Korean junks.
hahahaha you are angry oh sorry to hurt your feelings. But proteins are necessary and we can get all the proteins from the Cows. Any ways the demonstration of Power has gone demonstration of weakness the only delivery system has failed. India should scrap DADOR. What a faliure is DARDO.

Every country has missile fails.
Only difference is while transparent countries like US, India reveal them; opaque and liar countries like Pakistan, China hide them.



Babu an inducted system failure. Hello this is the only thing India has to throw a nuke on Pakistan and India has just lost nuclear deterrence, Wake up this is the news of the century a Nuclear power just went non nuclear. The Indians just lost their nuclear strike capability? hello. Pakistan has 100s of different type of missiles to throw the nukes on India. India had only Agni inducted to launch a nuclear strike.
hahahaha you are angry oh sorry to hurt your feelings. But proteins are necessary and we can get all the proteins from the Cows. Any ways the demonstration of Power has gone demonstration of weakness the only delivery system has failed. India should scrap DADOR. What a faliure is DARDO.

Suggest you take help of knowledgeable Pakistani Members. It will help you in the long run.

About beef or Pork or any other read or bird meat, I have eaten all and have realized that the best food is the vegetarian food that is produced within 50 km of the area you live in.

Don't go by the headline news on Indian TV Channels and print media. Beef / Pork etc is no concern to majority of Indians. I do not like animals killed, be it any animal. That's my choice. I respect your choice to eat whatever you like. I can share the same table with you, both of us eating what we please. I do it in my normal daily living.
hahahaha you are angry oh sorry to hurt your feelings. But proteins are necessary and we can get all the proteins from the Cows. Any ways the demonstration of Power has gone demonstration of weakness the only delivery system has failed. India should scrap DADOR. What a faliure is DARDO.

Babu an inducted system failure. Hello this is the only thing India has to throw a nuke on Pakistan and India has just lost nuclear deterrence, Wake up this is the news of the century a Nuclear power just went non nuclear. The Indians just lost their nuclear strike capability? hello. Pakistan has 100s of different type of missiles to throw the nukes on India. India had only Agni inducted to launch a nuclear strike.


he British government has revealed that Prime Minister Theresa May did know that a test involving an unarmed missile that can carry nuclear weapons had gone spectacularly wrong just weeks before a vote on extending the system's use.

The Trident program is Britain's submarine-based nuclear deterrent, which has been in operation since 1994.

LOL...It seems UK just lost their strike and deterrence option as well!
Pakistan should take note and declare war on the UK to get the Kohinoor which they have been fighting the Brits to get back!
UK is now weaker than Pakistan!
@Blue Marlin isn't this terrible?!
First India didn't had a tested nuclear warhead and now the only missile capable of delivering a nuke just became junk. Do you think I will not enjoy this. Hell I am enjoying this failure.
User trials are conducted to find and iron out out such issues. Only morons would think it is a failure, they dont understand it a part of process to ensure high reliability.
Chill ....we report all success and failures. Its a mechanical system and a very normal occurrence. You should actually wonder tonight why your missile never fail. A country of your level of Industrialization and academic credentials....why your missiles always hist the bull's eye. Sit and think all the possible answers.
but your media doesn't show your failure in kashmir think all the possible answers
I hate mechanical systems!!! There's no undo/redo/delete/copy/paste etc. options!!!! Unfortunately, mechanical engineers aren't well appreciated and compensated!!!!! No wonder, guys always put them to a much lower rank in their list of choices in engineering schools!!!! This is a global issue!!!!!!
First India didn't had a tested nuclear warhead and now the only missile capable of delivering a nuke just became junk. Do you think I will not enjoy this. Hell I am enjoying this failure.
I am sharing your enjoyment in full!!!!! Have you already ordered for Kebap from your favorite restaurant??? Please limit the choice to lambs only!!!!! This is lunch time right now in my place!!!
Enjoy your lunch I am enjoying my dinner with the news of Agni failing.

Afiyet olsun...bon appetit....
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