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Travelling to the forbidden land — A Pakistani in Israel

Not to worry. Had he blown himself up in Tel Aviv you would have been the first to shout "Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan."

In fact had he been a Eskimo, born in Africa, adopted by American parents with British citizenship. Converted to Islam and blown himself up in Tel Aviv. Later they find his leather jacket was purchased in London retail store but made in Pakistan.

You would have shouted "Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan."
Anjum Chaudry is Pakistani Amir Khan is British
Indian logic :argh:
Not to worry. Had he blown himself up in Tel Aviv you would have been the first to shout "Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan."

In fact had he been a Eskimo, born in Africa, adopted by American parents with British citizenship. Converted to Islam and blown himself up in Tel Aviv. Later they find his leather jacket was purchased in London retail store but made in Pakistan.

You would have shouted "Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan."

No...but thank you for trying to read my mind and predict the future. :D
What i meant was having relation with Israel would be no different from having relation with India the same logic applies on both countries not recognizing Israel and not establishing relations with them is just silly emotionalism
This Israel was created on oppression and is continuing this and doing it in the HOLY LAND. Not only this, the deed to the Holy Land for the Children of Israel was voided by their Creator.
This Israel was created on oppression and is continuing this and doing it in the HOLY LAND.


Watch: 'I care more about Palestinians than their own leaders'
In an address posted on Facebook, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reveals the truth about Hamas, and calls on Gaza to help its own people.

Rachel Kaplan, 11/08/16 17:54

In an official Facebook post, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addresses the Gazan government:

"I'm going to say something now that some of you will not believe. But I'm going to say it anyway because it's true.

"I, the Prime Minister of Israel, care more about Palestinians than their own leaders do. Israel cares more about Palestinians than their own leaders do.

"That sounds incredible, right?

"But consider the following:

"A few days ago, the world learned that Hamas, the terrorist organization that rules Gaza, stole millions of dollars from humanitarian organizations like World Vision and the United Nations.

"Innocent and impoverished Palestinians were denied vital aid supplied from nations around the world.

"Hamas used this stolen money to build a war machine to murder Jews.

"I want you to think about that. Let that sink in.

"Hamas stole critical support for Palestinian children so that they could kill our children.

"So I ask you—who cares more about Palestinians?

"Israel, that facilitates the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza, every single day?

"Or Hamas, that robs Palestinian children of that very same aid?

"Israel, that treats wounded Palestinians from Gaza in its hospitals?

"Or Hamas that prevents injured Palestinians from getting help?

"Imagine, just imagine, where we might all be if Palestinian leaders cared as much about helping their own people as they did about hurting our people. The Palestinian people deserve better.

"And today, I express my deepest sympathy with innocent Palestinians and those well-meaning nations who generously donated money to help them.

"The cynicism and cruelty of Hamas is hurting all of us. It's hurting peace."​

Not only this, the deed to the Holy Land for the Children of Israel was voided by their Creator.
So when facts don't serve, religion must be invoked?

Watch: 'I care more about Palestinians than their own leaders'
In an address posted on Facebook, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reveals the truth about Hamas, and calls on Gaza to help its own people.

Rachel Kaplan, 11/08/16 17:54

In an official Facebook post, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addresses the Gazan government:

"I'm going to say something now that some of you will not believe. But I'm going to say it anyway because it's true.

"I, the Prime Minister of Israel, care more about Palestinians than their own leaders do. Israel cares more about Palestinians than their own leaders do.

"That sounds incredible, right?

"But consider the following:

"A few days ago, the world learned that Hamas, the terrorist organization that rules Gaza, stole millions of dollars from humanitarian organizations like World Vision and the United Nations.

"Innocent and impoverished Palestinians were denied vital aid supplied from nations around the world.

"Hamas used this stolen money to build a war machine to murder Jews.

"I want you to think about that. Let that sink in.

"Hamas stole critical support for Palestinian children so that they could kill our children.

"So I ask you—who cares more about Palestinians?

"Israel, that facilitates the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza, every single day?

"Or Hamas, that robs Palestinian children of that very same aid?

"Israel, that treats wounded Palestinians from Gaza in its hospitals?

"Or Hamas that prevents injured Palestinians from getting help?

"Imagine, just imagine, where we might all be if Palestinian leaders cared as much about helping their own people as they did about hurting our people. The Palestinian people deserve better.

"And today, I express my deepest sympathy with innocent Palestinians and those well-meaning nations who generously donated money to help them.

"The cynicism and cruelty of Hamas is hurting all of us. It's hurting peace."​

So when facts don't serve, religion must be invoked?
Actions speak louder than words. By kicking people from their homelands and only letting those of them who accept the occupation to be citizens does not count as caring in my book.

The Lord God most high severely chastised the Children of Israel in the Quran and has revoked their title deed to the Holy Land. And the Lord God is not unjust.
The Children of Israel are being taken for a ride by the Anti-Christ and they will suffer the same fate as Pharaoh.

Watch: 'I care more about Palestinians than their own leaders'
In an address posted on Facebook, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reveals the truth about Hamas, and calls on Gaza to help its own people.

Rachel Kaplan, 11/08/16 17:54

In an official Facebook post, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addresses the Gazan government:

"I'm going to say something now that some of you will not believe. But I'm going to say it anyway because it's true.

"I, the Prime Minister of Israel, care more about Palestinians than their own leaders do. Israel cares more about Palestinians than their own leaders do.

"That sounds incredible, right?

"But consider the following:

"A few days ago, the world learned that Hamas, the terrorist organization that rules Gaza, stole millions of dollars from humanitarian organizations like World Vision and the United Nations.

"Innocent and impoverished Palestinians were denied vital aid supplied from nations around the world.

"Hamas used this stolen money to build a war machine to murder Jews.

"I want you to think about that. Let that sink in.

"Hamas stole critical support for Palestinian children so that they could kill our children.

"So I ask you—who cares more about Palestinians?

"Israel, that facilitates the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza, every single day?

"Or Hamas, that robs Palestinian children of that very same aid?

"Israel, that treats wounded Palestinians from Gaza in its hospitals?

"Or Hamas that prevents injured Palestinians from getting help?

"Imagine, just imagine, where we might all be if Palestinian leaders cared as much about helping their own people as they did about hurting our people. The Palestinian people deserve better.

"And today, I express my deepest sympathy with innocent Palestinians and those well-meaning nations who generously donated money to help them.

"The cynicism and cruelty of Hamas is hurting all of us. It's hurting peace."​

So when facts don't serve, religion must be invoked?

Sure sure they care so much they murder them steal their land and create a apartheid state
This Israel was created on oppression and is continuing this and doing it in the HOLY LAND. Not only this, the deed to the Holy Land for the Children of Israel was voided by their Creator.
How about this:
You are a British, you can come over, see how we "kill Arab children in the street"
Don't like it? come back.

This Israel was created on oppression and is continuing this and doing it in the HOLY LAND. Not only this, the deed to the Holy Land for the Children of Israel was voided by their Creator.
I can tell you that:
If you wanted peace, there would have been.
But posting bunch of propaganda such as "we kill children" wont help.
Look at this video.
When the Palestinians will love their children more than they hate us, peace will happen.
How about this:
You are a British, you can come over, see how we "kill Arab children in the street"
Don't like it? come back.

I can tell you that:
If you wanted peace, there would have been.
But posting bunch of propaganda such as "we kill children" wont help.
Look at this video.
When the Palestinians will love their children more than they hate us, peace will happen.

Peace will happen when the oppressor, occupier and murderer of the Palestinians stops occupying them
Actions speak louder than words. By kicking people from their homelands and only letting those of them who accept the occupation to be citizens does not count as caring in my book.
Did the Jews, Hindus, etc. who made up 25% of the Pakistani population in 1947 and now just number 3% magically disappear, then?

Really, we've been through this before, you and I. Pakistanis are taught that Israel is the oppressor,etc. not as a matter of fact but as a matter of required ideology: questioning it is a punishable offense, a directive decried by Pakistani human rights groups as a "shallow and fascistic mindset that leads to radicalization in the society.": link. So standing on an ideology and pretending it is fact does you no credit, TMA.
Peace will happen when the oppressor, occupier and murderer of the Palestinians stops occupying them
Peace will happen until you will accept the fact that we don't oppress, occupy or murder anyone.
If we wanted to murder the Palestinians we would have. But we don't.
The Palestinians intentionally send their children to throw rocks trying to make the soldiers angry and hurt them, then send a photographer to capture this, as shown here:

Stop the propaganda and aim for peace and you'll get it, keep it up only will ensure your fall.
Travelling to the forbidden land — A Pakistani in Israel
As a Pakistani who immigrated to Canada, I had always pledged to myself that the first country I would travel to after acquiring citizenship and a Canadian passport would be Israel.

Having heard stories of the Holy Land from friends, my excitement knew no bounds. That said, I was apprehensive aplenty because I had heard accounts of people who were denied entry by Israeli customs owing to their Pakistani and/or Muslim background.

On Feb 17, 2016, loaded with prayers and advice, I embarked on a British Airways flight to Israel. I arrived at the Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv at 5am local time.

Upon arriving at the Israeli customs, an officer interrogated me in a sombre voice: Do I know anybody in Israel? Do I know Arabic? Have I ever been to the Middle East?

He also asked to see my Pakistani passport, which I wasn't carrying with me since it had expired.

Taking my Canadian passport, he pointed me towards a waiting area. I had earlier anticipated such a scenario and hence had brought a copy of a Lonely Planet Guide on Israel, which I then proceeded to read.

After 30 minutes, I was called in a room by another custom officer, who asked me my purpose of visit, and why I had chosen to visit Israel and not some other country. Slowly and painstakingly, he typed my answers into his computer.

After peppering me with a few other questions pertaining to my move to Canada and my profession, the officer asked me to write my full name and e-mail address on a piece of paper and then told me to wait in the same waiting area.

An hour went by before I was called by a young lady officer for another question-and-answer session. Seated in a room which had a picture of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and an Israeli flag on display, I answered just about every question under the sun.

The session lasted for about 45 minutes. In the end, I was told that she would verify all the information I had provided.

Following a wait of four hours since I had landed, a lady came to me with my passport in her hand. She handed me an entry visa on a separate piece of paper and directed me to the luggage machine.

I collected my backpack and immediately phoned my father to inform that I was finally going to Jerusalem!

Been to Israel once (for a week) on a training.
On my return voyage, I went to the Ben Gurion Airport.
Asked someone for the SAS checkin counter, and she pointed at a corner, "...and go to the left".
I found SAS, and they had two open check-in counters,
one with a couple of hundred in line, and one with four guys waiting.

- Thank God, I am flying business class I thought, and waited a few minutes and then I was checked in.

As I had taken two steps towards the gates, the girl at the counter cried:

Excuse me sir, You did not pass security!

So I was take aside for questioning by a girl.

- How come I flew to Israel from Helsinki on Austrian Airlines, but leave on an SAS flight for Stockholm?
: Was on an exhibition in Helsinki.
- What did You do Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday? Thursday? Friday? ...
: <long story>
- Do You have anyone that can vouch for You?
: <names, names, names...>
- What do You have in Your bag? DON'T OPEN THE BAG!

She kept on asking questions for fifteen minutes, then she left, and another girl came up
and started asking questions:

- How come I flew to Israel from Helsinki on Austrian Airlines, but leave on an SAS flight for Stockholm?
: Was on an exhibition in Helsinki.
- What did You do Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday? Thursday? Friday? ...
: <long story>
- Do You have anyone that can vouch for You?
: <names, names, names...>
- What do You have in Your bag? DON'T OPEN THE BAG!

When she was ready after fifteen minutes, she left and a third girl came up
and started asking questions:

- How come I flew to Israel from Helsinki on Austrian Airlines, but leave on an SAS flight for Stockholm?
: Was on an exhibition in Helsinki.
- What did You do Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday? Thursday? Friday? ...
: <long story>
- Do You have anyone that can vouch for You?
: <names, names, names...>
- What do You have in Your bag? DON'T OPEN THE BAG!

Meanwhile the first two girls compared my answers, and when they finally were happy,
after a total of 45 minutes, the first girl came back, and apologized,
and hoped I realized that it was only for my security.

So I replied:

- I don't mind that girls are interested in me, even if it is only for professional reasons!

The other passengers were curious why the third degree, but looking at the incident
from a distance, I think bypassing the security check saved me at least one hour, LOL...
Pakistan wants to be seen as "The Islamic country" and recognized as defender of muslims. In such a scenario recognizing/having relation israel would be hara-kiri. Second think about the backlash at home. By the way even wahabbis can do it and get away with it. But as pakistan is trying to be more loyal than king, its a hard choice.
Iran wont be pleased either.

If we wanted to be seen as the defender of Muslim's, believe me we wouldn't be doing a lot of things right now.

Did the Jews, Hindus, etc. who made up 25% of the Pakistani population in 1947 and now just number 3% magically disappear, then?

Really, we've been through this before, you and I. Pakistanis are taught that Israel is the oppressor,etc. not as a matter of fact but as a matter of required ideology: questioning it is a punishable offense, a directive decried by Pakistani human rights groups as a "shallow and fascistic mindset that leads to radicalization in the society.": link. So standing on an ideology and pretending it is fact does you no credit, TMA.

The number of minorities decreasing is because Bangladesh got independence, and they had most of the minorities.
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